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Ritha woke up in bed, surprised. She tried to sit up but a wave of pain washed over her.

"Don't move. It's painful." A voice said.

Ritha turned her head and saw girl with black wavy hair.

"Veera?" Ritha looked surprised, "What happened?"

"My parents and i found you on the road." The girl walked towards Ritha, "Alot of bruises, your whole body is basically broken. I left class. Did something happen at school?"

"I..." Ritha winced and blinked hardly since she couldn't move her arm, "There was this new teacher.... And i think she's the cause of the monster that attacked me."

"I see..." Veera looked at Ritha, "Ritha, don't you think there is something about you and Clara?"

"What is it?" Ritha asked, "I don't know.. Maybe we are the cause of the attacks since 2 years ago."

"Maybe." Veera nodded, "Here. Drink this."

Veera put a straw in a glass with glowing liquid. She brought the glass to Ritha and coded her to drink it. Ritha slurped it.

"What's this?" Ritha said, tasting the liquid in her mouth. It tasted pretty much like Pocari Sweat, "Pocari?"

"No." Veera sighed, "It's healing water. My dad discovered this and it's pretty effective to broken bones."

"Your dad is amazing." Ritha blinked as she slurped the water until the glass was empty.

"You will feel burning later." Veera took the glass away, "But bare with it for a few days."

"Wait. How long was i out?" Ritha looked at Veera.

"A week." Veera crossed her arms.

"Wait..." Ritha thought she forgot something then gasped, "HOW'S CLARA?"

"She's at the hospital with really bad wounds." Veera pressed her lips to a thin line, "The doctors said that she only has 30% chance of living."

Ritha widened her eyes, "I NEED TO SEE HER. NOW!"

"No.. Ritha. You can't." Veera looked at Ritha sadly, "You need to recover."

"SHE IS DYING!" Ritha's eyes were brimming with tears, "I NEED TO GO SEE HER!"

"Ritha, i'm sorry about this." Veera blew a tranquilizer to Ritha's arm, and Ritha dropped her head. She slept.

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