Chapter 3 || A Dragon's help

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The cold wind disrupted the wolf's midnight blue fur. Its strands danced in the wind as the wolf ran to its destination.

Xuě Lù held on tight and was quite content with the fact the cold no longer bothered him.

They had been travelling for a very long time already and Xuě Lù wondered when his ride would need to rest.

It turned out that the wolf didn't need, or wanted, to take time for sleep. As they continued their journey till the wolf skidded to a halt before the entrance of a cave.

The wolf turned back and Láng Wényì once again stood before Xuě Lù.

"Come one, let's go inside."

Inside the cave it was pitch black, the natural light of the sun couldn't shine around the many corners they turned.

Once again Xuě Lù relied on his companion to lead the way. How they were able to see was a mystery to him, but they were successful in keeping him out of harm's way.

"When we have found the dragon, you have to let me do the talking. Do not look them in the eye or appear nervous. When asked a question give a fast and clear answer. If everything goes well we'll be in and out before you notice."

The instructions did nothing to ease Xuě Lù's anticipation. Nor did they really tell him what to expect when faced with a mythical dragon.

The original pitch black darkness was slowly fading and replaced with a lighter shade.

The soft glow of mushrooms illuminated their path towards another entrance.

It gave a very ominous feeling.

"Today we came before you, oh mighty Dragon. Please grant us entrance to your beautiful abode."

A grumble could be heard from inside the cave and Láng Wényì pushed Xuě Lù inside.

"Head down, keep walking."

Xuě Lù tried to follow the instruction as best as he could, but still he couldn't prevent him from catching a glimpse of the being in front of them.

The White Dragon, Ao Run.

"What brings you here? I don't remember inviting a slayer to my home."

"We have a simple request we hoped you could grant."

"We? I only see you, Slayer of gods."

The dragon's head moved around in an attempt to find Xuě Lù, but was unable to achieve it.

"God, it was only one."

The silence stretched and Láng Wényì continued.

"My companion Xuě Lù was a friend of the engineer Lǔ Bān. Unfortunately he doesn't remember his life from before his passing. We're trying to get him back home."

"Your companion..."

A long silence followed wherein Xuě Lù assumed a lot more was communicated than he could understand.

"Alright, I'll help. The consequences will be too big if I don't, but you owe me one."

"I won't forget."

"Make sure you don't"

Láng Wényì turned around to look at Xuě Lù.

"He'll bring you to Lǔ Bān's workroom. Try to figure out if he left any clues there and find your own home."

They handed him the notebook.

"Here's a copy, I don't know if it will help you, but at least you will have it with you then."

Láng Wényì turned around and had almost already left the cave when they gave a last piece of information.

"I'll come and find you when I've finished my business here, hopefully we can fix this mess then."

They disappeared in the darkness and left Xuě Lù alone with the Dragon King.

"Touch one of my wings so I can bring you to your destination, child of the earth."

Xuě Lù carefully shuffled closer towards the ancient creature and gingerly lifted his hand to touch one of the wings.

In a flash the cave around him disappeared and green mountains took its place.

"Till we meet again."

The voice of the White Dragon faded away with the wind and Xuě Lù was left alone.

He didn't recognize anything.

The scenery was beautiful and from where he was standing, he could see miles of green trees flowing down the sides of the mountain range.

In an attempt to find Lǔ Bān's workroom, he descended to the village he could see lying in the valley.


In the village no workroom seemed to be present, nor a freshly dug grave.

Maybe this was simply the wrong village. How did Láng Wényì even know where Lǔ Bān's workroom was to begin with?

Xuě Lù for the first time since he woke up, took a stand back to actually think about his situation.

Why of all places would he wake up in a place he had never been before?

Why would there be a notebook there with his name on it, yet he had no memory of it?

Why would it immediately be stolen, yes that was what had happened, by an individual he still knew nothing about?

Who was Láng Wényì?


There was a graveyard in the village.

Tombstones with unfamiliar names on them.

Till he arrived at a newer section.

Xuě Lù

A few days ago he heard the date and year it was now.

He had been dead for years.


Yet no stone carrying Lǔ Bān's name, he must have lived somewhere else.

Or no one missed him and set up a tombstone to remember him.

What happened?

Why, or how, was he summoned at the auction. Awakened after years of slumber.


December 14, 2022

[grammar check]

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