Zhu li vs Red ground battle

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San francisco, Clint and the professor are now piloting the Zhu li. Both sweating and a feeling of dread engulf them. Red stood in front of them. The red demon looks more scary in person than on a TV screen. Both mecha and demon stared at each other for four five seconds until," Hey, come get me you bastard." Clint typed the comment on the Zhu li's computer. Red roared in anger and said," Let's dance." Both charged. Red swiped his claw at the Zhu li, but she retaliated by shooting missles at him. It was a tough battle, Red moved at a lightning fast speed, Clint now had to rely on brute strength and dirty fighting instead of forming strategies. The fight went on until Red's eyes started to glow Red, The Zhu li charged but she was ill prepared for Red's next move. Red shot out a demonic fire, when it struck the Zhu li, both Clint and the professor screamed in pain. It was horrible! After Clint got over the pain, he spammed an eye beam at Red, he wanted to hurt Red like how he hurted them. Red shot a stream of hot needles at the Zhu li but Clint struck back by using the mechanical-hand against Red. Red transformed into his flying form and started attacking the Zhu li in the sky. The Zhu li shot an eye beam but it misses. Red keeps on striking at Zhu li, until when the professor got a clear target, Clint fired the absolute zero cannon, hurting Red a lot. Red fly up and taunted," Try keeping up." Clint ordered," Zhu li, change to sky mode."" Yes sir." The Zhu li switched to flying mode. Clint turned and said to the professor," Professor, any idea how we can be on par with that monster?"" Well, do you remembered Megaguirus?"" Yeah why?" The professor explained that he took data of Megaguirus speed and put it in the Zhu li's data base. With that, the Zhu li fly up, now faster than before.

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