Chapter Four

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Lucy tossed and turn in bed uncomfortable and hot. Her first thought was Natsu must be in the bed, the man is always around 100.0 she doesn't understand how he's not sick. She sat up and looked around for the pinkette. She could hear his soft snores coming from below and peered over the edge of the bed.

On the ground was Natsu with a pillow and blanket. Luce sighed feeling bad that she was in his bed, but that same time he could've just slept on the couch or even on the bed. She couldn't care less, but Natsu knew it would be wrong to sleep in the bed with a married woman.

Lucy crawled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to shower. They had about two hours before they needed to be at the school. Showers were Lucy's favorite. The hot water seemed to wash away all her fears and worries. That and she felt that with every wash she was able to wash her husbands filth away.

"Yo Lucy, hurry up gotta pee!" Natsu yelled from the hall.

"I just got in like five minutes ago!" She yelled back. "Hold it!"

"No way women take forever in the shower. Hurry up or I'm gonna come in while you're still showering." He warned.

Lucy's face flushed red. "D-dont you dare!!" She quickly washed her hair and rinsed off.

Natsu heard the water shut off and a second later Lucy was standing in the door way dripping wet and her face was red.

He bit his lip to suppress his laugh.

"I didn't think you'd actually get out that fast.."

Lucy pointes her finger at him and huffed. "Well I didn't want you to walk in on me! I'm a married woman after all!"

"I know, that is pretty unfortunate too."

Lucy point her finger down and smiled. "You're right that is unfortunate. If only there was something I could do." She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"That's a pretty messed up joke there Luce, but I mean if you really mean it you can just get a divorce."

Lucy's heart ached at the thought of filing for a divorce. While she was mad and hurting,
she didn't want to acknowledge that her marriage has actually failed. She closed the door and locked it.

After a few few Lucy emerged fully dressed and ready to cease the day. Natsu on the other hand was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee looking like he hasn't slept in a week.

"Aren't you gonna shower?" Lucy asked as she poured her self a cup of black sludge.

"Eh I mean I could, but I don't really feel like it." He told her with a yawn. Lucy looked at him with disgust.

"God no wonder why you're still single."

Natsu's head slowly turned in disbelief. "Ouch, just ouch. I am hurt Lucy. HURT!"

Lucy couldn't keep a straight face and started laughing her head off. Natsu got off the couch and poked at her sides causing her to laugh more from being tickled. "You're so cruel Lucy." Her laughter died down and she flustered slightly at his closeness. "Well go on shower. Do you want to carpool? Save some gas?"

"I have practice with the team till six today. Big game on Friday. So unless you wanna hang out till six I would suggest driving solo."

Lucy contemplated her options. She good grade the rest of the essays and actually get things done. Knowing her self she won't want to grade when she gets back.

"I think carpooling will work just fine. Got some grading to get done. Just meet me at the parking lot after you guy are done okay." She told him with a smile.

Natsu watched her and noticed her behavior has changed slightly and she seems to be happier this morning. A smile rugged at his lips knowing he was able to help cheer her up.

"Go shower you smell!" Lucy yelled shoving him in the direction of the bathroom.


It's 5:30 and Lucy's Brain is fried after reading and grading dozens of her students essays. She can't believe some of these students have made it this far. However that just means she's gonna be the best teacher she can be and help them achieve a better grade. She has compiled a list of names who she would need to have one on one discussions with.

"Arg is it six yet!" She cried out laying her head on the desk. She was exhausted and wanted to go home. But she didn't regret staying she got most of her work finished. She let out a sigh in victory and closed her eyes.

"Thirty more minutes she mumbled to her self as her body lulled her to sleep.

Meanwhile out on the field, Natsu is drilling his team.

"Come on Jackson, what's going on with you today. Did you sprain your ankle? You've been running slow way to slow." He yelled out. Natsu makes sure all his students are well prepared for any games. This is the eighth graders final game for the season he wants it to be their best. Checking his watch he sees it's about fifteen to six.

"Alright guys wrap it up! You can head on home." Natsu helped clean the field equipment up and headed to his car. To his surprise Lucy wasn't waiting there yet. "Guess she's still working" he told himself.

After ten minutes had past Natsu decided to go check the building for her. There's no way she would've walked back especially with out at least telling him first. Natsu our his hands in his pockets as he roamed the building. Being silly he started jumping around the corners of halls yelling her name. However there never was a Lucy standing there.

Finally he made it up to her classroom and opened the door. At first he thought she really left till he heard soft snoring coming from her desk. A small laugh escaped his lips as he walked towards her desk. She enough she was past out on her desk.

He watched her sleep for a moment then decided it was time to wake her up.

"no.. NO!" She yelled and her body jerked up startling Natsu.

"Jesus Lucy what the hell! You trying to give me a heart attack!?" Natsu yelled grabbing at his chest.

"Huh what.. what time is it?" She asked rubbing her eyes confused.

"It's 6:20, I waited for you but you never showed up. Didn't think I'd find you sleeping up here though."

"I'm sorry I was pretty tired. Let me grabbed my purse and we can get going." Lucy fumbled around straightening up her desk and grabbed her bag.

The pair walked back to the car in silence. That is until Natsu brought up her sleep yelling.

"Wanna talk about your dream? You seemed pretty upset."

"My dream.. i honestly can't remember what my dream was even about anymore." She laughed it off but it was a lie. She dreamt that she was confronting Mason and he got mad and started hitting her and taking advantage of her. The dream scared her. What if that was her fate should she bring it up. She hurt to begin with, but now she's scared. No she's terrified of her husband.


It is now Friday afternoon. Lucy and her friends are all attending the big baseball game. Baseball was this schools pride and joy. How could it not be when Natsu is the head coach for the team. If they win the game they will have the best rank in the school districts.

Lucy is proudly sporting her schools spirit clothes. The gang always goes all out when it comes to baseball games. They have since they attended here back in middle school and all through out highschool. Back then Natsu and Gray were on the team. Lucy learned to love the sport because she wanted to be able to cheer her bestfriend on and actually know what was going on.

"Oi Lucy!" Natsu called out from the sidelines.

Lucy blinked coming back from her memories. If Natsu was calling for her it meant he needed cheesy fries ASAP. Cheesy fries were Natsu's source of inspiration. Once he had cheesy fries in his system that was it for the other team. It didn't matter of the players sucked with his game plan they were sure to win.

"Got it!" She yelled back and dashed for the concessions stand.

"Large cheesy fry for coach and a a pretzel for
The right hand man." The old man working the stand smiled.  He had been working here since they were all kids. He works the games here and at the highschool.

"Alright capt!"

Lucy took the food around the fence and posted up next to Natsu. He quickly took a handful of fries and looked out at the field. Five minutes later he chuckled.

"Alright what's the game plan?" Lucy asked plopping the last of her pretzel in her mouth.

"Johnson has the stance of a high hitter but it's actually really good at low pitches. The pitcher has been throwing mostly high pitches. Way i see it is they see Johnson he gonna aim low. Johnson on a good day can get to second base. But it's his final game till highschool. He's gonna home fun it and win the game. There's two on bases. This is it. He messed up and we lose the game."

Lucy let out a small burped and looked at him. "You sure about this. Mitchell is your star player."

"Woooow Luce. After all these years you're doubting my cheesy fry method thinking." Natsu couldn't believe she would say such a thing.

Just before she could respond Natsu called for Johnson to bat and nudged Lucy to watch.

At first Johnson fouled and Lucy bit her lip. But the second swing the pitcher did just as Natsu said. The ball flew in low and Johnson cracked it into the sky.

Lucy smiled and hugged Natsu. "How could I have ever doubt you!" She joked.

"HOME RUN! Magnolia Wins!" The crowd went wild as the kids ran to home plate. Parents were screaming and some of the older students were crying.

"I think you owe me a beer Luce"

"I will happily buy you a beer once all the kids get going."


"Whose the best baseball couch alive!" Natsu yelled at the pub.

"Who still teachers middle schoolers baseball!" Gray yelled from the back.

"Touché" Natsu sat looking slightly dejected.

"Well I for one think you're the best coach and player." Lucy said leaning up against him.

Natsu's face got warm hearing her kind words and seeing her outfit. She wholeheartedly supports the team even if they are just middle schoolers.

"Thanks Luce! By the way you seem the be a lot happier just needed a few days to get off your period?" Natsu asked. He knew this would make her confused because she had lied about being on her period.

"Haha yeah. Couple days chilling at your place will heal anything Natsu." She wasn't lying this time. Five days being around her bestfriend and working on her own needs she is feeling refreshed and happy again. Her cheating husband has been gone for five days. And it's been the best five days of her life.

With that Lucy sipped her Margarita and sing along to the music that was being played.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and horrible drunk singing and dancing. The friends enjoyed their victory tonight and also celebrated to the fact the the school year was almost over.

A few hours had past and everyone was starting to head home. Natsu and Lucy decided to walk home reluctantly. Natsu didn't want to leave his precious car but Lucy refused to let either of them drive.

"You suck. You did this in high school too."

"And you're still alive so you should be thanking me."

"I only had like three beers and you had one margarita. Neither of us are drunk!"

"Natsu that doesn't matter. We still have been drinking. Just enjoy the nice weather okay."

He sighed and walked in silence till they were about a block away. They started reminiscing about old memories.

"Haha I DID NOT!" Lucy yelled as Natsu opened the door to the apartment.

"Shhh hehe you're gonna wake the neighbors Luce." Natsu said as he rushed her inside.

"I don't care. You take that back." Lucy pointed her finger at him.

Natsu grabbed it and shook it around. "Did so, it was after prom we were partying at Juvia's and you were drunk ass fuck. You started stripping in front of everyone. I had to tackle you."

Lucy laughed embarrassed that she doesn't remember doing such a thing. She took off her converse and tossed them to the side of the room as did Natsu. The pair flopped down on the couch and continued talking about embarrassing things they did growing up. Lucy found so much comfort being around Natsu. And for the first time and a long time she wished they would've gotten together. Her cheeks suddenly flushed red. Natsu immediately noticed and leaned in.

"You feeling okay you red is super red." He pushes her bangs to the side felt her forehead.

"Natsu.." Her heart seemed to have stopped beating as she looked at him. He was concerned for her and noticed something as simple as her face heating up. Mason could never.

Lucy's breathing was short and fast paced as she placed her heads on his chest.

"Lucy what's wrong?"

"I.. I really want to.." her voice trailed off as she watched him.

Her hands made their way up and touched his face gently. He smiled softly and rubbed her leg.

"Natsu.." she breathed his name out one last time before she leaned forward and pull his face in as she did.

Natsu's eyes opened widely as her sudden actions. What is happening.

Lucy felt her heart melt and suddenly it hit her.

She just kissed Natsu. Shit..

Hi, I hope y'all enjoy. I'm very slow at writing. I was very stressed before Covid and now it's worse. It's funny i wrote the majority of this chapter in a few hours. Meanwhile my 6 page essay has one sentence and is due in a week. Fabulous.

Just a little i guess forewarning before the story gets further along and y'all start questioning things. 
I've thought about this many times. As you find out in the chapter. Things are going to change with Natsu and Lucy (duh nalu) the thing is it's like why doesn't lucy just get a divorce. He's cheating. She wants to leave. Doesn't make sense right. Well to develop this story i want her stay in the marriage. I decided that the only logic reason that she doesn't leave is because she is scared of her husband. He is already mental and physically abusive towards her. This will start to play out more further along. Thanks for understanding  my reasoning :)

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