Merlin or Gwen?

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Right, so I was thinking of a way to write one of my new one-shots a few days ago and I came across his question. Merlin or Gwen? In a life or death situation, in which Arthur has the choice to decide who lives and who dies, whom would he choose? The best friend or the lover? Now, you're automatic response will probably be save Merlin! but you have to take into account the facts. Merlin however loyal, and however much he deserves to live and be free in Camelot, is Arthur's friend, not lover. (These are facts from the TV show, not fanfiction.) Arthur has a responsibility to his wife, to protect her for as long as they both lived, and this situation is no different. but then I got thinking again. Gwen has betrayed Arthur like three times already for Lancelot and Morgana, whilst can any of you guys remember a time in which Merlin betrayed him?
I've already got the entire one-shot completed and just have to post it but I think I am going to wait a little while. If j can get ten comments on your opinion, Merlin or Gwen, I'll post it at the next opportunity. But in waiting for those comments. Also, the Arthur whump is about to be posted in like a fat or so, (I have to copy it from my notebook), but you guys will get to read them soon.

Thanks fir all the the support you guys, I appreciate it.


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