"Things You Can't Outrun."

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Today we found what Cisco calls the Time Vault. And what we found sent icy fear through our veins. Wells or rather Thawne had been watching us, all of us- including me. 

"Hello, Barry Allen." A voice said, making me jump about two feet in the air.

"Who's there?"

"Barry, rule one of horror movies, don't ask who's there. That's how you get killed."

He looks at me and says, "Sorry."

"My name is Gideon. I was created by you."

"I did?"

"Yes, you did."

"What do you know about Barry, Gideon?" I ask the A.I., genuinely curious.

"Barry Allen- Director of the CSI devision at CCPD, Husband to Becca Reed-Allen, and co founder of the-" Barry cuts her off and asks, "Why is Wells here?"

"To kill you."


"He wants Becca to suffer."

"Why has he been helping me get faster?"

"He needs you to be the Flash."

Before Barry can ask another question a news article takes Gideon's place.

"Flash missing in crisis, 2024." I say, reading the title.

"Look at the byline." Cisco tells us, pointing it out to us.

"Becca Reed-Allen." I read, shocked. Hearing Gideon say that Barry was my husband was shocking enough, but reading it was a whole other story.

"Guys, we have to go. Wells is here." Cisco says frantically.

"Gideon, please tell Wells we weren't here." Barry asks said A.I. before flashing all of us out of there.

What a crazy day. Speaking of crazy, did I mention that Caitlin's fiancé, Ronnie, was alive. That includes Martin Stein. Which in turn makes the Meta Human, Firestorm. I know I should have mentioned it before but its been a weird few months. What I find cool about them is that when they combine they can fly, Ronnie's eyes turn white, they can throw fire, and are literally engulfed in flames. 

"That was insane." Cisco states.

"Yeah, it really was." I say agreeing with him.

"I guess there are just some things you can't outrun."

*Really short again, sorry guys. I'll try to make the next one longer*

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