Episode 28: Getting to Know You

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It was a nice March afternoon. Tyler, Caylin, Mario, Luigi, Peach and Daisy were all sitting around the fireplace in Caylin's house. They were chatting about random stuff. Suddenly, Tyler changed the subject.

"Mario, there's something that's been bothering me for a little while," Tyler said.

"Really? What?" Mario asked.

"I just keep wondering how you and Peach met in the first place," Tyler said.

"Well, I'd be happy to tell you how we met," Mario said. "I remember back in elementary school was where I met her..."


It was a beautiful summer day. School had begun not too long ago. The bell rang to begin recess.

One of the kids in the group that went outside was Mario, then only 6. The young Mario was a confident guy and enjoyed playing outside. He went down slides, climbed ladders and slid down the pole.

Mario had just gotten off the slide and was going over to another part of the structure. He looked over to his right. When he did, someone caught his eye.

He noticed a girl. She had blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes and a cute pink dress. Mario was essentially hypnotized by her sheer beauty.

Unfortunately, the hypnosis drew his attention away and didn't stop him from walking... until he walked into a metal pole and fell down. He immediately clutched his nose, which was now sore.

The first person to come up to him was - who else? - the girl that grabbed his attention. "Are you OK?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Mario replied. "I'm just a little sore."

"Are you sure?" the girl questioned.

"I'm sure," Mario said.

"I'm assuming you'll want to know who I am, right?" the girl asked.

"Well... yeah," Mario admitted.

"I'm Peach," she said.

"I'm Mario," Mario replied.

At that moment, they could both tell they were going to be good friends.

*end of flashback*

"...and that's how we came to know each other," Mario concluded.

"Wow, that's a great story!" Tyler said.

"That story was boring," Luigi said.

"What are you talking about?" Tyler asked. "His story was cool!"

"It's not that cool when you've heard it at least 50 times," Luigi countered.

"Well, if you think my story is boring, why don't you tell us how you and Daisy met?" Mario asked.

"Yeah, tell us!" Tyler said excitedly.

"OK, I suppose I could tell you," Luigi decided. "It happened much more recently, around 10 years ago. We were at the local golf course, getting ready for a good match..."


It was another wonderful day. The sun was out and the birds were singing. The courses at the Mushroom Golf Club were simply immaculate.

Mario exited from the clubhouse, with Luigi close behind. "I told you before, Luigi, your clubs are fine!" Mario said.

"They might be OK, but that's not good enough," Luigi quipped. "Those new Mushroom XLY clubs will take my game to the next level!"

"That's what you said about the Mushroom TR clubs, and they were junk!" Mario said.

"OK, so the clubs might not work, but the trophies were nice," Luigi stated.

"Yeah, I kind of figured that out," Mario said. "You were staring at them for an hour!"

"They were shiny..." Luigi said dreamily.

"Luigi, snap out of it!" Mario shouted. "We have some golf to play!"

The brothers finally found Peach waiting at the first hole. "Hey, guys! You ready to play?" she asked.

"Of course!" Mario replied.

"Before we begin, I'd like to introduce my friend Daisy, who will be playing with us," Peach said. "Daisy, this is Mario..."

"Oh, I know who Mario is," Daisy said. "He saved me from an alien once."

"Oh, he did, did he?" Peach began, glaring at Mario. "That's strange. He never mentioned that before."

Mario did a nervous laugh. Of course, it wasn't a "ha ha, that's so funny" laugh; it was a "ha ha, I'm so dead" laugh.

"Anyway, this is Luigi," Peach continued. She looked over at him and saw that Luigi had a loopy grin on his face and seemed to be falling for someone or something.

"Luigi?" Peach asked. He didn't respond.

"Luigi..." Still no response.

"LUIGI!!!" Peach shouted. That snapped him out of it.

"This is my friend, Daisy," Peach said.

"Oh, uh, hi, nice to meet me!" Luigi said. It was about a second later that he realized his mistake.

"Now, let's go play some golf!" Peach said.

"You guys get set up," Mario said. "I need to talk with Luigi for a second."

The girls went to go get set up. Mario pulled Luigi aside. "Man, that was the best comedy I've seen all year!" Mario exclaimed.

"I goofed, didn't I?" Luigi asked.

"That doesn't matter right now," Mario said. "You like her, don't you?"

"Like who?" Luigi asked.

"Don't play dumb with me," Mario said. "You know who I'm talking about!"

"Well... yes," Luigi admitted.

"Well, why don't you ask her out on a date?" Mario asked.

"Well, I suppose I could try," Luigi said. He got up and walked over to the girls. They had their backs turned to him. He reached out his hand towards Daisy to get her attention, but quickly withdrew it. Ican'tdothis, he thought.

Just then, Daisy turned around and saw Luigi. "Hey, Luigi! What's up?" she asked casually.

"Mario's cholesterol level!" Luigi exclaimed, saying the first thing he could think of.

"Uh... OK..." Daisy said, unsure of how to respond.

Uhoh, thisisn'tgood, Luigi thought. ShethinksI'mweirdalready. Betterjustaskheralready.

"So, uh... do you like to eat food?" Luigi asked, trying (and failing) to sound casual.

"Well... yeah," Daisy responded.

"Well, then, do you want to go to a restaurant and eat food with me?" Luigi asked.

"Wait... are you asking me out on a date?" Daisy asked with a sly smile.

"Well, if you want to use the technical term, yes, a date," Luigi said.

"I'd love to!" Daisy exclaimed. "How about tomorrow at 6?"

"Sounds good!" Luigi said.

"First, though, we got to play some golf!" Daisy said.

"Gladly, but there's something I need to do first," Luigi said. "I'll be back in a second!"

Luigi ran to a far point and, when he was sure there was no one listening, he started jumping up and down and shouting with joy.

*end of flashback*

"We had a wonderful date, and the rest, as they say, is history!" Luigi concluded.

"Whoa, that was epic," Caylin said.

Mario said nothing because he was too busy laughing.

"Well, seeing that Chuckles von Meatball over there is busy laughing, I suppose we should just go home," Luigi suggested.

Mario suddenly stopped laughing. "Wait! We can't leave yet!" he said.

"Well, why not?" Luigi asked.

"There's still one more story that must be told!" Mario said. "Tyler, would you be able to tell us your story?"

"Of course!" Tyler said. "I remember it being during elementary school, around the age Mario was in his story..."


It was a nice, sunny day (the Mushroom Kingdom sure has nice weather, eh?) The grass was green and all was cheery and bright.

Tyler walked into his classroom and found his seat. Back then, Tyler was a little nervous and didn't like talking to people he didn't know. In other words, he was shy. This was the reason he didn't have many friends.

A few minutes later, a girl walked into the classroom. She had brown, curly hair and was about 2 inches shorter than Tyler. She was socializing with the other kids.

She seems nice, Tyler thought. I should get to know her. Unfortunately, his shyness kept him in his seat.

Class started a few minutes later. It was math class. The class was pretty easy.

Tyler got up to go get something from the back.  The girl with the curly hair had the same idea, but she decided to run. Predictably, neither of them were looking where they were going and ran into each other. They both fell backwards. Thankfully, neither of them were injured.

The girl got up and went over to Tyler. "Are you OK?" she asked.

"Y-Yeah," Tyler replied shakily. He didn't really like talking to people he didn't know. This meant that he was extremely nervous in this context.

"I should probably introduce myself," the girl said. "I'm Caylin. What's your name?"

"I-I'm T-Tyler," Tyler replied.

"I can see you're a little nervous," Caylin said. "You don't have to be nervous around me. I don't bite or anything!"

That seemed to do the trick. Tyler seemed a lot less nervous. They were now friends.

*end of flashback*

"We've been friends ever since," Tyler finished.

"Now, that's a good story!" Mario said.

"Yeah, I like that one!" Luigi said.

The conversation continued into the night.

[So, what do you think? It's much longer than what I usually write for this book, but it's also a little higher quality. As always, vote comment and give me suggestions for future epiodes. Until next time!]

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