Chapter 18: Disaster

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(Quick A/N. I got the idea of Gon's Nen after he gets it back from another story. Don't remember from where though...)

Gon's POV

I watch Killua pace around the room. He runs his fingers through his hair, muttering. I run my hand along the crack in the door. I hear him sigh. " You're mad at me, aren't you?" He asks. I smile. "A little. I thought I was the reckless one. You just challenged one of the most powerful men in the world." I say. Killua groans. "Don't remind me." I walk over to him with my hands on my hips. "What's your plan?" Killua plops down onto the bed. "First, father has to accept. But... I have some sort of plan... I need your help." 

I sit down next to him. "you need my nen?" He nods. "I know you haven't mastered it again. But I don't think I can win without it." I smile. "Of course I'll help. I don't know how long it'll last." The door opens. It was Zeno. "Silva has accepted your challenge Killua. The battle will start in an hour." "Thanks gramps." Killua says. Zeno nods and leaves the room, closing the door. I go and sit on the floor. "I'm going to meditate and try to... figure out what to do" I get into position and start meditating. "I'll start planning."

"Gon" I release my meditation and stand up. "You sat in the same spot for an hour without moving. Nice" I look at him. He looked like a nervous wreck. I grab his hands. "Killua. Are you really alright doing this? I know you respect your father." He nods. "I'm sure. I have to do this. It was always one of my goals to beat my father. Even if I have to cheat a little." I smile and press our foreheads together. "I'm going to activate it now." 

I activate my nen as I close my eyes. It forms around me like a bubble then it turns into electricity. I try not to flinch when it snaps. It shifts off of me and forms around Killua. He sucks in a breath of air. I open my eyes. Killua's aura seems to absorb it. I see his eyes flash neon blue. He closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths. He opens his eyes, they were still neon blue. I feel slightly weakened. "Now when you let me borrow more, try not to let my family see." I nod. "Kay" 

We walk to the forest, hand in hand. We see the rest of the family waiting. Killua leans down and kisses me. I hum and kiss back. I pull back the slightest bit. "Good luck." "Thanks" I kiss him again before pulling back again. He walks up to his father. "If I win, you will take over the family business, marry who we say you marry, and Gon will be forbidden from seeing you" Silva says. I cross my arms. "If I win, you will be heir, when you die, Kalluto will take over the business. Also you will all leave me and Gon alone. We will not follow any of your rules, we will also never come back to this mountain. We won't be part of this fucked up family anymore." 

Killua's mother starts screaming. I wince slightly. Zeno steps forward, already looking tired. "I set a few rules. No killing. Whoever gives first, loses. You have an hour, if no one gives before then, whoever is wounded most, loses." Then he steps back. I see Killua flex his fingers, turning them into claws. I faintly hear Killua crack his neck. Then within seconds, Killua activates Godspeed. 

I couldn't even see the battle. All I could hear was sounds of thunder and see craters form in the ground. I feel a pull on my nen. I intertwine my fingers and quietly send more nen to him. I suddenly hear a loud boom. Silva and Killua stand across from each other. I feel a big pull. I furrow my eyebrows and give him a bunch more. I see Silva holds out his hands, two giant purple balls of aura form. Killua holds out his palms. I go ahead and let him borrow more of my aura. 

I cough and wave the dust away from me. I feel a huge pull. I cough some more and send him more nen. I faintly hear Killua yell a battle cry. I send him even more nen. The dust eventually clears. I hear the Zoldycks gasp. I see Killua pointing his claws at Silva's neck. Silva glares at Killua. But Killua presses his nails against Silva's neck. "Fine. I give" Silva says. Killua gets off Silva and runs towards me. I dash towards him and get tackled in a hug. I laugh as we hit the ground. 

I hug Killua and run my hands over his back. He buries his face in my neck.  "Alright Killua, Gon. You won." I hear Silva say. Killua and I stand up. I squeak when Killua picks me up. "Alright! Farewell fuckers!" Killua laughs as he runs away. I feel a sudden weakness. "Kicking in?" Killua asks. I nod then my eyes go back into my head. I attempt to keep my eyes open. "Just rest. I borrowed a lot. You're the only reason I won. Thank you" He says. I nod then fall asleep. 

I stretch my arms in the air. "Killua?" I ask. "Right here." I sit up. He was on a computer. "I must've taken a lot. You were out for almost the entire day." "Really? I'm sorry" I look around. "Where are we?" "Oh we're on a ship." "Where?" I rub my eye. "Whale island" "Yay!" I lay back down. He closes the laptop. "Kurapika and Leorio are having fun on their honeymoon." "really?" "Yeah." The ship sways. "There's a storm." I mutter. "Really? How can you tell?" "The smell." I stand up. "We should go help" Killua pushes me back down. "No. They can handle it. Just relax" I pout and kick the bed. "I don't want to sit here! I've been lazy way too much these last few months!" Killua sighs. "Fine. Have at it" I cheer and run out of the room. 

l pull on the string. "You're very helpful girlie! Thanks!" A big man shouts. "Any time! I'm always happy to help!" I shout back. I wince when the sail pulls the rope, giving me rope burns. I tighten my grip. I can push open the Zoldyck doors, I can handle the rope. I tug on it harder. "Hang on boys! Biggest wave coming!" I see a humongous wave. Then it crashes over us. 

I wipe my forehead. The crew cheers when we make it out. I high five the crew before they tell me to go relax. I pout. I'm tired of relaxing. I head back to my room. "So how'd it go?" Killua asks, not looking up from his laptop. "Just fine. They told me to go relax." Killua chuckles. I snag a towel and quickly dry my hair off. I sit next to Killua and put my head on his shoulder. Killua stiffens. "You're cold!" "Sorry" I sigh and collapse onto the bed. 

I run off the ship with our luggage. "Gon wait up!" "It's been three years since I saw Mito-san!" I slow down a little so he can keep up. It takes us twenty minutes to run to the house. "Mito-san!" I shout. I see her set down her basket. "Gon?!" I tackle her in a hug. "Gon!" I pull back. "Sorry I didn't come sooner! We've been busy." "It's alright! As long as you guys had fun" Killua catches up. "I told you to slow down!" "I got excited!" I whine. "Oh you look good Killua! Come here" Killua walks over and Mito-san hugs him. He blinks a few times then he smiles and hugs her back. 

Almost as soon as we see great grandma, it was her time. Mito-san and I both had her hands. Mito-san was sobbing while I was just silently crying. She whispers that she loves us all... then she's gone. I hug Mito-san and rub her back. Mito-san gets up and makes some calls. Killua rubs my back. "She always made the best tea" He says. I nod. I wipe my eyes. Soon after, people come and take great grandma's body to prepare it for a funeral. I offered to help Mito-san with planning, but she only told me to not worry about it. I grab my fishing rod and rush to the pond I usually fish at. 

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