It's Fine

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Tubbo's POV // TRIGGER WARNING: Panic attacks may occur//

After Tom ran rudely into my office, his  words hiccupped and quivered barely getting any words out of his mouth. However, one managed to escape leading me to a frenzy panic " Ranboo" He quivered. With no hesitation, I stood up quickly and dashed out of my room hearing books and papers knock over along with Tommy's footsteps behind me. I ran into the kitchen, seeing my uncle laying on the floor still with vegetables and a pan surrounding him on the floor. I got on my knees shook my uncle awake and got him onto a sofa as quickly as possible, " Move Tommy!" I shouted in panic, causing the frightened boy to back up to a wall, he slid down it and put his knees up to his chest. I can deal with him later ,I thought to myself as I staggered searching around the room for something to help him. 

Never mind that, I kneeled onto one knee by the sofa where Ranboo was placed at, I put my hand on his forehead. It was ice cold. He was also knocked out by the looks of it. Putting my hand on his forehead and stomach, I started to chant. White particles emitted from the pales of my hands, making a glow on his clothes and head. 

In desperation, my tears started to spew over the edge of my eyes covering my vision. No, it's not the correct time to cry I thought to myself. Wiping my tears with my shoulder as best as I could, I focused back to Ranboo.

I glanced over to Tommy over the sofa, the boy was in a ball, his knees to his chest, his head buried in them and what looked like he was trembling, I could barely make out what he was mumbling " I'm sorry" was the main phrase. I kept glancing back and forth from the chant to Tommy, he started rocking back and forth. Suddenly, without realising I finished the spell; I felt Ranboo gently get up from the laying position I put him in. " Argh.. my head, what happened?" Ranboo asked carefully, still clenching his head. With a relived sigh I said " You passed out, Tommy came to get me." looking back at Tommy who finally released from the intense pose, getting up and ultimately dashing straight at Ranboo, jumping over the sofa onto him. Squeezing him tightly. 

" Oh, I'm so sorry Tommy if I frightened you..." Ranboo stated, patting Tom's back and rubbing it in circles. Ranboo glanced around in a puzzled movement " What were we doing before hand?" He asked once more, clenching his head tighter in hopes to remember. " It's Tommy's birthday, wanted to teach him about magic" I answered the question in a relaxed tone. In reality, I wanted to cry, scream and demand answers for his lack of memory. Why was it getting so frequent? Never mind that, I placed my hand on his leg " You should get rest. I can teach him today about some of the magic." I expressed in a soft tone, him nodding in agreement and letting Tommy go. He slowly got up and walked towards my office. Before I could say anything Ranboo got another grip of his dishwasher blonde partially black hair, falling back onto the sofa and hitting a cushion, " Ranboo- RANBOO. Calm down-" I said in a panic, gripping the back of his neck to prevent any more twitching movement, his eyes looked dull before they closed... He probably blacked out... I thought to myself. Letting go of his neck, sighing and covering him in a thick blanket, despite it being hot, he was ice cold, colder than the usual winter days in this land. 

I got to my office, where I saw Tommy slumped over in my chair, with his knees once again up to his chest and him just staring out into space. His red and orange flower was hanging from his ear, but this didn't seem to faze him at all, it made me feel very guilty for being rude to him. But this guilt wasn't enough to stop it. 

I walked over to the desk, accidently kicking it in the process frightening the boy into what seemed to be hyperventilation. Pulling back from the unexpected occurrence, I staggered backwards into the book shelf making some of my spell books fall. He snapped a glace at the books, I noticed that he started trembling. Ignoring the precious books on the floor I hesitantly went towards him, reaching out and  placing my hand on his tiny shoulder, making him look at me with startled eyes; grabbing now both of his shoulders, making him face me as I looked into his baby blue eyes " H-hey, Tommy it's fine. Ranboo is going to be okay. Now... count with me" I stated, making him gulp hardly to potentially remove a hard lump that was stuck in his throat. He gasped for air, breathing in slowly and exhaling slowly. " 1...2...3...4..." We counted together, as he started to what looked like dissociate, " Tommy, stay with me, 5...6...7..." I continued, attracting his attention once. Making stern eye contact, he's finally calmed down. I knelt down to the chair, giving his a hug " It will all be fine..." I  stated, hoping for it to be true as tears started to stab my dark chocolate eyes. 

After a few minutes of clearing up papers and books from the floor, I turned back to Tommy who managed to get the black book back, he had the very first page open. His ears perked despite him being human, it was clear he keened an interest into the book, but that didn't change his facial expression. I walked over to his, grabbing a soft stool from the back of the room by the window and placed it right next to him, I gently took the book of him and flipped to the table content. There were many magic paths to pick from, I turned the book to show him " You want to learn all of this?" I questioned with a serious tone accidently, noticing my tone I shook my head in a way to prevent me from correcting it. Either way, he still replied with a tiny nod, sighing I turned to the first chapter; Types of Mages and magic.

I started reading it, having him follow along with the words in the book.

Jainil Mages:(blue)

Jainil means Victorious.

Symbolises the triumph of lord Vishnu as the victorious blue.

Vishnu is the preserver and protector of of the universe ( restore balance of good and evil)

The person is or must posses these traits in order to gain full access to the powers:

Loyalty, Fidelity, bravery, dedication, serenity and calmness.

Abilities: Invisibility, Imitation, division.

The mage can lose its power if loyalty or any other trait is not grounded.

Cons: Loses stamina quite quickly and easily. 

Anini Mages: (White)

Anini  both means spring flower and " everything is she"

Mages of this power also got their name from the Goddess of Justice and Alleviation , Goddess Wardah Anini. 

Wardah meaning Rose. 

The person must poses or have these traits:

Honesty, gratitude, kindness, forgiveness and independence.

Abilities: Healing, shielding, summoning beings such as angels. 

Cons: Loyalty is not acceptable as a trait, as the mages of healing swore an oath to heal and protect anyone in need of it. 

Before we could continue reading  Tom paused turning to me saying " This is what you are, aren't you? An Anini Mage?" He asked curiously tilting his head slightly to the side, I sighed " Yes Tommy I am an Anini Mage." I stated before turning back to the book, he looked at me deeply. As if I were hiding something from him. Suddenly, a cold chill went down my spine, I froze instantly, closing the book and placing it on the desk " Tom.. that's enough for the day, you can read it in your room" I commanded, gritting through my teeth, shocking him as he quickly jumped off the chair, grabbing the book from the desk and walking out of my office with no question on why I sent him out.

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