The advantages and disadvantages of television

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Nowadays,many people spent much time watching television. i can't be denied that since television was invented,it has changed our life in many ways ,and brought us many advantages as well as disadvantages. We can get the latest information easily and rapidly without leaving home . We can learn more and more about the world we live and see many interesting things. Secondly, We can be good and clever at doing jobs,making cake,cooking,arranging flowers through practical course which is taught on television.  After a hard-working day, it's so comfortable and fun to sit at the armchair and see a movie or watch a comedy program.There are also educational programs on television,so children can learn a lot from these programs. On the other hand, It has negative effects,especially for children.Some movies contain violence or crime.Therfore,the evil influence of televison on the young generation is inevitable.It encourages them to commit crime,or make children grow up to be violent adults. What's more,watching television too much makes us passive.When watching TV,our brains don't need to work.Therefore,our brains become lazier.Watching TV too much is also bad for our eyes.This is the main cause that leads to short-sightened.

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