The Big Guys

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"Hey punk what you doing and who you talking to". It was the school bullie Jimmy fitzergerald and his buddies. This always happens " what now IDIOT" I said annoyed "DID YOU CALL ME AN IDIOT, GUYS GET HIM!!!!" "Uh oh RUN" said Tim. I skated as fast as I could but they were really fast at running.
I jumped the ramp over a dog but they still came " keep going" said Tim on my board. "WE WILL GET YOU TODAY PUNK" They all said and keep running until I got to a giant ramp. I took a chance and jumped it and landed on the grass.
I ran as fast as I could then skated because they came back to give me a nuckle sandwich.
I was nearly home! I was going to make it until my mum wasn't home but I remembered
"THE KEY" I shouted. I quickly put the key in the door and got in just In time. I locked the door and they all didn't know I was in here but when my mum got home everything went wrong they asked have you seen a kid called Josh come past and she saw my face and I said " no" so she did, luckily.
"Thanks mum" i said "Soo that's the bullie who gave you the black eye before we left for LA" she said angrily.

"Yes!" I said " and that guy likes that girl that I like he really hates me for that and she likes me MORE! " I said loudly. "Well if you stay put of his way then he will not hurt you that much" said my mum sugesting.

"Well you should stay away Josh and when's dinner" said Tiny Box Tim. "What was that" said mum "nothing" I said going upstairs to my room "give me my dinner on the table" i said.

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