Chapter 4

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we zoom in the azur lane base where the shipgirls are repealing the siren onslaughted while federation and thunder were fighting each other federation was using his ciws to shoot down his missiles and sheels while also lauching his aicrafted

federation:su 57 adf x morgans take off

as the aicrafted took off wipeing out many of the sirens vessels sinking them to the bottom of the ocean while his aicrafted target thunder thunder was able to shoot many of the  aicrafted down which appeard on his carrier intacted

thunder:espression:this is the best fighted in my life

federation:how about we end this in a final strike

thunder:exsitment:oh yes guns fire fullpower 

federation:varcolac squadron strigon team take off as they fought at their maximum potentional it ended with both of them being damaged only for their injuries to heal as they looked to see kaga was about to being shot thunder looked at federation and he said this

federation:go man save her

thunder:salutations:thank you time to wound the grey ghosted

cleveland:so the siren ships are down huh you foughted thunder and

federation:it was the greatest fight in all my life he has potentional

cleveland:so the sirens are down now what

federation:mi 35 hinds take off as they took off healing many of the shipgirls from their injuries and as they looked to see enteprise being knocked down by thunder

cleveland:damm who knew pushing yourself to the limited can do that

federation:yes as hes aicrafted rescued enteprise as akagi said her final speech they dissapeard as wales and illustrious arriveed to see the siren vessels destroyed and enteprise down

prince of wales:so the sakura empire and ironblood are joining forces

federation:yes good news the base is intacted question do we have a fleet outside the base

illustrious:there is hornets fleet oh they are going to target them then you will go i presume

federation:yes your incharge of the base im going as hes riggins were equiped he went full spead ahead to find hornet fleet

we zoom on akagi carrier where kaga was being treated from her injuries while thunder was humming in his self as kaga asked him he said this

thunder:exsitment:that was the best fighted in my life 

kaga:ok so we are heading back to the base

thunder:salutations:as you wish as the first carrier division were returning back to the base

we zoom as federationed arriveed saving hornet fleet from the fifth carrier division with prinz eugen asking him who is he and he gave her a flirted in returned

prinze eugen:ara ara who are you boy

federation:im federation a stealthed super carrier  and who are you my lady he asked in polite tone

prinze eugen:im prinze eugen ara ara cant wait to know more about you

federation:be my guest to find out eugen he flirted back at her

prinz eugen:ara okay boy we are leaving dont get killed ok

federation:dont worry i wont see ya later are you okay hornet

hornet:im fine thanks for saving us who was that ship that wounded my sister

federation:oh that was thunder my frieund

hamman:ok also will you stop looking at me

federation:im not looking at you tsundere


hornet:ok lets return back to base

federation:get aboard my ship we will returned faster

arizona:ok hop aboard girls as they got aboard his ship the ship moved fasted and they returned back to base with hornet fleet alive they still have to worry on what akagi and kaga are planning with that cube with federation

suspecting thunder will find out as federation went to bed preparing for tommorrow the war continues

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