Mage Mystery

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8th April 1665 , A day before Tommy's Birthday

Ranboo's POV

It's already been a week since that incident, Tommy has learnt quite quickly and that never occurred since then. I'm proud of Tommy, he's a young lad with loads of energy and wants to do something in the world, most of the time his energy goes towards something negative like anger or something else. But Tubbo gave me a suggestion on what could be done about it.

" Hey Ranboo, I thought maybe you could teach Tommy to become a mage? Or just to learn some form of magic." Tubbo said bluntly, to be fair, it wasn't a bad idea. But do I have the time on my hands to teach him? " That seems to be a great idea, however, I don't think I could teach him that often... how about you teach him?" I asked, Tubbo chocked on the glass of water that he was chugging down, he just came back from training his horse. " Me?! Oh no, no chance. Uncle,  I am a mage in training! I can't teach him." He said, however he trailed off at the end and never heard his ending sentence, " Come on Tubbo, it will be a good bonding experience for the both of you!" I stated in an upbeat tone in hopes  of it convincing him to say yes. I received a laugh in response " HA! Bonding?! With him--- Fine..." Tubbo was struck frozen in the mids of forming his sentence before changing his mind. I got up and gave him a hug " Thanks Tubbo, don't worry I will help from time to time with it. " I stated patting his back and releasing from the hug. " Yeah yeah, so that's his present for tomorrow? What are we going to give him? A book?" Tubbo scoffed, clearly taking this as a joke. I smiled sarcastically " No, you will teach him a levitating spell first." I said in a chirpy tone. Leaving him with rolling his eyes at me, I patted his shoulder and left to go into the kitchen.

Once again, I saw Tommy in the garden through the kitchen window. He's carried the water can about five times now with no resistance nor anger. He's learned to become a bit more patient I see. I thought to myself while I smiled. I turned away from the counter top to lean against the window, Tommy for once had a soft smile on his face, his expression caused a warm, proud fuzzy feeling in my chest. I watched him as he delicately touched the purple headed flowers, thanks to him and his hard work he made the garden look gorgeous and magnificent. The flowerbeds mainly created a labyrinth and in the centre was the water fountain that trickled down water smoothly. It was a really breath taking view, the widowed trees  in the back, bushes that offered protection to the flower beds. It was a great garden, to make it even better, I created a little path at the  back of the garden into a large opening which led to a tree with a tyre swing on it. Tommy spent most of his days there, swinging and watching the birds fly by. It was better than for him to be inside and read all day, he had something else to do; and now he will be even busier studying magic. 

He put down the water can by the fountain, kneeled down and dipped his hands into the fountain, sploshing and splashing with a satisfied smile. Then he got up wiped his hands on his red 3/4 dungarees/ suspenders. He wore a pastel yellow shirt and underneath it a long white sleeved shirt. It suited him very well. I noticed he had a flower on his ear, it was pure red, not a poppy nor a rose. It looked like a red trumpet creeper flower. It had an unusual shape at the bottom, but the top of it was incredible. He walked towards the swing and started swinging, I smiled returning back to my station to prepare lunch.

A few minutes later, I managed to prepare a Mediterranean Grilled chicken salad for all three of us. The smell of the roasted chicken and the vegetables made my stomach growl. I set up the plates for lunch onto the kitchen island, Tommy sat next to me and Tubbo sat right across us. Each plate along with silverware were placed gently onto the island, with food already served on it. I walked to Tubbo's room, disturbing his studies I knocked "Hey, it's time for lunch." I said softly, leaving the door open getting a reassuring nod that he will be down soon. I went back into the kitchen, opened the kitchen window to the garden and shouted "Tommy! Come inside it's time for lunch!" I exclaimed, hearing me he immediately jumped off the swing and sprinted to the front of the house. 

Tommy came in, excited and ready to eat about to climb the chair " Ah ah, wait Tommy aren't you forgetting something?" I teased, sitting down on his seat to prevent him from getting on, he gave me a grumpy look, looked down on his hands and sighed dragging his feet towards the sink. I chuckled, getting up from his seat and sitting on mine. The water from the tap run as I heard Tommy scrub his hands, finally after a few seconds, the tap turned off, he dried off his hands and climbed onto the chair next to me. " See! All clean! Tommy never forgets!" He said proudly, placing his hands on his hips and puffed out his chest; the little soldier carried on his battle yet again another day, this time it was because of his hand washing habit. 

Tommy once again without hesitation, grabbed the fork and dived right into the meal. So did I, putting the fork in my hand I slowly started to eat. A few minutes passed, and Tubbo finally arrived at the island, with a book still in his hand and super glued to his face  " Tubbo put down the book please and eat, the food is already cold." Tubbo glared up from the book and slowly placed it upside down on the counter and started eating. Tommy was done with his food, " Finished first! Thanks for the food." He cheered, jumping off the stool, grabbing his plate and washing it in the sink and skipped away. 

Meanwhile, Tubbo and I were still eating. " Hey, I was just reading up on magic, I knew all of this but there are multiple spells to learn and that leads you down a specific path the mage in training wants to go down on." He stated as I swallowed the chicken, " You for example, are an Alchemist, a mage that mainly works on potions, spells etc. Me, I'm training to be a dove mage, also known as a white mage, training to heal and cast curing spells. But that does not mean I can resurrect the dead." He finished with a grin on his face, I smiled looking at him I spoke " I already know all of this Tubbo, your point is?" I asked, waving my fork around. He took another bite out of the meal, swallowed and spoke " I mean that there are too many options to pick from, we can't chose for him. Maybe at first I should just tell him all of them, then he can decided what to do?" Tubbo suggested, shoving the rest of the cold food in his mouth, carried the plate to the sink and washed it.

 " that's actually a good idea." I said pointing the fork in his direction, following his every move back to his seat, he stretched before grabbing the book once more, " I know, I'm smart at times" he said cockily with a grin on his face.  

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