Chapter One: What the Hell Did I Just Get Myself Into?

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"Lydia! Get your ass out of bed and get ready for school!" my mom called from downstairs.

"Okay, okay. I'm up, settle down!" I cried back. I rolled over, tossing my comforter onto the floor as I slid out of bed. I walked over to my closet, digging through the many clothes I had. I finally decided on maroon skinny jeans, a white top, and a blue crop top hoodie.

I examined my nails as I walked into the bathroom. I had painted them the day before with a maroon color that matched my jeans. I did my makeup and fixed my long brown hair before sliding on my many rings and black Converse, and finally walking over to my nightstand to grab my phone and slide it into the back pocket of my jeans.

I came downstairs to find my mom sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. "Any left?" I asked, and she nodded. Walking over to the coffee pot, I grabbed a to-go cup from the cabinet above it and poured myself about an inch of coffee. Then I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the milk, filling the cup the rest of the way up. I tightened the lid onto my cup and shook it hard, causing the milk and coffee to blend together.

"How can you drink it like that?" my mom asked, making a disgusted face at the cup.

I shrugged. "It tastes amazing, Mom." I took a sip of the mixture and grinned. Perfect. "I gotta go, Momma." I said. She got up and hugged me, kissing my cheek.

"Have a great day sweetie, I love you." she said. I pulled away and smiled at her.

"Of course, Mom." I promised. Taking one last moment to pause at the doorway, I slipped on my brown leather backpack and took a drink of my "coffee".

"Love you!" I said one last time, before walking out the door and over to my sleek black car.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and glanced at the screen. 'Oli is Calling' it said. I answered.

"What's up, Oli? And why are you calling me when we can just talk at school?"

"Nothing to worry about," she responded, her smooth voice gliding through the phone, "but can you come over tonight? I met this girl, Sophia, and I really want you to meet her."

I sighed. "Sure, Oli. Is she in our grade?"

Silence. Then I realized- "Olivia, did you just nod?" I asked, snickering.

"Yes." she responded. Then, hearing my giggles, she said: "Oh, shut up, Lydia." which made me laugh even harder.

"Okay, Oli. I'll see you after school. What time, though?" I asked.

"Can you do 2:45?" she asked.

"Yup." I responded.

"Okay." she said cheerfully. "See you then!"

"Bye, Oli." I said, and hung up. Oh god, I thought. What the hell did I just get myself into? I started my car and sped out of the driveway. In no time I was at school, and I got out of my car only to hear a few wolf-whistles. I rolled my eyes and turned to see Olivia walking towards me.

"Hey, babe." she said, linking our arms together. "You're so lucky. You have all the guys in school wrapped around your finger. You could literally have any of them, but the worst part is you don't want any of them. I could have them, but they don't want me."

I scoffed. "Half those assholes only want me for either sex, looks or both. Plus, why would I date any of those smelly pigs? I've no use for idiot boys."

Olivia just shook her head at me. "Well, can you at least put in a good word for me?"

I laughed. "Hell no. Do it on your own, bitch."

"Rude." she pouted.

"I know." I said proudly, and smirked. "I try."

For the second time today, Olivia shook her head at me and laughed. "You are one of a kind." she remarked.

I grinned widely. "Oh, I know."

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