Chapter 10 - The Ager

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It was a dark stormy night, the air was foggy, the wind was blowing hard, and the rain fell hard on my head. I was walking home from the supermarket with a bag of Takis for me and Chico to share. The rain poured down harder and harder and it completely drenched me from head to toe. Before I left the store I put my bag of chips in my jacket and zipped it up so, that they wouldn't get wet. As I was walking' home to meet with Chico, I felt like I was being watched but, when I looked back, I didn't see anyone.

When I finally reached the house, Chico was waiting for me on the front porch with and dry towel. When I got to the porch, Chico threw the towel at me and I took off my jacket and handed the chips to Chico and threw my drenched shirt on a chair so it would air dry. I grabbed the towel and started to dry off my stomach and chest. I took off my shoes and socks, I started to dry off my socked legs and feet. I felt the cold damp water running from my hair, down my neck, and my back. My hair was soaked with water, and it smelt like a wet dog. I ran the towel through my hair, back and forth until it was almost completely dry.

"Dude, you smell like a wet dog. You need a shower." Chico said while opening the bag of chips and walking to go sit on the steps with me.

"No more water, please," I smirked as, I was trying to get the water out of my ears.

After I got most of the water from me, I grabbed the chips from Chico and headed into the house. I went to the kitchen and grabbed me and Chico a couple of ice teas from the pantry. Iced tea is me and Chico's favorite drink. If we could have any drink in the world, we would pick iced tea. I then walked out of the kitchen and into my living room, I sat down on the couch, grabbed the remote, and turned on The Fast & Furious movie. Once a week I and Chico would watch the latest movies that came out and play the video game together afterward. In the middle of the movie, I heard the front door creaked open.

"Did you hear that?" I said while jumping up.

"Hear what?" Chico said with a face full of chips.

"I heard the front door open," I said nervously.

"Dude chill, it's probably the wind," Chico said with no worries.

"You right," I said while sitting back down.

I sat down but, not even five minutes later. I heard a glass shatter from in my kitchen. I nudged Chico to go in there and look with me. We both got up and tip-toed into the kitchen. I peeked around the corner but, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I then why did I hear a glass break? I thought. I then walked out of the kitchen and into the dining room by the back door. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary either in here. So, I walked into the room, and about halfway into there, I stepped on a piece of glass. I fell to the ground in pain and realized one of my mother's china glasses was broken.

Out of nowhere, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around because I thought maybe it was Chico. I was wrong. It was Orthina, she grabbed me by my throat and threw me across the room. I was screaming in pain.


"Michael, Michael wake up." I opened my eyes and I saw the little girl; she was poking me.

"Huh? Where is Chico?" I said while opening my eyes wide.

"He's not here. You must have had a nightmare." The little girl smirked while walking back to her stool.

Every day is a nightmare.

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