Chapter Ten

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Lucy sorted through all the paperwork her lawyer asked her to find for the meeting today. It was harder to find and even harder to get ahold of. Mason had stashed it in a safe with a lock. Lucy and Natsu had to by a replacement lock and break off the old one to get in.

It's been about a week since Mason went out of town. Lucy was determined to get the paper wrote up for divorce before he got back.

"Based on everything you have you are still the rightful heir to your fathers company. It does not matter if Mason is the CEO. The only way he would have any power was if you have a child. This section specifically says any grandchild once of age will inherit the company." Natsu said as he skimmed over over the files.

"Strange that it would move from you to a child"

"Father was always big on keeping the company in the family. He also knew how I felt about taking over which is why I assume he wrote it to happen like that."

Lucy froze then looked up at Natsu.

"I just realized something, before Mason left he was wanting to start trying for children. He must know about that clause. The sooner we have children the easier it is for him to gain complete control over the company."

"I just don't get why he would go through the trouble if he doesn't know that you know about his affair."

"Me either, but I just have a feeling he's plotting against me."

Natsu nodded and checked the time.

"We should should probably get going to your layers before they close."

"Yeah, I know, I just feel like I'm missing something here. There has to be more."

"If there is anything missing they will let you know. We've been going through the files all day. I'm going stare crazy."

"Okay okay, let's just go."

The two walked out the front door and the doorbell camera went off.

Lucy froze, "Thanks for helping me get the materials for that lesson ready. I appreciate it."

Natsu turned around slowly and saw Lucy standing in the door way pointing to the camera.

"Oh of course no problem. Say hi to Mason for me when he gets back. "

"Yes I will thanks."

Lucy slowly shut the door and pulled out her phone.

Lucy : I will leave in a few minutes, go ahead with out me.

Natsu: Sorry, I forgot about the camera. Make sure I'll come in the back next time.

Lucy: I forgot as well. Hopefully that fooled him.


Mason's grip on his phone turned his knuckles white as he watched Natsu and Lucy talking through the doorbell app.

His jealously confused him. Why was he so angry at her friend when he was having an affair and sleeping with multiple women.

He let out a shaky breath as the woman as he waist continued to suck.

The thought of Lucy brought him to the edge. Oh how he wished to dominate her and make her bow before him.

He grabbed a fistful of the brunette's hair forcefully shoving her against him till she was gagging.

"Fuck "


Natsu waited in his car as Lucy talked with her lawyer. She had been in there for a hour now. He wanted to join, but Lucy said it was something she needed to do privately. 

Bored, he watched YouTube on his phone. Suddenly he received an email notification. It was from Mason.

Hello Natsu, I saw earlier you were with my dear wife. Now, I know you are friends and colleagues but I can't help but feel that your free ship is too close for my comfort. I mean you have know her longer than me and you two have an unbreakable bond.

As you know, I am out of town for the next few weeks. I do not appreciate you worming your way in while I am away. Please try and remember she is my wife. Do better and stay away.

- Mason Heartfilia

Natsu couldn't believe what he was reading. He was disgusted and somewhat ashamed. Disgusted at how Mason tried to control who Lucy spent time with and was allowed to see. He felted ashamed reading "she is my wife." He was right, Lucy was married and he knew that. Yet they were seeing each other. It stemmed from Mason's affair, but was no less any different.

Suddenly a tap of the window jolted Natsu's gaze up from his phone. Lucy was standing there smiling.

Ease took over as he rolled down the window.

"How'd it go?"

"We have everything we need, the evidence and the papers. The challenge comes with Mason and telling him to sign the papers."

"That's great, I'm glad everything went over well. Are you going to wait till he gets back or will you tell him before then so he knows what to expect when he gets back?"

"I'm not really sure, I fear if he comes back sooner it'll cause problems. But I also just want it finalized. I want him out of my family home. I want to find someone more capable to take over the company."

Natsu nodded and then looked at his phone again debating whether he should tell her about the email or not.

On one hand it would probably just fuel the fire more. But he didn't want Lucy to also feel that guilt of having an affair as well.

"Anyway, I'm exhausted and need a drink. To Fairytail?"

"Oh you know I could go there any day of the week. Want to meet me there so it's a parking lot you know is safe to leave your car?"

Lucy nodded then leaned in to give Natsu a quick kiss.

"See you there."


Natsu and Lucy sat in their usually corner in the pub drinks in hand.

Shortly after they arrived Grey, Erza and Levy showered up to join.

"Lucy! You're here yay!" Levy cheered and plopped down on a couch near her friend.

"You never come out what's .. changed?" Levy's eyebrows raised in a questions manner as she noticed Natsu's head rested on Lucy's hip. It was common to see an occasional arm around the shoulder from the pair, but this seemed more intimate.

Lucy noticed Levy's odd stare and shift her body.

"Oh Mason is out of town so I have more time on my hands."

"I see, Lu-Lu can we go chat for a second," her eyes adverted to Natsu who was in a heated debate with Erza and Grey. "In private?"

Lucy nodded and got up earning a glance from Natsu. She gave a soft smile and followed Levy. The two went back towards the bathrooms.

"What's up Levy?"

"Save it, Lucy are you.. you and Natsu. Gosh I don't want to accuse you of cheating but are you??"

Lucy's heart rate increased not prepared for such a direct questioning from her friend. She didn't know how to answer. No matter what way you looked at it it was cheating. Even if he cheated and hurt her first.

"Levy.. please don't hate me. Yes, me and Natsu are seeing each other. But please let me explain. Mason I caught him having an affair and he's become so controlling and forceful. I.. I had let my emotions come over me one day and we'll.. there was mutual feelings. And I'm leaving him! I got the divorce papers today. I just haven't told him yet.. Natsu knows everything. We agreed that it should be fine for us to see each other since I am leaving him and he's still having an affair."

Levy was silent for a moment, taking everything in. Finally she left out a sigh.

"I'm so glad you're leaving him." Suddenly tears filled her eyes. "He was so bad to you. It broke my heart to watch you go through that. The physical and emotional abuse. It wasn't right. Now I can't say that agree with being in a relationship before he knows you are leaving him, but I could care less about him. And it's Natsu. I always know you two were end game."

Lucy's lip quivered at her friends words. She expected worse. She also didn't know how Levy felt about Mason.

"I'm sorry for making you worry, thank you for understanding"

The two embraced each other and cried for a couple of minutes. Once they both calmed down Levy decided it was time to pry.

"So is he good in bed"


"Whaaat I'm just curious."

"Well we haven't slept together like that yet. I need to take things slow. I am worried about reacting badly because of Mason."

"Oh I'm sorry, I was just messing. Come on let's go back out."

The pair rejoiced the rest of the group. Natsu immediately noticed Lucy's swollen eyes and gave her a concerned look.

"What's going on?" He whispered as the rest chatted. "You've been crying."

"Levy figured us out."

Natsu's eyes widened and snapped towards Levy who was sipping a fruit drink smirking at him.

His cheeks heated and he felt flustered.

"It's okay, she won't tell anyone I swear."


"Oi flame brain stop gossiping with the girls.

"What you saying you ice prick?"

The two jumped up crashing heads into one another.

"Cut it out you two!" Erza yelled while slamming her drink down. Clearly feeling the affects of her drinks as she is a light weight.

"Stay out of it!" The pair screamed and continued their brawl. Lucy giggled and drank her martini. She wanted to enjoy tonight, even if that meant she got black out drunk.


"Yay we're home!" Lucy cheered dropping her shoes and bag as they walked in the door.

"Home!" Natsu crashed into the door behind her.

Lucy started laughing at his actions.

Natsu fumbled with the door and finally closed and locked it.

"Naaatsuuuu" Lucy slurred making her way over to him. She laced her arms around his neck kissing him deeply.

Natsu moaned into the kiss gripping her waist tightly while his other hand fondled her rear.

A slightly moan escaped her lips feeling his hands on her. Their passionate kissing eventually lead them to the bedroom. Along the way Lucy manage to take off her pants and one arm from her shirt. Natsu was too skillful and was left only in a pair of boxers and socks.

Natsu gently guided Lucy to the bed and his kisses become more sloppy and the timing was slightly rocky.

"Natsuuu help" Lucy cried out as she tried to free her self from her shirt. She fell back with half her head inside her shirt.

"Baby sit up I'll help." Natsu tried to reason.

"Baby?" He flopped down beside her and managed to pull her shirt free. It was too late she was passed out. A chucked escaped his lips and he pulled out his phone and took a picture.

Suddenly he was reminded of that email Mason sent him. Anger filled his drunk veins.

Aggressive tapping could be heard in the bedroom as Natsu typed up an email response. He's eyes became heavy with each word. Eventually sleep took over.


Mason awoke and sighed as he gathered his clothes. He glanced back over at the red head in the bed then turned leaving the room. He rubbed his head as he pulled out his phone to see his missed notifications. Some from his mistress asking about his whereabouts, a few from work and one email from a drunk Natsu.

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