*Creature Species - Anela*

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The next species in TAOS I'll be writing about is an Anela! Piper, the Female protagonist, is an Anela!


Anelas live in the big, popular city named Anela City, which is out in the middle of the forest, near the Firefly Forest, and Zurropia! Anelas are part fox, part sea horse, and they also have the mutation of wings like Zurro dragons! Each Anela has two tails! One fox tail, and one sea horse tail! They also have a sea horse fin on their back!

One way to easily tell an Anela apart from every other creature species on Mystopolis is their remarkable Rainbow patterns on their fur. Each Anela's rainbow pattern is unique, and completely different from their parents even.

Though, in the beginning It wasn't this was. An Anela's fur actually used to be pretty dull back in ancient creature times.

One day, the young future mayor of the Anelas became very hurt. She was cut by the poisonous thorns from the Frostberry Tree nearby (This tree grows poisonous berries that are disguised as regular berries, I'll show more on this later. And their branches and trunk are covered with poisonous thorns).

The poison from the cut spread to her veins, and it cause her to be in severe pain with whatever she'd done, and she didn't have much time yet. The Anela's father (Current Mayor) sent out a huge group of Anelas to find the perfect remedy to heal his daughter.

The only way the poisonous cut could be healed and allow the creature to live properly was if the creature received the magical rainbow water from the Gemstone Lake all the way on island Mystica.

It took the group several days to get and retrieve the remedy for the Mayors daughter, but fortunately they were successful in doing so. In s hurry, they rushed back to the Mayor's daughter, who didn't have much time left, and gave her the remedy to heal the poisoned wound.

The cure worked, and exposed of the poison inside her veins, but along with it, her fur was permanently turned to a bright and pastel rainbow color.

And years later, she passed this onto her kits, and they continued to pass it on through generations and generations. Over time, the rainbow just ended up becoming unique patterns for each Anela.


Anelas are creatures that are really devoted to thanking the island of Mystica, and their city is probably the most popular city that does so on Mystopolis. In fact, they have a holiday every year where they celebrate Mystica with various Mystica-themed things and activities, as a thank you. (I'll talk more about Mystica in a later chapter)

Anelas are also very proper. They consider it impolite to sway or wag their tails in public in front of other Anelas. The Anela ancestors told the rest of the Anelas that tail wagging showed weakness and immaturity, and they've listened to it every since.

Anelas have a VERY good sense of sight. They can easily see in the darkest of places unlike most creatures. They can also spot the tiniest of flaws (Most Anelas are perfectionists), or if they see anything fishy, they'll definitely check it out. (4 of 5 times if you try to disguise in front of an Anela, that Anela would find out it's a disguise)

Even though Anelas are part sea horse, they never adapted to live/breathe underwater like the Zurro dragons did, and there is no further information yet as to why.

Maybe their ancestors just hated water? 💀


The most visible variation of Anelas is their fur color and rainbow fur pattern, but there is also another way to tell Anelas apart.

There are Anelas that have attachments to their ears that show their social class and or occupation throughout the city! Let me give you some examples!

None - No occupation (Also, Anelas who are future mayors will also have none, like Piper!)
Clocks - Hotel Worker (Nova is a hotel worker, and he has clocks attached to his ears, they're pretty helpful!)
Stars - Celebrity (Anelas know these Anelas from ANYWHERE)
Flowers, Fruits, or Vegetables - Gardener
Mini Crowns - Mayor (ONLY the mayor will have these)

Also, the shade of the rainbow fur patterns can vary from each Anela! The rainbow patterns can either be neon, pastel, dark, shiny, sparkly, or normal! There is no rarity for any of these, it's just random.

Fun Fact: Anelas are most compatible with Zurro Dragons every since Skip came along!


The way Anelas choose a new mayor is very simple. If the Anela has children, the eldest child will be the first to be the Mayor. If that Anela turns leadership down, and there's no one left, then the Anela must go to their assistant and let them take the lead.

Not just any Anela can become mayor, unless the city is in desperate need of a new mayor, then that will be their backup plan.


Here is what the female protagonist, Piper looks like!

This is one of the many, MANY ways that an Anela can look like!

How would you like to create your own Anela? Feel free to, an Anela is an open species to everyone!

Anyways, stay tuned for my next species I'll be talking about, the Sea Monsters!

Goodbye for now, my Zurro Dragons! :] I hope you liked learning about Anelas!

-STZD (14-5-22)

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