"I'm Gonna Kill You, Iris."

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*Outfit for the day at the top*

"No.. Stop! Please!" I gasp, waking up with a cold sweat covering my body. I'm not there anymore. I'm safe-as safe as I can be, anyways.

"Are you ok," Barry says as he bursts through the door. I look down to see ice or rather frost covering the bed, which only happens when I'm afraid. I really need to learn how to control my abilities.

"I'm fine," I say looking back up at him, quickly covering the frost.

"No, you're not," he says, looking me dead in the eyes.

I sigh and say, "Fine. You're right. I had a bad dream..."

He sits beside me and puts his hand on my knee in a comforting manner. "Everything is gonna be ok. Do you want to talk about it?"

"I... I.. can't," I say, tears blurring my vision as my voice cracks.

"Hey, it's ok." 

"No, it's not. Nothing is ok. I may be safe for now, but I won't be truly safe. Not until..."

I stop myself before I can say her name. The name of my so called best friend. The friend who betrayed my trust and is now hunting me. 

"Not until what?"

Oh, Barry. I wish I could tell you.

" Nothing. It's nothing. I'm gonna try to go back to sleep."

He looks at me with sad eyes, nods slightly, and says, "Ok, goodnight. I'm across the hall if you need anything."

"Ok, thank you."

I don't know how much longer I can keep this from him... I just have to remind myself that I'm keeping them safe. If they don't know, they don't get hurt. Like that one girl did. The girl I had met when I tried and failed to escape before. Astra found me and slit the girl's throat right in front of me. It can't happen again, not to these people...


I wake up rubbing my eyes. I must have passed out after Barry left. At least I didn't have another nightmare... I get up and get dressed for the day- I had taken a shower last night. Heading downstairs, I see Joe and Barry conversing in hushed whispers.

"Hey... um, is there anything for breakfast?" I say very awkwardly.

"Uh, yeah. Right in here." Barry says, directing me to the kitchen.

"This looks so good. Thank you for everything, Bear (*A/N: this is Bex's twist on his nickname*). I hope it's ok if I call you that. I know we only met yesterday."

"It's totally ok, means you're getting comfortable. So... um, I got you a phone... I noticed that you  didn't have one. I totally get it if you think it's too weird." He says, rubbing the back of his neck nervously (?).

"Oh." I can't exactly say no because then I'd have to explain why and it's not like Astra can track it because I had a burner when I got here, which I threw out yesterday in the dumpster behind Jitters. 

"It's too weird isn't it. I knew it. Joe even said you would think it was and that you would find it creepy."

"No, it's not weird or creepy. It's actually kinda sweet. Thank you."

He smiles and hands me the phone. It's an iPhone 6 Plus. Wow. "It's really no big deal. I can stay here and help you set it up, if you want that is."

"That would be great." Suddenly, Iris walks through the door and heads over to us.

"Oh, hey Bethany."

"Hey, Iris. What's up?"

"Not much. What's that?"

"Oh, Barry got me a phone since I didn't have one."

"Awesome." She says, taking my new phone. "Here's my number."

"Thank you. You are now officially the first number that I have on my phone."

"Great, it was good seeing you. I'm just gonna grab something I left here and get out of your hair."

"It was good seeing you too."

Later that day, I got a text and it wasn't from Iris:

Of course she put his number in my phone... and the contact name, seriously?! I'm gonna kill you, Iris.

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