Chapter 8

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SOOOOo....I'm in the ObX right now and our neighbors go to a thingy called "Skate Night"

We go with them because they are our friends...anyways, we go and it's fun. I mean yeah, everythings great! I DON'T KNOW ANYBODY!!! They all stare at me like I'm from mars! They stare at me like, "911, new girl...who is she and what does she think she's doing?"

These are girls, my age. They listen to the music I listen to. They laugh at the things I laugh at.

But, yet we are so different, they pose for the camera with too much makeup on, like it's vogue     I stood there with my brothers, wondering if they were feeling the same feelings that I was feeling. 

We are most likely moving here...How in the whole fricken world will I find friends here. They are not like me at all...Makeup, Boys, Bullying...That's what is important to them, they think that they are the best thing to ever grace this world. Me, well I prefer the natural look, I care about being ME! Not what everyone tells me I should be.

So, try to remember, please, when you see someone who is kind of sitting on the sidelines...Talk to them, it will make their day. I never thought about this  until today  when I experienced it first hand. Those girls hurt my feelings, if I have any. 

Well, wish me luck on my endeavour to find friends !



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