Finding your true love is hard

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Kylee's P.O.V

So Natsu what should we do next on our date I asked

Umm maybe go to your house and watch Netflix Natsu said

Ok let's go I said

Hailey's P.O.V

Hope long does this woman take to go to the store to get some milk jeez I thought

Natsu and Kylee walked into her house and saw Hailey sitting on her couch

Well well who do we have here instead of milk I said

Umm sorry Kylee said

Whatever wait what you're dating Natsu that bastard said that Rogue killed death I yelled

What you did you were the one that made Hailey mad Kylee said

Well I'm sorry Natsu said

Sorry doesn't cut I yelled

Natsu Im done being your girlfriend cause you were the one to cause trouble to my comrades and friends

What that wasn't me Natsu said

Sure it wasn't showing I said  Kylee the messages

It was you really Natsu Kylee said

~ Natsu left ~

I'm really sorry Kylee I said

It's fine you didn't do it it's not your fault Kylee answered

Ok I just got a message from Sting I said

What does it say Hailey Kylee asked

It say  is Kylee around cause I really like Kylee but don't tell her can you ask if she likes me  I said

Umm ok Kylee said

Do you like him Kylee I asked

Fine yes I do Kylee said

Ok just texted him that I said

What did he say Kylee asked

He said will you go out with me

Umm yeah sure Kylee said

Eeeeekkkkk y'all are dating let me tell Mira on of her ships are sailing I said

Please not that please give about a week or two Kylee said

Fine a week I said

Good thanks Kylee said

Thanks for ready I'm currently writing two books so it's really hard for me but I hope you liked it bye guys

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