Magic Practice Mix-Up ~ Unintentional Mistake

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       "Come on, Calla. You know full well that you must." I sigh.

        "I know, I know." I stand, and Loki smirks, taking my hand and leading me to the library. "What am I to practice today?" He glances at me, opens the library door, and holds it open so I can enter.

        "Merely a few more complicated spells..." I raise an eyebrow as he takes my hand once again. "You needn't worry, Darling. There is no need to worry about something going wrong as long as you do it correctly." I roll my eyes.

        "'Tis so much more comforting to know that..." Loki chuckles.

        "Darling, you will not have a problem with this." He hands me a book. "Pick one." I look up at him suspiciously.

        "Just pick one? Loki, I know not about-"

        "Calla, just do it. Trust me." I refrain from making a comment about the irony of his words and open the book to a random page.

        "Repairing objects." Loki reads from over my shoulder. "That shouldn't be a problem at all." I read over the page as Thor enters the library.

        "Brother! Lady Calla! I've been looking for you both!" I glance up.

        "Whatever for?" I ask, jumping a bit as Loki knocks a vase onto the floor among the bookshelves, momentarily distracting Thor.

        "Loki! What in the Nine Realms do you think you're doing?!" Thor exclaims.

        "Setting up." Loki replies. Thor looks to me and I point to the book, shrugging and shooting him a mildly exasperated look.

        "Anyways, I came to remind you of the ball tonight! Lady Holly has been invited and we thought you two would be joining. Father merely wanted confirmation." I grin and nod.

        "Us? Miss a ball?" I laughed, "I knew not that Holly was coming! 'Tis been a while since she has come to Asgard" Loki makes his way back over to me, a hint of a smile flickering on his face.

        "And we shall attend — once you finish this spell, Calla." Loki says, picking up the book. Thor watches on with interest.

        "Ah! May I observe?" He asks. Loki makes a face.

        "Of course you may, Thor." I assure him, sending him a small smile. He grins and sits on one of the sofas.

        "What are you planning to do with the vase, Lady Calla?"

        "I am planning to repair it."

        "Just do it, Darling..." Loki mumbles. I throw him a sideways glare and cast the spell. Initially, I noticed nothing. Then, I realized that it was not the broken vase that had changed.

        "Lady Calla!" Thor's panic comes before mine.

        "Calla...." Loki's voice is dangerously calm. I look to the brothers and see them as children once again, and I know I am as well.

         I sink to the floor, book still in hand, searching the page for where I went wrong. "This should not have happened! I have not messed up a spell in centuries, much less this badly!"

        "This is truly odd..." Thor mumbles as he makes his way over. Loki crouches next to me, trying his best to keep his temper.

        "You don't know where you went wrong, do you?" Loki asks, trying to appear as if he was not the slightest bit miffed. Thor frowns a bit as I nod, causing me to feel even worse for messing up. Loki sighs and holds out his hands.

        "Let me see the book." As I hand it to him, the library door opens to reveal Odin.

        "Ah, so this is what happened..." He walks a little further into the room. "Do any of you care to explain whats happened here?" Silence endures from us for a few moments.

        "I was merely working with Calla..."

        "I only meant to repair the vase..."

        "Father, I was only watching..."

        Odin waves his hand, silencing us.

        "And do any of you know how to fix it?" He seems very amused, and I cannot see why. We all shake our heads miserably. "I suggest you find out — but let this serve as a lesson." Loki looks mildly confused.

        "A lesson?" Odin nods.

        "The three of you are once again children, even if by accident. Don't draw attention to yourselves, though — and that includes the ball." He uses that moment of surprised silence to exit the library. Loki begins to go back to looking over the page in the book, but I take it back.

        "Hey!" I shake my head.

        "'Tis my own fault this happened. I shall figure it out." By this time, Thor has lost interest and goes back to sit on the sofa, in awe that he was young once again. Loki frowns, still keeping his lessening anger pent up.

        "Calla... I may be able to figure it out." He cautiously takes the book back, earning a sigh for me.

        "If only Frigga were here to help..." I whisper. The brother's faces take a downcast look as they hear my words. I look down, feeling absolutely horrible for saying what I did. "I apologize...  meant not for it to be like that..." Loki gently puts a hand on my shoulder.

        "Tis alright..." I glance up and see that Thor is fighting tears, and say nothing- feeling even worse that I was responsible for driving him so far.

        "He was always a cry baby..." Loki whispers, giving me a small smile. A hint of a smile appears on my face.

        "As were you." I say softly. He rolls his eyes.

        "Delicate, simple, more delicate than that oaf ever understood." I smile weakly.


        "A better question is, what will Lady Holly do upon seeing us like this...?" I pale a bit.

        "I had not yet thought about that..."

        "Well, I-" Loki gets cut off as Holly enters the library.

        "Loki?! Calla?! THOR?!" I jump a mile.

        "Holly?!" She looks us up and down.

        "What in the Nine Realms happened?!"

        "Here we go..." Loki mumbles under his breath. Thor runs to Holly and latches onto her leg.

        "Lady Holly!" He wails. I sigh.

        "T'was an accident!"

        "Whoah, yes, hi, Thor..." Holly hesitantly pats his head. "Erm, w-what was an accident? I mean, how did this accident happen?" Thor frowns.

        "I am accustomed to my embraces being more... forceful..." He mumbles. I point to Loki in answer to Holly's question.

        "He made me try a spell... and it... failed to work the way it should." Loki sighs.

        "Sadly, tis true." Holly is silent for a moment before she stifles a laugh. I roll my eyes and mind-link with Loki. I should have see that coming... She snorts, earning a small facepalm from Loki and a sigh from myself. Holly then bursts out laughing whilst Thor pouts, confused about her laughter.

        "Wow... this is definitely... new." She says, still giggling. I roll my eyes again. "Awwww Loki..." I look over at him, smirking a bit. Loki rolls his eyes. "You're adorable!" She ruffles his hair quickly.

        "Hey!" Loki whines. I giggle at the two.

        "Tis what you get, Loki!" He blushes a bit, and Thor laughs as I smirk.

        "Stop it!" I laugh and ruffle his hair as well.

        "Oh, come on, Loki! Lighten up!" He smiles a bit- however, I know not why. Holly turns to Thor.

        "Were they always like this as kids?" She stage whispers. I wasn't particularly listening to them, and instead smirk.

        "Aha! You smiled!" Loki grins sheepishly.

        "I wonder why..." I blush a little and roll my eyes as Thor looks up at Holly.

        "Yes, and they only got worse as adolescents." He says, watching as Loki leans over and kisses my cheek quickly.

        "Loki!!" I squeal, as Holly smirks a little. Loki's response is a cheeky grin as I shake my head. "Anyways..." I glance over at Holly, blushing a bit. "I apologize..." Thor makes a face.

        "What for?" Holly asks, "That was so cute!" I end up blushing even more, and Holly dissolves into giggles.

        "Hush..." Her giggles subside the slightest bit.

        "How do we fix it, though?" I shrug and gesture to the books surrounding us.

        "We have yet to sort that minuscule detail out..."

        "Well..." Holly picks up a book, "I know next to no magic..." Thor sinks onto one of the couches, laying down as she speaks. I shoot her a small smile.

        "Tis alright." Loki has a semi- worried look on his face.

        "I do hope we're retained our magic, Calla..." I sigh.

        "As do I, though it doesn't help a bit unless we figure out precisely how I messed up this frustratingly simple spell."

        "Odin was so smug that I'm inclined to believe that he is the reason behind this nonsense," He chides, "You needn't worry... we shall fix it.." and then, under his breath, "I hope..." I bit my lip and look around at the books.

        "We best..."

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