"Back To The Future."

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"If you could go back in time to save the one person you love, would you do it? If saving this person resulted in certain events never happening? Events like meeting the love of your life, having true friends, or growing up in the same house as your best friend? Would you still do it? Would you risk it all just to save that one person?"

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I don't know, should I?"

"Bear, this is your decision..."

"I know, but what do you think I should do?"

"What I think is that if you really knew what you wanted to do, you wouldn't be asking me or anyone else." Barry's eyes widen slightly at my mini outburst.

"You're right... I'm just so conflicted."

"Why are you conflicted?"

"I don't know... What if I never meet you? What if I don't become the Flash? What if everything changes?"

"Then it changes. The question is, will it be worth it?" I ask, silently hoping that he changes his mind and keeps Thawne in the Pipeline where he belongs.

"Yeah... yeah, it'll be worth it." He says almost half heartedly but it hurts all the same.

"Then you have your answer." I say, not meeting his eyes. "I have to go." Barry doesn't have a chance to say anything as I'm already gone. In my emotion filled haze I end up in the Pipeline.

"What a nice surprise." The unmistakable voice of Eobard Thawne says.

"Shut your damn mouth." I say, wiping the tears from my face with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. That's when I realize that it's not mine, but Barry's. It's his gray CCU sweatshirt.

"You know, before you came here that newspaper said Iris West-Allen, not Becca Reed-Allen."

"And I need to know this because?"

"You changed the future. I thought since Barry became the Flash before he was supposed to then you wouldn't come but you did and that is not ok."

"Well, I hate to break it to you but the future isn't always set in stone."

"There was no mention of you for months after the Accelerator exploded and then, poof, there you were. In my timeline, you and Barry were a force to be reckoned with. You both were unstoppable. Not even GodSpeed had a chance."

"GodSpeed? Who the hell is that?"

"Like I would tell you."

"Well, my apologies, your highness." After my little chat with the villainous speedster I make my way to the Cortex.

"Sup, shorty." Cisco says.

"Hey, Cisco." I say.

"You ok? Usually you act offended when I call you that."

"Barry decided to do it." I say, not looking at him but at Barry's suit.

"Oh. Okay. Then Ronnie, Stein, and I need to get working on the time machine."

"Yeah, you do that." I say, still not looking at him.

"Why don't get out of here for a little while? You know, to clear your head."

"Ok, I'll be back to say goodbye to Barry."

"Sounds good.I'll text you."

"See you later, Cisco."

"See you." He says as I exit the Cortex.

Today Thawne was getting what he wanted. Today he was going back to the future.

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