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Life is love. 

Life is fear. 

Life is fear of loving and loving the moments of fear 

Like that second before the roller coaster drops. 

Life is sadness. 

Life is anger and pain 

And fury and misery and too many words

To describe the evil. 

Life is death. 

But life is also beautiful. 

Life is a sunset over the water, 

Life is the smile on the face of a young child, 

Life is the moment in the middle of a storm 

When the universe stops, 

Hanging suspended in midair,

And for a second the world is one flash of lightning 

And that one flash of lightning is the world. 

Life is when the rain washes away all the sadness 

And you can finally cry because 

It will just look like raindrops on your face. 

Life is when you realize something amazing, 

And you jump around screaming like a maniac, 

Because there are no better words to express that feeling. 

Life is friends 

And enemies 

And friends that turn into enemies and enemies that turn into friends, 

And those people that stay exactly the same 

And you know that whatever happens they'll be the same as they were yesterday 

And the day before that 

And the day before that 

And the day before that

Forever and ever and ever. 

Life is when the whole universe can be encapsulated 

In a single word

Though no one knows exactly what it is. 

I suppose it's different for everyone. 

Life is when you realize 

That life is life is life 

And that out there thousands of people right now 

Are writing their own stories about what life is, 

Thousands of universes 

Thousands of lives that keep growing and changing 

And turning into more tiny universes that can be summed up 

In a single word or in infinite. You choose. 

Life is love. 

Life is fear. 

Life is learning to love fear, and life is fear of loving too much.

Except you can never love too much,

Don't you know that, 


The person reading this, 

And also the person writing it right now? 

Remember what life is. 

Remember everyone's stories. 

Remember that even now, when things seem wrong, 

There are billions of universes out there 

And yours is right. 

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro