Quenna's first day at Highbrow Grove

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      "Be as polite and genteel as possible Quenn. Only then, you can expect to look at least tolerable!" advised Raemonie.

   "Mom! I have never been disobedient. I only tried to spot the misleading, wrong things that our teachers told us, were facts!"

      "Yeah! Whatever thing it is, that you do ! DON'T - DO - THATT for this old, pitiful man's sake!!! He's tired of finding new schools to put you in." cried Ethan.

     "People have started asking if your father is plotting plans to build a science related magnet school, since he does a lot of school-survey rather than inventing!" whined Raemonie.

     "Okay! Okay now! I will try to look as dumb as a blobfish!" interrupted Quenn and got into the Highbrow train.

       All the eyeballs inside the train rolled and paused seeing the newcomer. A short-for-her-age type,yet with an erect, stanchion like figure, peachy skinned girl, possessing excessively dense and long, wooly curls almost sufficient to robe her whole self, strutted into the vehicle with her head held up, fittingly attired tip-top, according to the school's rules.

      She sat on the first vacant seat she noticed, simultaneously trying to observe all the students in the train which was too much work for her eyes. Her pupil glanced rapidly through some 25 heads at the same time. She could only capture a few faces, a girl with two pigtails, a tall boy with a long,sharp nose and another plump boy with spiny hair.. Suddenly she felt like someone from the back was trying to speak to her.

        "Hello! I'm Tommy! Uhmm...Why have you come here?" reluctantly asked, a short boy with curly hair.

      "To clean the classrooms" replied  Quenn sharply.

       "Oh! Will you be cleaning the 5th grade science group classroom too?" the boy asked though she was dressed in the most disciplined, tidy manner.

      "Oh yes! Tommy's class is always priority for me" grinned Quenn, with her brain bursting inside, unable to tolerate the boy's stupidity.

        "Yay! You see, I get bored a lot. Thus I thought I can pass some time" smiled Tommy.

      Quenn turned front, closing her fist so tightly that it would burst in a few more seconds spent with Tommy.

      The train stopped near a building which predominantly shone than any other building in the area, with a motto  "Time favours the observant! The oblivious pitifully lose!" painted in golden color on a navy blue gate.

        The students walked into their respective classes. Quenn sat in the first bench of a classroom which obviously attracted Quenn with quarter of the room being laboratory like, having many practical equipments like telescopes, microscopes, rocket models, sonometers, seismometers etcetra.

       Tommy entered into the same class and was surprised to see the girl he saw in the train, seated to his left, where Frode Adelaide has been sitting.

      "You?!! What are you doing here?" yelled Tommy seeing Quenn.

     "Accompanying Tommy" smiled she, "You said you got bored".

   "How nice" Tommy's tone reduced to a whisper "of you!" as the teacher got in.

      "Good morning Madam Brianna Brice!" the class greeted.

      "Good Morning highbrows! Stop being overambitious now! How hard you pray, Madam will not forgot about the test scheduled today" Madam Brianna smiled malignantly.

     "If you are smart enough, while I'm going to take two minutes to introduce someone to the class, flick the pages and know something!" she said smiling, that looked like a generous economic assistance from one nation to another, after waging war with it and demolishing it completely, draining all of its economy.

     Quenna got up from her seat and was introduced by Madam Brianna which confused Tommy totally.

      "You said you came to clean the clas...?" he whispered puzzled, while Quenn stopped him, "Shut up Mr.Tommyrot" and grinned hiding her lack of tolerance to this abhorrence.

     "Tommyrot???" whispered Tommy angrily and suddenly sealed his mouth, seeing Quenn showing a "Shut up or you'll be killed!" devilish expression.

      Another boy who sat to the left of Quenn said, "Hello! Nice to have you in the middle" smilingly "I am Frode Adelaide, by the way".

     Quenn replied "I'll rescue you!" giggling and shook hands with Frode.

    "Let the test begin! Close your books all of you" said Madam Brianna loudly.

       "You want me to send you along with your books, outside the class dear John?" shouted the Cosmology professor.

     All the students closed their books and sat shivering thinking of the out-of-the-world questions Madam Brianna was wont to pose.

     "Durkin! What do you think about time travelling? Is it possible?" questioned Madam Brianna.

     A stout boy got up arduously from his seat and stood stumbled.

      "Mam....err.. Actually, we travel through time everyday and thus I think time travelling is obviously possible." the boy spoke with fake confidence, masking his fear.

      "Durkin! At least, try to alleviate my anger by stopping making that 'certain-of-my-answer' face! Look at you! Standing stiff still! Take your books, get out! Enter when you think you're eligible to attend my class!" shouted the angry tutor.

        "Charteris! Shall I hold some hope on you?" asked the professor

      "It actually is out of the book Madam.Sorry!" replied a bespectacled boy who almost lacked a nose.

     "So the whole of your life is to be tied to some book forever? Shame!" she yelled irritatedly.

       "Anyone else who knows the answer?" frowned Madam Brianna.

    She saw not a single hand raised and as she began, "Get out all of..." a girl has already started, "Time travelling means travelling at a speed greater than that of light which is recorded as 3.8 cross 10 raised to 8, which is practically impossible except for the possibility with the technique of wormholes. No time machines have been built yet. The common mistake is that no one understands how time has to be considered as a fourth dimension. Actually, Mr.Br..." A loud applause  interrupted the super fast delivery of heavy concepts which are unfathomable for 10 year olds.

     Madam Brianna extolled Quenn and said, "Brilliant! That really was elixir to my flaccid, thirsty science nerves."

       Quenna sat down receiving loud thunderous claps from most of her classmates and the remaining seated fixed, agape and awestruck.

       It was interval time and Quenn enquired Frode about what was being taught in the previous Genetics classes as she hated obliviousness.

        "Come on boys! Let's welcome Miss.Blowhard" they both heard.

        A ginger haired, tall boy with an arrogant consistency came front being followed by a gang of boys.

    "We welcome you, Miss.Blowhard, to the esteemed Science group of the Highbrow Grove! So, you got plans to replace my first position?" asked he.

     "Problem?" asked Quenn casually, pitying the boy's self doubt.

     "You should know that this Crudelis Alexandria is a heartless person" said the boy, rudely.

     "I've got better business to do than bothering about your void thoracic cavity. Sorry" said Quenna casually, and turned back ignoring him.

    Crudelis got annoyed, for this is the first time someone isn't getting afraid of him, or even bothering to notice him.

    "Hi! I thinkk I need tto sayy.. you arr so clevver... umm... you  already knew what Madam Brrianna was abbout tto askk?" stuttered the fattest boy that Quenn has never even imagined, existed in Europa.

     "It would've been easy if I did. But, as I said, time traveling hasn't yet been experimented.. not even by me!" grinned she.

     "Uhmm.. I'm Gregorryy Florrence by the wayy. And I come fourth in the class alwayss! You know, I haven't missed it once!" he said proudly.

      "Impressive consistency, my friend!" she smiled, "Try to keep it upper!" sarcastically.

       Entered into the class, a short boy...No, wait! He is wearing a shirt with a tie, suspenders holding his pot belly tight, and a pant, instead of the school uniform. It was Quenna's Genetics professor who was shorter beyond the limit that almost everyone can think of him as a student.

      "Good morning professor Langus  Maximilian!" the class resonated.

     "Good Mor....Half of the class is seated before I order to do so!! Therefore all of you will now enjoy being in the most unfavorable position! Stand up all of you! At once!" yelled the man, enraged.

     The whole class stood desperately yet angry with the arrogant professor.

     Langus was a man of pitifully low self esteem and always seemed to interpret every action of others' as an insult.

     Quenna who found it hard to keep standing idle, took out her Genetics book and started reading it in her mind, which put a 'happy' expression on her face and the professor wasn't seeing any discomfort affecting her.

       "You restless, jittery bookworm! Close that book and stand still I say!" roared the professor.

     "No Sir! I - was -.."

       "Don't prattle fearlessly! How disrespectful! Get out! Now!" yelled he.

      Quenna saw not a single valid reason for him asking her to get out of the class. She refused to move and thought she could make a fake apology to calm the wild man down.

      "Crudelis! Take this new nuisance out of my class!! She won't move!" he yelled, with that arrogant devil being his favorite student in the class.

    Crudelis happily accepted the offer giving a venomous smile particularly to mortify her.

    Quenna's situation couldn't get worse.

    "I ain't paralysed!" she unexpectedly shouted and left the class astonishing everyone and indubitably infuriating the professor.

        There stood Frode feeling so discontent about his inability to do anything in the situation, simultaneously tensed thinking about the upcoming days of Quenna at Highbrow Grove, as Mr.Langus was a man who was wont to holding life long grudges.

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