Chapter 1: Rebirth

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Hiro's Pov

Me: Finally I was able to defeat Shiva on SMTV it took a lot of prep time by that video on YouTube helped with getting the right demons for the job. Now I have to build a team for the Demi Feind and it's not gonna be easy. But now Vengeance is coming out I gotta get to the store and pre order it.

Me: esh those clouds do not look friendly best to pre order my game and haul ass home as quickly as possible.

GameStop Employee: Welcome to GameStop sir how may I help you?

Me: Yeah I like to pre order Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance please.

GameStop Employee: Yes sir just let me ring up the price.

After a few seconds

GameStop Employee: Are you pre order the standard or the steel book case one?

Me: I'll take the steel book case.

GameStop Employee:Yes sir that'll be $59.99 and with taxes that would be a total of $65.95 please.

I nodded and take out a hundred from my wallet.

GameStop Employee: and your change is $34.05. Be sure to come pick it up on June 14th.

After paying I leave to go home.

Me:Man the weather really is getting bad I don't like that lightning in the distance. Oh it best I wait it out a bit.

I go under a tree to wait and

3rd POV

Within the void

Hiro: Ugh what happened?

???: you died.

Hiro: Whoa who are you?

???:I am God.

Hiro: god you're gggggod?!

God: I am my child.

Hiro: But where are we and why am I here ?

God: You're in the void in a state of limbo my boy.

Hiro: So I really am dead.

God: Yes you are. It's my fault I dropped a lighting Bolt on the tree you were under. The lighting didn't kill you but you got impaled by sharp pieces of wood one went straight to your heart.

Hiro: This sucks and I had just pre order Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance.

God: Ok clam down.


Hiro: I was really looking forward to getting that game.

God:😓😓😓😓😓 Okay how about I reincarnate you in another world and I'll let you have 3 wishes.

Hiro: okay.

God: So what's your first wish.

Hiro: I want to be the Nahobino from Shin Megami Tensei V!

God: Okay but you'll start as pre game Nahobino.

Hiro: Okay I don't want to be overpowered from the start.

God: Now second wish five skills two Nahobino skills.

Hiro: hmm................ oh I got it I want Aramasa, Miracle Water, Zio, Agi, Bufu, Hama, and Mudo.

God: I see you though well about this well or maybe you already had this plan in mind for this situation.

Hiro: Yeah I kinda did.

God: very well for your last wish you may choose two demon to accompany you in this new life of your's Aogami will be the other half of you so you can't choose him.

Hiro: I choose Amanozako and Nahobeeho.

God: Very Well Hiro. Now it shall be done.

Hiro's body started to glow before slowly starting to fade away.

God:Oh and one more thing try not to go crazy with the harem making okay.

Hiro:  wait what?

And with that Hiro fully disappeared leaving God smile.

God: Hope the boy doesn't cause to much trouble.

Hiro's Pov

I slowly open my eyes to see I was in a bedroom.

Me:Is this my room?

I get up and go look in a mirror and see the face of the protagonist from Shin Megami Tensei V.

Me: Is that really me?

I reached out and touched  the mirror and reflection does the same I then touched my face indicating that this is actually me.

Me:I guess I really am the protagonist from Shin Megami Tensei V.

I noticed a letter on the table.

Dear Hiro

I see you're surprised that you're the Nahobino this is what you wished for. You are capable of doing everything he can and more but I won't start you off like that you have to work for it. Essences are obtainable I will send you 5 every so often as to help you more. Also you are in a world mixed with different anime, game and cartoon characters so try not to go to wild. And to give you an exciting start to your new life Mio Naruse is your little sister like in the show. Her destiny is the same as in her show but you hold the power to change her story. Also you have a magical hotel for your future harem members. Take care Hiro and make the most of your new life.

                                  With love God

Me: What the fuck?!

Someone barged into my room straddling me it was Aogami.

Aogami: Is something the matter Hiro?

Me: I'm okay just stubbed my toe that's all.

Aogami: okay. I've just made breakfast you should come down when you're ready. Mio and Amanozako are already down stairs.

Me: Okay I'll be down soon.

Aogami nodded and headed down stairs. I have memories I don't remember it must be God's doing giving me a life in this world I guess I'm okay then.

Time Skip

Now I'm dressed in my uniform I head down stairs to See my supposed adopted sisters Mio and Maria Naruse as well as Amanozako eating breakfast.

Mio/Maria/Amanozako: morning/good morning big brother/morning Hiro.

Me: Morning you three.

Maria: Hiro I need your help with something tonight.

Me: Sure. What is it.

Maria: It's a secret but I'll say this it'll help Mio-Sama grow stronger quickly.

Me:(grumbles) alright fine then I'll help.

Maria: Thanks you're the best big brother ever.

I finished my breakfast and got my bags ready to head out for school.

Hiro: Come on Mio we gotta get to school.

As we walked to school I noticed Mio steals glances at me. I wasn't paying attention and ended up bumping into someone.

Wait isn't that Saki Saki from Girlfriend Girlfriend.

Me: Sorry about that should have been watching were i was going. You okay?

Saki: Yeah I'm okay. Huh I've never seen you two around here before you new here.

Me: Yes actually I'm Hiro Shizuki and this is my sister Mio Naruse.

Saki: you don't look like siblings.

Me Yeah she's adopted.

Saki: Oh i see well I'm Saki Saki nice to meet you both.

Me:Nice to meet you too.

Saki: I'm guessing you're both heading to the same school as me right?

Me:Yes we are.

Saki: Cool how about we walk together.

Me: yeah sure.

As we walk together I started to wonder what Maria has planned probably the master slave contract Mio being contracted to me there'll be no limit to how powerful she can become alongside me but only time will tell.

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