"Fallen Heroes."

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We were all gathered- sans Barry- around the time machine awaiting Thawne's departure.

"Wow, look at this. Rip Hunter would be impressed." Who the hell was that? 

"Just go back to where you came from." I say, rolling my eyes.

"I plan to, Cyclone."

"Wha-" Before I can finish my sentence I am cut off by a helmet flying from the wormhole created by Barry.

"That's my cue to leave." Thawne says while glancing at said helmet. Before he can make his escape, Barry comes flying towards the time machine, shattering it with his fist. Pushing himself up, the evil speedster says, "You didn't save her? You didn't save her?!"

"I couldn't let you win."

"And why not?!"

"That doesn't matter." Barry says, racing after Thawne. As the speedsters grapple with each other I go forward to help but Joe holds me back.

"I can help." I say, giving him a look.

"This is Barry's fight."

"Thawne'll kill him!" 

Bang! "Eddie!" Iris screams, running over to her lover. Joe and I run over as well.

"Hold on, partner." Joe says while trying to stint the blood coming from Eddie's chest.

"Joe... he's sacrificing himself. He's Thawne's ancestor." I say quietly. Iris cries in realization.

"I love you, ok?"

"I love you, Iris..." Eddie rasps before taking his last breath. The life drains from his eyes as Eobard erases from existence.

"What's happening?" I ask.

"He's being erased from the timeline." Barry answers as the wormhole becomes unstable, pulling the shattered pieces of the time machine in its wake.

"We have to get out of here!" Cisco yells.

"Iris, we have to leave him. Come on." I say, lifting her off the ground.

"No! I can't! I can't leave him!" She says, struggling against my grasp. Joe helps me and we drag her out of there. Gathering outside, Stein informs us that there is singularity forming in the sky which was due to the wormhole collapsing in on itself. Thawne was right and we were all in deep shit.

"How're we gonna stop it?!"

"I don't know!" Barry yells, looking at me then the darkening sky.

"I have an idea. It's a crazy one but it just might work!" Cisco says, shouting to the both of us.

"What's your idea, Cisco?!"

"Maybe you can use your air manipulation to get control of the singularity!"

"That might just work!" 

Barry pulls me aside and says, "Please be careful. I can't lose you."

"You won't lose me, ok?"

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you." We share a quick kiss and I get in position. My hands pointed to the sky, I try to will the singularity to get smaller so I can gain control. That's when I feel something trickle from my nose. Blood. My vision begins to blur which causes me to lose control, swaying slightly.

"You need to stop."

"No, I have to keep trying."

"Please. I don't want to lose you."



"Okay." I sit against the side of the building, drained.

"Cisco! What if I unravel it?!"

"That could work!" Hearing this, Barry races up a nearby building and launches himself into the belly of the beast. At some point, Ronnie and Stein decide to merge so they can separate at the epicenter of the singularity. Before we know it, Stein is crashing back to earth and Barry is running as fast as he can to catch him. Stein is sat next to me, Caitlin asking Barry where Ronnie is.

"Ronnie is dead."

"No, no! He can't be!"

"I'm sorry, Caitlin." She falls into his embrace, sobbing. Everyone else following suit , mourning the loss of our fallen heroes.

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