The underworld in Vale

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Liam and Yang were walking down the streets of vale when a suddenly a GIANT FIREBALL came crashing town form the sky and landed in the middle of the emerald forest, looking for some adventure Liam and Yang ran/flew after it when they got there thier were some looking creatures that didn't look like Grimm they looked underworldly

Liam: I haven't seen any of these guys in a while "takes out sword and wing color and sword blade both turn red"

Yang: you know what these are? "takes out her Weapons"

Liam: ya I do WE DO NOT want these things coming to the city got it?

Yang: I here ya loud and clear "smirks"

Liam: good "smirks"

Liam and Yang then rush into battle And take out as many enemies as they can. Yang takes out a couple skuttlers and Liam incinerates a few monneys

Then they both tag team and oneshot a cluberskull by punching it in the eye at the same time as hard as they could

Liam: aw it's broken 😢

Yang: we'll I guess that's the end of them

Suddenly a giant Twinbellows appears and roars furiously

Yang: WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THAT THING!?!?!?!?!?!!? "Points at Twinbellows"

Liam: Twinbellows

Yang: well ok then I guess we have to kill him now-"gets smacked across the forest by Twinbellows and gets knocked out"

Liam: YANG NO!!!! YOU SON OF MOTHER FUCKING BITCH!!!🔥_🔥"Roars so loud and furoshusly Godzilla would be scared"

Liam then attacks Twinbellows and destroys him beyond revival

Liam: NO "punch" ONE "punch" HURTS "punch" MY "punches him so hard he goes flying in to the side of a mountain and leaves a HUGE crack" YAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNGGGGGG!!!!!! "Flys over Twinbellows and grabs by the tail swings him around and throws him into the moon shattering in the process"

Liam then runs over to Yang and brings her back to beacon where they put her in her room to rest and Liam stays by her the whole time

Liam: I'm sorry Yang😞

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