*Creature Species - Zurro Dragon*

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The first species I am going to be writing about is the creature species of the main character, Skip, which is a Zurro Dragon!!


A Zurro Dragon is a creature that can be found in the deep depths of the seas in their little kingdom called "Zurropia". Zurro Dragons are mostly part fox, but also they're part sea monster (Allowing them to breathe/live underwater), and they have mutations that cause them to have wings, and it's been passed down for generations ever since (Yes, their wings do work, but can stop working if hurt at a young age, meaning that they'll never develop fully).

Zurro Dragons live under the rule of a Monarchy, meaning that they're under the rule of a king and queen. Zurro Dragons are one of the few creature species to be under the rule of a king or queen. Most others aren't under that sort of rule anymore.

Zurro Dragons Have monochromatic eyes, no white whatsoever. And if a creature is cross-bred with a Zurro Dragon, most likely the child will have that type of eyes, because it was more of a dominant trait when it comes to creatures.

Here's an example of monochromatic eyes in a cross-bred creature! (Ray)

Zurro Dragons, alike other creatures on the island of Mystopolis, have a written language that's different to English. There isn't exactly a way that it can be said, it's just written and translated. It's said to be ancient creature language, but it is still used today.

Here's an Example!

(THE ADVENTURES OF SKIP) {Fun Fact: When written in this language, the creatures are technically writing in ALL CAPS since there was no lowercase symbols invented for this language}.

Here is the concept for it!

Typically, the only time this language is written is on ancient stone or ancient temple/cave walls. Writing like this can give a creature a lot of backstory, or information, but the creature has to be fluent in the language to be able to translate it.

Zurro Dragons, unlike most creature on Mystopolis, come from eggs. The only other creature that has a similar situation is Sea Monsters. This happens with Zurro dragons since they are part sea monster.

The eggs come in all different colors, types, patterns, and more. Baby Zurro Dragons must stay underwater until their 5th fin grows on their tail (I'll explain fins in a second), that tells them that their wings are fully grown and they're read to go on land without harming their wings.

Did you know that the amount of fins on a Zurro Dragon's tail can depict their age? It's true! They can have up to 10 scales on their tail as they grow older!

Here's what each amount of fins on their tail means:

1 - Newborn
2 - Baby
3 - Toddler
4 - Child
5 - Teenager
6 - Young Adult (Skip's age)
7 - Late Young Adult/Adult
8 - Adult
9 - Late Adult/Elder
10 - Elder

So if you ever come across a Zurro dragon, you can look at the amount of fins on their tail to tell their age!

And these fins also help propel younger Zurro Dragons through the water, since their wings can't exactly function yet. But, if the fins get damaged and/or punctured when they are young, then they can't exactly propel themselves through the water anymore, and need help getting around until their wings grow.

As you have notice, each Zurro Dragon has gems floating above their ears, which are held in place with the ears by this magnetic-like force given off by the Zurro Dragon (Which only attracts their desired gem).

Each Zurro Dragon gem is different, no matter what their parents were. There are different levels of rarity with these Zurro Dragon gems, and hold an unknown Power to Zurro Dragon kind, which no modern Zurro Dragon has ever discovered yet.

The Zurro Dragons long ago stated that these powerful gems were a gift to them from the creatures on Island Mystica, and they all thank them for it.

Now, onto the rarity of the Zurro Dragon Gems:


Simple Shape - Common
3D Shape - uncommon
Star, Bling, Flower, ETC - Rare
Anything shape that includes floral or nature-ish style - Very Rare
Galactic Shapes - Extremely Rate (Only 5 known in existence so far)

Amount (Per Ear):

1 (Per ear)- Common
2 (Per Ear)- Uncommon
3 (Per Ear)- Rare
4 (Per Ear)- Very Rare
5 (Per Ear)- Extremely Rare


Red, Yellow, or Green - Common
Orange, Purple, or Blue - Uncommon
Pink, Black, or White - Rare
Rainbow - Really Rare
Galactic Colored/Multicolored - Extremely Rare

The design of a Zurro Dragon as come a long way, and the first ever drawing of a Zurro Dragon looked a little something like this:

They used to be just a little bit more on the sea monster and dragon side! Yep! Skip went from that, to this:

(Don't mind the fact that I completely forgot Skip's wings in this photo, but that was the only clear one of his original design that I could find, and his eyes don't look like that anymore)

His eyes look more like this now:

(This is a redraw of an evil Skip I drew sometime a while ago, but his eyes look more something like that now if you get what I mean)

Sometime later, I will update the next chapter with a Zurro Dragon creature template, where you can trace and draw your own! (THE ONLY TIME I ALLOW MOST PEOPLE TO TRACE IS THE TEMPLATES, SO DO NOT TRACE ANY OF MY OTHER ART UNLESS GIVEN THE OKAY BY ME)

If I like your Zurro Dragon, I might feature in TAOS at sometime, since I am in a need of side-background characters! Just post the art to your Art or Randomness book, tag me, and I'll look at it!

Can't wait to see what you guys come up with! Stay tuned for more information on other stuff with TAOS!!

Goodbye my Zurro Dragons! :)

-SkipTheZurroDragon (1-5-22)

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