2: A Day in the Village (voting is open)

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You guys chose 4: The Farlands!

His temple was located in the Farlands. Although it was a dangerous place, it made a great training ground. Also, it was right by town. He did not live alone, though. He had a friend, Techboy! Techboy was a great engineer and is also a great friend. Chain Mail and Techboy are currently working on Project Portal. It was a project to find an old temple in the woods. Nobody could find it, but they were determined! As Chain Mail and Techboy walked out of the Farlands, their friend Barry greeted them with a groan. Why a groan? He was a zombie. In their world, when Chain Mail killed the Ender Dragon, all monsters could live freely again. Barry wore a leather cap, of course. Burning from sunlight would not be fun! "Hi Barry!" Techboy said happily as they kept walking.

"Where do you want to go?" Chain Mail asked.
"I wanted to trade with some Villagers," Techboy said.
"I'll just be looking around."
As Chain Mail walked off, he saw Melvin, his Villager friend.
"Hi Melv," said Chain Mail
Melvin replied instantly with a nod. Then he walked off.
"I guess he had things to trade," he decided.
Chain Mail walked through the Village untill he saw the brewing station. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Then he mixed it in with sugar. "Never know when you need a potion of swiftness!" He said. The cashier skeleton was asleep, so he left a gold nugget on the counter to pay for the potion. He sat against a building, relaxed. Right before he fell asleep, he heard a scream. "What's going on?!" he exclaimed. He saw people running and tripping. One Villager was running wildly to take cover. All of a sudden, he saw an arrow fly into the Villager's head. Fresh blood soaked the gravel path. In their world, they had blood paricles. He watched the Villager tumble down face flat. He saw white particles come out from his body. Chain Mail used a Command Block to make bodies stay instead of dissolving. He thought it was respectful to bury bodies or send them of in the ocean.
"No!" Chain Mail yelled. He drew his Chain Mail Sword. Techboy ran to me.
"Greifers!" He explained. "Three of them!"
Techboy drew an enchanted stone sword from his inventory.
"Where did you get that?" Chain Mail asked.
"I got it from a trade!"
"What enchantment?!?"
"Fire Aspect!"
"Let's go teach them a lesson!" He said with a smile.
We ran to the well. A Villager with a bandit mask looked at us, and pulled out an iron axe. Two other people, a skeleton dressed in black and a player with a bandana around his mouth, pulled out bows. They were surrounding them!

What should they do?
1: Run Away
2: Talk to Them
3: Fight with Potion of Swiftness
4: Fight without Potion of Swiftness

Good Luck!

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