Chapter 7: Time Apart

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Gon's POV

It's been three years since I've seen Killua. We were in contact before it was cut, I couldn't even get a hold of Alluka. It's been a year since. I look down at my beetle phone. I pout and text Killua. "Is everything alright?" Still no response. I start to get pissed. I start to pack some stuff. "If he's not going to respond, I'll just find him." I mutter. My phone beeps. I rush over to it. "Stop texting Killu. You're not going to ever hear from him" I read.

Killu? I grit my teeth. "Illumi" I call him. "Hello?" "Illumi! Where's Killua?" I ask. "Hm? Oh he's at home. I don't know where our little brother is though" Alluka? So she's safe? "Alluka is a girl! I demand you to release him at once!" "No" Then he hangs up. I groan. I cross my arms and think for a minute. "I'm sorry Killua, but Alluka comes first. I'm sure you'd agree" I go through my messages with Alluka for clues. "My favorite place to hide is-" I quickly jump on my computer and order a ticket.

"Mito-san! I'm leaving!" I quickly put on my shoes. "It's time for you to leave again, isn't it?" She says. I stop for a minute. I turn around and smile. "I wish it wasn't on these terms but..." "Killua is in trouble isn't he?" She asks. "Something along those lines" I smile. "I'm leaving!" I shout. "See you later!" She says. I run out the door. 

I head to the Republic of Padokea. The city where the Heavens Arena is. I rush over to a field. I sniff the air. I follow the scent to a hollowed out tree. I hear sniffing. "Alluka?" I ask. I crouch in front of the tree. She flinches then turns and faces me. "Gon?" I smile. "It's me" She tackles me. "GON!" I bury my face in her hair. "What happened?" I ask. She sobs. "Illumi was following us. We were on the run. We had to cut communications because our phones were hacked. Eventually, Brother used Nanika's power to send me away in hopes that you would find me." 

I hold Alluka's hand as we walk to the nearest train station. Our destination? Kukuroo mountain. "Are you sure you want to come with?" I ask. "I want to save brother! It hurt Nanika when brother sent us away. He has to apologize" She says, pouting. I pat her head. "He has to apologize to me too. So lets go get him" "Kay!" We board the train. She falls asleep on me halfway through. I smile at her then look out the window. "We're coming for you Killua" 

I stand in front of the testing gates, yes I did my research on Killua's old home on the hunter website. "You aren't like the others trying to get in are you?" I hear an old man ask. Alluka and I look over. "Ah! Zebro-san!" She says. "Nice to see you again Alluka-chan. Who's this?" He looks me up and down. I hold out my hand. "My name is Gon! I'm Killua's friend! Nice to meet you!" I smile. Zebro-san shakes my hand. "Killua's friend huh. He's told me about you. And about how Alluka-chan would save you" He says. I nod. "And she did. Ah, now that I think about it... I need to apologize for that" 

Zebro-san tells me more about the gates and some tips on how to get through. I take a deep breath as I put my hands on the gates. My eyes shoot open and I push with all my might. "Oh.... my...." I hear Zebro-san say. I look up and widen my eyes. "I... opened all of them?" Alluka slips under my arm. "Let's go!" She smiles. I look at her and nod. I walk through. "Thanks Zebro-san!" I shout as the doors start to close. He smiles and waves. 

We walk past Mike, Alluka told me his name, and we head towards the main house. We run into a girl, who looked a few years older than Killua and I. She looks ready for battle but before anything happens. She relaxes. "Master Silva requests your presence" She says. She bows. "If you would follow me" Alluka and I follow each other. "My name is Gon!" I say. The lady turns and bows. "Canary. Nice to meet you master Gon" 

Canary knocks against some large wooden doors. "Come in" I hear a deep voice bellow. Canary opens the doors then bows. "I am not allowed to go in. If you would" She says. I hold Alluka's hand as we walk in. The room was dimly lit. On a couch like sitting area, was a large white-blonde haired man. He had piercing blue eyes that were silted like a cat's. Alluka hides behind me. The man's eyes shift to Alluka. I smile. "My name is Gon. I would appreciate it if you released Killua" The man stands up, the movement smooth. "Well... I don't seem to have a choice in the matter. We're in a difficult position now" 

"What do you mean?" I ask. "You may call me Silva" He says. I nod, but allow him to continue. "When someone opens all seven of the gates, they are then apart of the family." "Ok.... So I'm in the family?" I ask. "Yes." Silva says. "Can you take me to Killua?" I ask. "Very well" I follow Silva to the Isolation room, Alluka gripping my hand very tight. 

"Yo Gon!" Killua says, raising his head. I smile. "You worried me for a second." Illumi and his mother were in the room. "Ready to leave then?" I ask. He breaks one of the cuffs holding him up. "Killu, if you leave I'll kill her" Illumi says, his mother agreeing. Killua gets a bad look on his face and bloodlust escapes him. "Kill her I kill you" He says. "Killu!" His mother shouts. "Kikyo, Illumi, Gon has opened all of the testing gates." When they glare at me, I smile and wave. I continue to hide Alluka behind me, she was shivering at this point. Silva glances at me. "Killua, you may go. Illumi, stop going after your younger brother." 

"Alluka is a girl!" Killua says, breaking the other cuff off. Killua lands on the floor then jogs up to me. He hugs Alluka and spins her. She laughs and hugs him back. He buries his nose in her hair. "You're no longer a target Alluka" Killua says. "Really!?" "Really!" He sets Alluka down. He looks at me. "You're all beat up" I say. "Yeah? Well I have been getting tortured for quite a few months now" He had several whip marks and burns. 

I talk with Silva while Killua and Alluka do something in his room. I laugh as I tell him some of my adventures with Killua. "So how old are you?" Silva asks. "I just turned nineteen. I'm two months older than Killua" I say. "Interesting" "So, what are your thoughts on Killua?" Silva asks. I turn red and look down. "I... Love him. I guess. But... I said some nasty things to him a while back. I don't know if I deserve him." An older man walks in. "Oh is this the young lady Killua doesn't stop talking about?" I turn red. Eventually, the older man joins the conversation. I learned that he's Killua's grandfather, Zeno.

Killua walks in with Alluka. "Ready?" He asks. "Killua, I approve of this one" Silva puts his hand on my head. "So do I" Zeno says. I blush. "Oh stop!" Killua raises an eyebrow. "Well she is interesting." I stand up. "I'm ready!" I rub the back of my head, chuckling. Killua grabs my hand and drags me off Kukuroo mountain. "Ow! Killua!" I rub my wrists once he lets me go. "What was that fo-" I widen my eyes when he kisses me. He pulls back before I can react. "That was reckless." I cross my arms and frown. "I wasn't hurt though!" 

"Don't matter! If you hadn't open all the gates you could've been killed! Idiot!" He shouts, poking my cheek. I poke his chest. " Yeah so I'm an idiot! But you're a bigger idiot for not asking for help or escaping yourself! I know you're strong enough!" "I had no choice! You were being threatened and so was Alluka!" He shouts. I go to shout something but Alluka steps between us. "Alright love birds. All is good now. So where are we going?" My stomach rumbles. I turn pink when they stare at me. "I haven't eaten at all" "to a restaurant then." 

"We... have a lot to talk about" I mutter, poking a piece of cake. "I am aware. Continue." Killua says, pointing a spoon at me. I bite my lip. "I... Lost my nen." "You... what?" Killua asks. I lean back in my chair. "I talked to Ging about it. He said it's probably because I 'threw it away' During the battle with Pito.  He also said I should take the time to decide what I want to do. Then I can either remain 'normal' or try to reawaken my nen. I finished school. I don't know what to do next." 

"That's.... a lot to take in" Killua says. I stay silent. "How long have you known?" I look down.  "Shortly after we part ways." "You didn't tell me?" I flinch. "It looked like you needed space. I figured you wanted to part ways for a reason." Killua stays silent. Alluka raises her hand. "I'm going to say something." I nod. "Go for it" "I know only like... two reasons why. One, the state you were in Gon... It was...." She shakes her head. I flinch. "The second reason, after you were healed and you guys parted ways, brother had many, many nightmares. Even a night terror. I don't think he wanted you to see that" 

It was silent for a long while, but it gave me time to look at Killua, how he looks now. His hair was longer. He was definitely taller than me now. I catch his eyes. I blush and look down. "Oh god. Get a room!" Alluka shouts. "Alluka!" Killua shouts. I stand up. "A-Ah... This has been fun. Good to see you alive Killua. You've gotten so pretty Alluka. M-Mito-san must be worried." "Hey! Wait!" I rush out of the restaurant. I faintly hear. "Well!? Go after her!" I cross my arms and walk to the airport. 

"Wait you idiot!" I hear Killua shout. He grabs my wrist. I turn around and face him. "Yes?" "I... You know what. Just... listen. I don't know how to do this...." He lets my wrist go. I put my hands behind my back. "Just say what's on your mind. If you don't want to talk, then don't." He grabs my hand and drags me somewhere. To a nearby park. We sit on a park bench. 

"Ok so. It hurt me when you just ran off without me." I flinch. That's where we're starting? Not quite what I expected but I deserve it. "When you went to fight Neferpito, we were suppose to be a team, Gon. But you left me behind. Then when I had to carry you and your arm to someone who could help..." He looks down. "Your body Gon. It was awful. I still have nightmares. I don't like seeing my best friend like that" He screws his eyes shut. I mess with my fingers. "I know. I'm sorry. I can't undo that." 

"There has been one other reason." He says. I look up at him and see him slowly turn pink. "I wanted to sort my feelings about you out." I grab his hands and smile. He looks down at our hands. "I fell in love with Killua. I didn't realize until the Heaven's Arena." He widens his eyes. I drag him down and kiss him. He freezes then kisses me back. We pull back for air. "I fell for you when you stopped me from killing that one dude in the hunter exam." He says. I widen my eyes. "That's.... so far back!" I shout. He laughs. 

"So, where to now?" I ask. "I don't know." I cross my arms and think . "How about we go to Whale Island?" I offer. "Why's that?" Killua asks. "I don't know. I know Aunt Mito would like to see you plus... If you don't mind... I want to travel with you" He nods. "Sounds good." I stand up. "Should we go get Alluka?" "No need. I'll just text her" He pulls out his phone and texts her really quickly. He stands up. "To Whale Island. Your Aunt wont mind having Alluka will she?" He asks. I stand up. "No. Of course not" 

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