Taking the Leap pt. 3

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"What's this all of a..." She gasped and covered her open mouth with her hand, eyes wide. had knelt down beside her with a ring that looked like nothing she had ever dreamed in his hand. His fiery onyx6 eyes locked onto her sky blue ones.

"Anybody ever tell you that it looks like you have the entire galaxy held within your eyes?" Natsu said as if nothing were happening, captivated once again by her beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

"Na..tsu..?" Lucy said utterly lost for words or thought.

"Lucy Heartfilia, will you marry me?" proposed. Lucy covered her mouth with both her hands, tears welling up in her eyes. "Of course Happy is coming with me. We're a package deal after all. And you can move in with me so you don't have to pay rent or I can move in with you and split the rent or-"He was cut off by the lips that had now captured his. Lucy had thrown her arms around his neck and was now kissing him. She broke away with her arms still around his neck.

"Yes, you idiot! Of course I'll marry you! I've been waiting for this day for so long!" She cried into his neck happily while crushing him in a hug. "I've wanted to marry you for a very long time.." She said almost whispering into his neck. She sat up and looked at him in the eye with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. It took a while for to register all that was said. Finally, a neuron fired causing others to fire which all caused to realize, she had said yes.

"SHE SAID YES!!!" roared louder than any dragon ever dreamed of doing. His voice reached not only the nearby town, but all the way to Magnolia, namely, the guild.

"Did anybody else just hear say 'she said yes'?" Guild Master Makarov asked no one in particular at the guild hall. Mira Strauss swooned behind the counter. Levy McGarden squealed like a little school girl.

hugged Lucy tightly for several minutes crying tears of elation and joy on top of the hill silhouetted by the setting sun. He looked at Lucy cupping her face with his hands and just stared into her eyes.

"Hey Lucy. Guess who I'm looking at right now." said quietly.

"Who?" Lucy replied smirking.

"My fiancé. The future Lucy Dragneel." He replied with his classic smile.

Lucy, even after all this time, blushed a bright red at the sound of her name being paired with his. Sure, everyone in the guild, especially Mira, had teased them about her name changing, but to hear it coming from him, it was heart melting. He took her hand and lifted it up to face level. He slipped the ring onto her finger and let her look at it.

", it's beautiful! Where did you get it?" Lucy asked in awe of her ring.

"Well, you remember our last client? That was my reward. I had been doing a lot of jobs to go buy one but when this came up, I knew I had to take the job. Also, I guess now I have a lot of money I can spend on you. How about that?" He laughed. Lucy giggled at the thought of going out and trying to buy something for her from some random shop in town only to come up empty handed and frustrated because he couldn't think of the perfect gift or find it. There was so much euphoria between them right now. They sat back down to watch the last minutes of the most perfect sunset to ever exist in each others' arms. Afterwards, they gathered their things and made their way back to the train station. They got their tickets and boarded the train back to Magnolia. rested his head in Lucy's lap as she ran her fingers through his hair putting him to sleep. All the way back to Magnolia, she gazed at and admired her engagement ring. They disembarked and headed home. held Lucy's hand as they walked in silence to her apartment. He walked her up to her room, hugged her, and kissed her goodnight.

"Goodnight Lucy. I love you." He said after he hugged her a second time.

"Goodnight. You too." She smiled. "What are we gonna tell everyone else?"

"What else? That you said yes." He replied with a grin. And with that, he jumped out the window to meet Happy back at their house.

"Natsuu!" Happy yelled as he flew into his friend's arms. "I heard she said yes!" Happy cried.

"From who? I haven't even told anybody!" exclaimed baffled at how anyone could know about what had transpired that day.

"No. I heard 'She said yes!'." Happy clarified. "Everyone heard it. Everyone!" Happy explained joyously at the thought of his best friend getting married.

"....Wow." Was all he could say. "Well I guess Lucy and I will be telling everybody over and over what happened tomorrow. But for now, time to sleep." He said collapsing onto his bed. Happy alighted on his head and they slept like that until the sun came up again. The sun had risen and so had Happy, and Lucy. They all walked together back to the guild with Happy floating above the two mages. opened the huge oak wood doors to the guild for Lucy and they stepped in, the white light from outside outlining them perfectly. All eyes were on the newly engaged wizards. Cheers erupted from every inch of the guild hall as and Lucy were swarmed by the whole of their fellow guild members trying to get a better look at Lucy's ring and asking what happened or patting on the back congratulating him on a job well done.

"Lucy!" Levy squealed lifting up the ring so she could see it better. "It's so pretty! Congratulations!" Levy cried hugging Lucy. Suddenly, Mira parted the sea of bodies to get to her favorite couple.

"Let me see it! Let me see it!" She squealed as she saw the incredible ring. She swooned as it was confirmation that all of her dreams about the couple had come true. She revived and looked at. "If you ever break Lucy's heart, I will gut you while you still stand." She said with a cheerful voice and a smile sweeter than Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. This is exactly why people are scared of Mira Strauss. Not only does she have the most terrifying magic in the entire guild, but she can deliver an incredible death threat while looking like the sweetest girl you've ever seen.

"Don't worry Mira!" said with raised hands and sweaty palms. "How could I possibly live with myself if I ever did that?" And so everyone from the guild was asking what had happened, how he went about it, and how he had gotten a hold of this exquisite looking ring. And so and Lucy both told them what had happened over and over again leaving the story of how they had acquired the ring to.

"So there I was, surrounded by six hundred and fifty or more thieves with weapons." said as he once again told the story.

"Wait, last time, you said it was five hundred and fifty thieves." Happy interrupted.

"Yeah. And the time before that it was four hundred and fifty!" Jet chimed in.

"Well he told me it was three hundred and fifty." Erza Scarlet said putting her hands on her hips and glaring at.

"Aye sir!" Happy shouted as he circled above the conversation laughing at. Everyone began to laugh hysterically as this was the exact thing Dragneel would do when telling a story.

"So do you have a date planned yet?" Master Makarov asked the two after things settled down from the mass celebration.

"Sort of." They replied glancing nervously at each other. "It's gonna be during the Blossom Viewing. The Rainbow Sakura Tree Festival." They said. "But since our parents are gone," Lucy began.

"We were hoping someone from the guild could help us plan." finished. The short master stood up on the stage and looked out over the guild hall.

"Listen up my children!" He shouted. "Who here is willing to help out with setting up and planning these two youngsters' wedding within the next two months?" The entire guild roared in the affirmative. "That's my Fairy Tail." He said to himself chuckling.

"I can help set up the decorations!" Levy shouted.

"I can help with the entertainment!" Gajeel Redfox proclaimed holding his white guitar. Everyone cringed.

"I can help with the planning!" Mira exclaimed from behind the counter. Various people shouted their willingness to help out with one thing or another.

"Thank you so much!" Lucy and shouted back.

A month passed and the wedding was all set up. It was held in the park under the giant rainbow sakura tree. In just a couple of hours, the tree would blossom and give off its wonderful fragrance and incredible colors as it bloomed. Everyone from the Fairy Tail, Phantom Lord, and the other guilds that were friends with them were there to support them. Gajeel was sitting at the piano and all of Fairy Tail took up the front two rows on either side. Even all of Lucy's spirits had come using their own magic power to be there with them. was dressed in a solid blue tuxedo with white trim and a white rose, his scarf folded neatly beside Lisanna's chair. Happy was the best man dressed in a matching blue tuxedo with white trim and a white flower as well. Next to him were Laxus, Sting, and Rogue. On Lucy's side, there was Levy as the maid of honor, Mira, Erza, and Wendy. Romeo stood beside with the wedding ring as Asuka tossed petals walking down the aisle. The piano started to play and Lucy walked down the aisle in a white dress with watery blue ribbons that were tied into bows around the waist and at the top of her sleeves. She wore long white gloves that ended in little bows just below her elbows and a pretty blue bow in her hair as well. Her veil was also a light blue. She was accompanied by her friend as well as celestial spirit Loke down the aisle. He had bought himself a white suit with a long blue tie for the occasion though he still wore his trademark shades. They walked slowly down the aisle as the bridal procession played until they reached who was smiling as big as he ever had at the sight before him, all of his friends, his family, the ones who he had battled to save the world with, were all there to support his decision to marry Lucy. Lucy stood across the podium from beside Levy and waited patiently. The piano stopped and the local minister stepped up to the platform. When they got to their 'I do's, they both eagerly said I do while looking into each others' eyes smiling.

"You may now kiss the bride!" The minister shouted at the end of the ceremony. held Lucy by the face and kissed her. Lucy then threw her flowers into the crowd which were caught by Levy who squealed her excitement. Everybody stood up and cheered loudly. As soon as they did, the rainbow sakura tree bloomed and shed her many colored petals into the midst of the congregation of people. It fell on and around the two newlyweds as they looked into each others' eyes once more before heading into the throng of people waiting to congratulate them. grabbed his scarf and headed into the mass of people with the new Lucy Dragneel. He liked the thought of that. "Lucy Dragneel. I could get use to the sound of that." winked at her and smiled. Lucy's heart melted at the sound of it. may be an idiot, but he could sure make her heart flutter with the simplest of things. She smiled wide and walked through the crowd talking to most of them before making their way to the party area. They danced in the falling rainbow petals for hours it seemed like. At one point, even Gray hit the dance floor, stunning everyone with his incredible moves that nobody knew he had. His girlfriend, Juvia, swooned at the sight of this. A slow song came on and pulled Lucy closer to him. He put his hands on her hips and she put her arms around his neck. He rested his forehead on hers and they danced like that for the rest of the song, swaying back and forth with all the colors of the universe falling slowly to the ground around them. They danced and they swayed to the rhythm of the sound of all the happiness that was felt in the room in that moment. The music stopped and they lifted their heads up parting their hold on each other.

"What a night!" Master Makarov shouted as everyone finished dancing. "If you would look to the sky please." He pointed to the sky with the Fairy Tail hand sign. Millions of fireworks exploded in the night sky above. As many stars were in the sky, there were just as many colors of explosions. As the grand finale came to a close, one lone firework snaked its way through the sky exploding brilliantly with as many colors as there were on the sakura tree petals into a great big glowing Fairy Tail sign. And Lucy could see certain stars twinkling behind it and couldn't help but think, Igneel and Lucy's parents were looking down at them from up there, cheering them on, wishing them good luck, and protecting them. Everyone raised their hands in the Fairy Tail hand sign and cheered at the end of the finale.

"Let's give a big hand to the newlyweds!" Mira shouted from the middle of the crowd. Everybody clapped, cheered, and whistled their approval, congratulations, and support. The two took a bow eliciting another roaring round of applause from their friends.

"What a great finale!" Natsu stated, tired from the entire day and dancing all night.

"Yeah! That certainly was incredible." Lucy replied yawning. Natsu noticed this and had an idea.

"Hey, how about we go on our honeymoon now? We can get away and get some rest." He said cocking an eyebrow.

"Sounds great right about now." Lucy said leaning on.

"Okay. I'll get us a carriage to take us to the capital! I've already taken care of your luggage. I love you Lucy." He said tiredly.

"I love you too." Lucy replied with a sleepy little smile.

He helped Lucy up into the carriage as it pulled up. Happy decided to stay behind with Carla and Lily this time. And so they rode off to the capital and booked a honeymoon suite. In later years they would go on hundreds of missions, raise up a family of powerful mages, and protect the world from evil. The Dragneel name would go on to become legendary and be synonymous with the most powerful force of good in the world. And all this from a chance meeting in a small town years ago when a rosy haired boy ran into a blond haired girl.

The End

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