Episode 21: The Snowball War

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Tyler was at Caylin's house, just hanging around. They were both sipping hot chocolate and laughing, telling goofy stories about Kage. Suddenly, Caylin had an idea. "Hey, Ty, we should have a snowball war!" she suggested.

"Didn't we have one just a few weeks ago?" Tyler questioned.

"That was a snowball fight," Caylin told him. "This will be bigger and better!"

"Count me in!" Tyler said.

*Around 2 hours later...*

Tyler, Caylin, Kage, Mario and Peach were all here to start the war. They went to their respective places and began to construct their forts.

Tyler, Caylin and Dixon (Caylin's cheetah) built a very nice fort. It was 5 feet tall and was fairly thick.

Mario and Peach built a castle out of snow. It was 10 feet tall and extremely thick.

Kage made a snow pile. He called it The Lump.

The fight was on! Tyler and Caylin pelted Mario and Peach with snowballs, and Mario and Peach returned the favour. Kage just threw snowballs to nowhere.

After around 5 minutes, they all pretty much gave up. Then, Tyler had an idea. He whispered it to the others and they thought it was a great idea. They all gathered a few snowballs and pelted Kage. Kage was buried almost immediately.

Afterwards, they went in for hot chocolate.

[Sorry if this is short and boring; this is more of a filler episode than anything. They'll get better later, I promise! Anyways, vote, comment and give me suggestions. Until next time!]

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