Chapter 3: Infiltration/Saving the Archer/Death of Ra's Al Ghul

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(At the Fortress of Solitude, Catwoman is seen infiltrating on the place.)

Catwoman: You say "impenetrable fortress", All I hear is "candy store".

(The other heroes get in the fortress through the front door, but then they get confronted by Jonathan Kent.)

Accel: Great, Superman placed his old man here.

Batman: (shocked) No.

Jonathan: You should go, quickly.

Accel: (glares) You think I'm gonna listen to you? How would your dearest son react if I took away his remaining family, just like he did to mine?

Batman: Hiro, we're leaving.

Accel: (stern) Not without leaving a mark on Superman!

G. Arrow: What about the fate of the world?

Batman: Superman is not thinking clearly. If he thinks even for a moment, we're...

(Suddenly they see Superman choking Captain Atom to death.)

Superman: (glares) You.

(Superman breaks Captain Atom's neck, and then he approaches the heroes, but Jonathan stops him.)

Jonathan: Calm down, son. I'm fine.

Accel: Not for much longer.

Superman: You're all under arrest. (glares at Accel) Especially you, for threatening the life of a citizen.

Accel: My family were citizens as well, and you killed them!

Batman: We won't be arrested.

(Then Superman feels some pain in his head.)

Superman: ARGH!

Jonathan: What are you doing? Stop!

Batman: This needs to happen, Mr. Kent.

(Superman screams in pain as we zoom in to inside his brain, where The Atom is seen with a kryptonite fragment.)

Batman: The Atom has entered your skull with a microscopic shard of kryptonite. He'll make sure you don't do anything else.

(Back to the heroes.)

Batman: Huntress, Arrow, load it up.

(The two insurgents do so, and out of a sudden, Accel kicks Batman away before grabbing Superman in the throat.)

Jonathan: No, stop.

Accel: (glares) Any last words, tyrant?

(Suddenly someone blasts him away, and then he turns to see Ra's Al Ghul and the League of Assassins.)

Ra's Al Ghul: Perhaps... I can be of assistance.

(Then the assassins charge at the heroes, who have to fight them. Accel gets up and sees Ra's Al Ghul helping Superman.)

Accel: (shocked) No.

Ra's Al Ghul: Breathe. (puts a gas mask on him) This is concentrated chemotherapeutic gas.

(Cut to The Atom, he sees the gas, and tries to escape, but gets caught and killed.)

Ra's Al Ghul: Its radiation is harmless to you, but deadly to microscopic terrorists.

(As The Atom is reduced to dust, Accel decides to pull out another Gaia Memory as Green Arrow approaches him and aims at Superman with a kryptonite arrow.)

G. Arrow: Don't make me do this.

(Superman tries to approach the duo as Green Arrow shoots the arrow, but Superman deflects it, and it hits Jonathan.)

Jonathan: (weakly) Cl-Clark.

Superman: (worried) Dad!

(Superman goes to check on his dead, and then the heroes see the scene.)

G. Arrow: (shocked) No.

(Out of rage, Superman shoots a heat vision, but Accel pushes him off, and gets hit instead. However, instead of dying, he just slowly gets up.)

Accel: (confused) I should be dead. Thanks, Ryu Terui.

(Then he finally uses the Gaia Memory.)


Accel: Run, this isn't your fight anymore.


(Accel changes forms, and then the insurgents leave Accel to fight Superman by himself.)

Accel: Can you feel it, Superman? It was the same pain you caused me.

(Superman gets angry as he sees Batman (who holds a projector) and the others running away. Then Jonathan speaks his last words.)

Jonathan: (weakly) Let them go. It was an accident. Try and forgive them. For me, please. I love you, son.

(Jonathan dies, and Superman is in tears. Ra's Al Ghul glares at Accel.)

Ra's Al Ghul: Happy now, brat? You got what you wanted. Kal-El knows now, deep in his heart, neither you nor them deserve forgiveness. You, Batman and your allies are relentless. You should have been brought to justice.

Accel: You will die before you even get to do this.

(Then he pulls out the Gaia Memory, and activates it before throwing it up, and then he dashes at Ra's Al Ghul with incredible speed and kicks him in the face repeatedly and really fast. Once he catches the Gaia Memory back...)


Accel: 9.8 seconds, that is the time until your despair.

(Ra's Al Ghul screams in pain as he explodes, and the he smirks at Superman.)

Accel: I'll let you live for now. You have been punished enough. But know one thing, our paths will cross again. (walks away) And once it happens, I will avenge my family once and for all.

(As Accel walks away, Superman opens his eyes with rage as clear as day in them.)


(Then the screen fades out with Superman's eyes glowing.)

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