The letter from Highbrow Grove

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Meet Quenna Raemonie!
May be, I should switch to a name-suggesting business?

The crowns of the five oaks clasped branches forming a dense icy canopy, bordering the star shaped breach they left, for the Sun to dye Quenna's book with sepia shade. She lay in the snowy ground, with her head resting on one of the oak trees, some strands of her frizzy hair that stuck frozen with the tree's bark, un-freezing under the mild warmth of the Sun. The glaze from the oak leaves thawed and fell on her face, which she noticed not, still reading her favourite book, "Time travel paradoxes", with her lips smiling, and head nodding, in acceptance of the lines she read.

Suddenly, her body shook when a peremptory voice rang loud in her ears, "Quenn!", which then sounded threateningly soft,"Shall I send a palanquin dear?"

Quenna picked all her books at once, realising that her mother had been calling her since the last three hours. She dived into the ocean in a hurry and while she swam wading through the long stems of giant lilies, an oafish voice came, "Good morning, Quenn!".

Quenna tried hard not to ignore Madam Molly's wish today, though it was half past fifty already.
She yelled impatiently, "I really had a good morning Madam! Good afternoon by the way!"

Quenna hated all her neighbours and especially Madam Molly. She had always been a flibbertigibbet who did or even talked something of use.And Quenn who hated people who talked intentionally, without a purpose, found it very difficult to tolerate Madam Molly.

"Sister dear, next time you take my stationery kit, you won't be allowed inside the house! Understood?", an infuriated Leroy cried.

"Uhmm. The punishment seems so pleasant dear! You must try devising something brutal, my little brother." grinned Quenn who loved being alone.She hated doing mundane things, talking with people etcetra which all she regarded futile.

Books alone she considered sane; nothing else. However she luckily had the tolerance to put up with her family members whose wit matched quarter of hers.

She reached home to know that her schoolmate Regina has called her to ask a doubt in the homework.

"Why do you make your friends wait so long? I pity them" cried Madam Raemonie.

"No no Mom... I'm helping them use their brains. Regin would've completed the work by now, without any assistance.I'm curing her 'Phone-a-friend' sickness Mom!" mocked Quenna.

Her mother sighed and left.She suddenly yelled with glee "Quenn! Look at this!"

Quenna saw a letter in her mother's hand and displayed not a single expression, as always.

Raemonie screamed showing almost all her teeth,"Oh my God! The Hi..." until she was interrupted by Quenn.

"The Highbrow Grove has sent an acceptance letter. Ain't I right?" smirked Quenn.

"Oh yes! And oh my god! Aren't you happy?" asked her mother who was all smiles.

Quickly replied Quenn, "Satisfied!" and shut the door behind her, and walked to her reading spot.

Her mother came running and asked with surprise,"The top school in the whole of Europa has accepted you and you're so laconic? What's wrong?"

Quenn turned back and retorted, "Mom! Reacting is a waste of time. Don't you think? And moreover, why won't they accept my application Mom? My correction to Professor Mr.Minerva's misconception about the ecliptic's obliquity is more than enough.Won't that suffice? There's no reason to over react. I believe in doing things only that are useful or at least productive."

She saw her Mom's bright face lose its flare and said, "Uhmm..May be this smile would brighten you" as she gave a wide grin to replace the frown that stole the gleam, her Mom's face always shone with.

Quenna seemed a misanthrope to everyone, though she had a place for each and every person she met, in her heart. She always seemed to criticize people for their mistakes, but her striking ability to identify that spot in each person's heart which withheld his/her good nature, though he/she is predominantly wicked and immoral, was the essence of Quenna's ineffably nonpareil character. Her parents and her family seemed to have understood her quite well, though not completely. But the neighbours and other acquaintances never had her in their good books. One among the most honest facts in the world is that, very few restrain themselves from getting flattered by sweet words, and the Europans were no exception. They loved genteel girls as always. But Quenn believed in action and detested exaggeration. She had always been ready to sacrifice her own life, when her people got into deep waters. She hated wasting time in mourning, and instead believed in finding a solution. Unfortunately, there was none born yet, to interpret the affection her heart withheld and marvel at her. Instead, everyone loathed her for her wise reticence and punctilious nature. Or to put it well, no one was blessed enough to devour the spectacle she arrayed.

And,Madam Raemonie took her mirthful form back, as she fled to share the jubilance with Mr.Raemonie.

"Ethan!!!Dear..." yelled she, with her feet clearly not in ground.

"Hush Madame!" came a whisper from a milky white, furry creature with two long incisors that were predominant than any other feature in its 15 inch, fluffy body.

"Mister is repairing my fruit-skin peeler!" it murmured.

"You are very poor at prioritizing, Ethan!" yelled Raemonie looking away from the woodchuck and turning at Ethan.

"Okay both of you now, listen to this!" she said, regaining the glee.

She read the letter, "Miss.Quenna Raemonie has been accepted to pursue class 5 in The Highbrow Grove school..." and instantly the woodchuck intruded her, "The eyebrow??" with a puzzled face.

"Mr.Chub! It is HI-gh-brow,not eyebrow!", frowned Raemonie.

"Ahm... I understand that Madame! It's my teeth that misspells!" bluffed Chub, the woodchuck.

"Oh! That's great news indeed, if she doesn't find mistakes with the professors' teaching, here at least." came a sigh putting off the excitement of the inventor,Quenna's father.

He was a stout man with a rotund figure, where hardly had any neck was visible, rather being sandwiched between his plump face and his pot-bellied, flabby foundation. However, Madam Raemonie was just the obverse, being a long-legged woman with a slender, snake-hipped figure.

There lay Mr.Chub who was an entirely anomalous creature, but an indispensable member of the family, nibbling his peeled cantaloupe, or better, being keen-eyed as always with his ever-awake, observant mind.

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