My Characters

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Full Name: 
Hel Lokidottir

Nicknames are for peasants

Princess of Asgard, Rightful Queen of Helheim, Goddess of Death, Ruler of the Dead, Guide of Helheim, Guide of the Afterlives, The Daughter of Loki

Jaimie Alexander as Lady Sif/with long hair

December 31st, the beginning of time

Older than you can imagine, but her appearance is one of around 18-21



Noticeable Features: 
She's half-dead

Asgardian Goddess


Female, but she can shift genders if she chooses to

Father: Loki Farbautison, but he prefers Odinson.: Hel and Loki have the ultimate father-daughter relationship, they are as close as close can be without being connected by the hip, and she loves him so much. Sure, they don't see each other much, but letters flow between the two the way the sea breeze flows from the ocean to the shore.
Mother: Angrboda: Hel and Angrboa are not close, nor were they ever close, Angrboda left Hel when she was a baby to her father and Hel hasn't seen her since. Hel's main mother figure in life is Sigyn.
Step-mother: Sigyn Iwaldidottir Age: a couple of thousand years Occupation: One of the healers at Asgard Blood Status: Goddess: Hel and Sigyn are quite close-knitted. The two have a best-friend mother-daughter relationship
Siblings: Hel has 5 siblings, all of them half-siblings, and all of them are brothers, three are older and two are younger. Her older brothers are Fenris Lokison, Jormungandr Lokison, and Sleipinr Svaldifarison, she has decent relationships with all of them, but she doesn't see them much since Fenris (Fenni to Hel) and Jormungandr (Gandi to Hel) are serving punishments, and Slepinr (Sleigh to Hel) is the steed of Odin. Her younger brothers are Narfi Lokison and Vali Lokison, the two are three Midgardian years apart (Narfi is nine and Vali is two) and are sons of her father and her step-mother, Hel loves the two to pieces and spoils them rotten. If anyone even dares lay a bad finger on her little brothers, their souls are never found.
Grandmother: Frigga Fjörgynndottir: Hel's Grandmother is Frigg(a) and the two are very close and have a lovely grandmother-granddaughter relationship. Hel has always looked up to her grandmother, and trie her best to be the perfect queen her grandmother is
Grandfather: Odin Borson: Hel's grandfather is Odin, and the two have the worst relationship known to mankind. Odin took advantage of Hel when she was nine years old, and it is an experience that is still horrible in her mind.

Best Freinds: 
None yet...

None yet...

None yet...

None yet...

Love Interest: 
None, but once upon a time she was in love with a certain Sirius Orion Black, but, of course, she never acted upon said love. (Her first crush though, was Iris.)

Love Interest Dynamic: 

Ganglati. Ganglati is a shapeshifter that shifts between a raven and a human. Hel uses him to send letters between the realms.

What are they the guide of? 
Helheim and the Afterlives

Detailed Personality: 
Hel is just about as cold as her realm (which is very cold). She was a bright and happy young girl though, always trying to make the best of a situation and to make people smile. Now, all of her soft and happy features turned sharp and cold over time. She's mostly just lonely, but if someone were to manage to get to know her, that little girl she once was starts to shine through, and she starts melting into the person she once was around you. Despite this, if you don't know her, you'd freeze to death (pun intended) with just her looking at you with her cold glare and cold personality.

Her father, her magic, her brothers, fire (surprise!), warm baths, her title, spring and summer on Midgard, pomegranates.

Bullies, the dwarves, rainy days, her Uncle Baldur, traitors, "peasants", fall and winter on Midgard, Brussel sprouts

Death, yes, I know, ironic, but she fears the day that she dies in Ragnarok. She's also afraid of rejection.

Do they like their job? 
She has a love-hate relationship with her job. While she loves the fact that she gets to rule over people and be powerful, some people are just too stupid, and it's really lonely where she is.

How did they get this job? 
She was born into the job, she knew from a young age she would be the goddess of death and the ruler of Helheim. She didn't choose this job, but she understands it's her duty to do it.

How long have they had this job?
Since she turned thirty Midgardian years old

What kind of guide are they? (A Beetlejuice guide, a Charon guide, a Grim Reaper guide, a bored guide, a bubbly guide, etc.)
She's the cold guide that everyone fears, mostly because she doesn't want to get too attached to any of the people she guides because she doesn't want to risk not being able to see a friend ever again. She learned that lesson a long time ago.

How do they feel about breaking the rules?
She doesn't give a crap since she's technically the head honcho of the guides. She'd only be scared because she can only get in trouble by the royalty of the gods.

Did they go to school anywhere?
She briefly went to Hogwarts for a few years, and she studied at Asgard.

Did they live in the mortal world (or worlds) once upon a time?
Yep, she was in the Highlands of Scotland for a few years.

Where do their loyalties lie?
In herself and her father.

Do they have any powers? If so, what?
Hel has godly energy, a death touch (she touches someone and they instantly die), and she can shadow-travel.

Clothing Style (this includes makeup style): 
Dark and elegant. She typically wears robes that look like they're made of shadows, and she doesn't really wear makeup unless it's a special occasion.

Colour Scheme:
Black and Dark Green (she's a Slytherin at heart)

Black jewelled crowns, gold crowns, silver crowns, green crowns, skulls, shadows, snakes, ravens

She has a locket from her father that lets him feel her emotions (she also has one from Sirius Black) and she has a habit of rubbing those a lot.

-She was sorted into Slytherin while she was at Hogwarts
-The first person she ever kissed was Iris when they were seven (it was only a peck)
-Unless she's sleeping (or going to bed) or washing her hair, she always has a crown on, and she owns millions
-As a guide, she likes to see where some people's powers work [(you'll see what I mean later ;)]
-She has a tattoo of the Canis Major Constellation that starts gets brighter as the moon cycle goes. During the new moon, it's black, during the half-moon it's half-glowing, and at the full moon, it's glowing white. She has a tattoo on her hip from her time at Hogwarts, and she's enchanted it so that it won't heal.
-She's close with Persephone (or Proserpina depending on her mood) and Hades, and they're like an Aunt and Uncle to her

Stereotype (the bubbly one, the ambitious one, the broken one, the mom-friend, etc.):
The Ambitious

"I am Hel Lokidottir, Princess of Asgard, Rightful Queen of Helheim, Goddess of Death, Ruler of the Dead."
"You're allowed to choose where you go since you were a good person in your life. The bad ones? Well, it's first come first serve. Not for the person who died, of course, no, it's the deities who want to torture them."
"Come, you're dead if you haven't figured that out yet."
"I won't kill you, not that I can."
"Yes, once upon a time I was able to love. Now stop asking questions and follow me."

Playlist (3+):
Belladonna by Ava Max
Kings and Queens by Ava Max
Monster by Imagine Dragons
Soldatino by Poala Bennet
Confident by Demi Lovato
Immortals by Fall Out Boy
Power by Little Mix
Just Like Fire by P!nk
Hurt Incantation
Pretty Girl by Maggie Lindemann


Full Name:
Nia Nguyen

NiNi, Cheshire


Faceclaim (if they aren't a human-like creature or don't resemble a human, describe their appearance):
Kate Nhung (Yeah, she's not that popular. I only know her because I understand Vietnamese and watch Vietnamese shows and movies.)

Birthday (if they have one):
August 6th, she doesn't remember the year

18 years old ... she thinks ...



Species (goddess, god, human, demigod, dog, cat, fox, vampire, etc):
Human ... or is she?

Noticeable Features:
The dorkish glasses she has (they're Potter glasses).


Cis female

Family (and opinions on family members):
She can't quite remember, she knows her mom is an African woman and her dad is a Vietnamese man, but she can't remember their names.

Best Freinds:
She remembers she had a good friend named Lucia Teng, but she's still alive... she thinks




Love Interest:

Love Interest Dynamic:

Pets (or lack thereof):
She used to have a dog named Padfoot (after her favourite book character) but he's still living.

Detailed Personality:
(Despite what the GIF tells you) As her name suggests, Nia is a very bright and lucky person. She seems to have all the luck in the world, but she really just works hard for what she wants. Nia is very bright and bubbly, but when she meets new people she's shyer than a mouse. When you first meet her, she is extremely quiet and will not say a word, giver her a few hours though and it's like a bomb went off and she's suddenly louder than a horn. She's very crazy and loves to have fun. She's an avid bookworm and a complete fangirl (her room consists of mostly harry potter merch) and she will not hesitate to defend her ships! Nia can be very protective of those she cares about, she will hurt anyone who tries to hurt anyone she loves, and would rather her be hurt than her loved ones. Nia is the kind of girl to rather go to the school library and read/chat with the librarian rather than go to lunch. She's known to be pretty weak and nerdy other than her ability to use anything as a weapon. In hand-to-hand combat, she'd obviously lose horribly. She's also very stereotypical nerdy Asian.

Nia doesn't know. The only things she remembers is the school she used to go to, her best friend, her dog, her name, what she thinks is her age and birthday, her personality, her powers, and the things she used to fangirl over.

Singing Hamilton privately, Hamilton, Harry Potter, her fake wand, winter (it's her favourite holiday), salt on shaved ice (don't judge her), salty and savoury food, dark chocolate, her long hair, doing hair, writing, reading, the library, doing makeup, bubble baths, Daveed Diggs, Jonathan Groff, Philipa Soo, Solangelo, Hermione Granger, Hel the goddess (oooooohhhhh) her clarinet, painting nails, books, her paternal grandmother's pho (Vietnamese dish), pasta, caesar salad, greek mythology (oooooooh).

Mean people, sweet foods, Dolores Umbridge, Homophobes, those who think books are dumb, peas, celery.

Extreme heights, being humiliated publicly, dying (lookie at how that turned out), not living life to the fullest (poor babe), not getting into the University she wants to go to (hahaha, about that baby).

How do they feel about breaking the rules?
She's cool with it even though she doesn't know what the rules are.

Did they go to school anywhere?
Yeah, she went to Olympia High.

Did they live in the mortal world (or worlds) once upon a time?
Well, duh.

Where do their loyalties lie?
In herself, her dog, Lucia, and, soon enough, Hel.

Do they have any powers? If so, what?
Yes, she can conjure up twin bloodred knives, and she can touch anything and immediately, subconsciously know how to use it as a weapon.

Clothing Style (this includes makeup style):
When she was alive, she has a strange style, every day was different, one day she could be wearing a soft yellow jumper and light blue jeans, the next a black band shirt with chains. When she died though, she ended up in the underworld with a soft white chiton. As for makeup, she never really wore it, maybe a little bit of eyeliner, mascara, some tinted chapstick, and that was pretty much it.

Do they have any little quirks?
She has a ring on her right ring finger (a gift from her friend for her birthday when she was eleven) it's a silver band with tiny multicoloured rocks in it. It's smooth though because she keeps on twisting it around out of habit. She also has a bad habit of biting her lip all the time.

Colour Scheme:
Pink and red

Boba, Cheshire smile, potter glasses, twin red knives

-Nia doesn't actually know anything about her death, for the first few moments of being in the underworld, she doesn't even register she'd dead.

Stereotype (the bubbly one, the ambitious one, the broken one, the mom-friend, etc.):
The Bubbly One

"I'm dead?"
"What's that?"
"What does that do?"
*in amazement* "You're the Hel? You were my role model the moment I figured out who you were!"

Playlist (3+):
Confident by Demi Lovato
Power by Little Mix
Pretty Girl by Maggie Lindemann


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