Goblins Gold-Alternate Ending

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This is just an alternate ending from season 3 episode 3 of Merlin, Goblins Gold. The scene starts in Arthurs chambers talking to Gaius about being thankful to exposing Merlin.(actual scene from episode) make sure you've actually seen the episode or this will make absolutely no sense.

Arthur POV

(In his chambers)

"Well, when we catch him, you'll see him hanged." I say.

"Ah, I shall look forward to that." I give Gaius a strange smile and he pauses as he takes a sip from his goblet.

"Is something wrong, Sire?" I stare at him before pulling out my sword.

"The Gaius I know would never look forward to seeing Merlin hanged no matter what he'd done." I pause for a second before continuing. "Merlin was telling the truth."

Before I can fully comprehend what is happening, I feel a sharp pain to my head and full forward hitting the ground hard. I hear a pot, or at least I think it's a pot, smash in the distance. I fight the sleep that threatens to take me over but in the end it doesn't matter. I slump into unconsciousness.

Goblin(Gaius) POV

I smile with glee as Arthur falls unconscious. Now I can finally have some fun. I hear someone coming and act quickly. My eyes flash gold without any words being spoken and watch with delight as the spell takes full affect on Arthur.

The footsteps echo closer and I hide behind an empty alcove. This will be fun.

Merlin POV

I couldn't get Gwen to come talk to Arthur so I decided to take the risk and come myself. Gwen told me not to, that it was too dangerous, but when has my job ever been safe.

I freeze suddenly as the tip tap of boots comes my way. Maybe they a wasn't a good idea. It's too late to turn back now though. Without knocking I open the door to Arthurs chambers and step inside. The footsteps die away and I let out a sigh of relief. My brief sense of safety is quickly blow away when a strange braying sound fills the air.

Does Arthur have a pet donkey? I ask myself. No, he definitely does not. What's that sound then?

Curiosity wins out and I listen carefully for the noise again. It doesn't come so I take a chance.

"Arthur?" I question. "Arthur it's Merlin. Where are you?" I get another braying sound in response. Okay, this is getting strange. I cautiously walk up to Arthurs bed and peer to the side of it, not really expecting to see anything. Boy am I wrong.

The laughs come before I can stop them. I double over holding my chest and choke on my laughter, it's just too good. There before me, lying piteously in a crouched position between his bed and dresser, is Arthur Pendragon. Arthur Pendragon in donkey form. Donkey ears protrude from his head where his real ears should be and his voice...oh his voice. It really is just to good.

As soon as he sees me he starts in a chorus of braying symphonies which causes me to erupt into more laughter. The rest of the body is left human. I look up to see his face and my smile increases. His face contorts into that of a horrified expression of me finding him like this.

"You...you're a donkey." I gasp out. He glares at me and goes silent. His look though says everything. You. Will. Pay.

"I told you." I say in a singsong voice. "I told you."

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