Chapter 16 - The Ager

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The next morning,

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I grabbed my phone and looked at the Caller ID. It was Shukni. Come on, I just saw her yesterday. What could she possibly want? I thought to myself before answering the call.

"What's up?" I said while answering the call. It was exactly five a.m. I still had eye boogers in my eyes. It was too early for this.

"Michael, I don't have much time. You must get me. NOW! That Orthina and Moxie things have got me! I'm in the bathroom, I don't have much more time before they get suspicious. YOU HAVE TO COME NOW!" Shukni nervously whispered into the phone. The next thing I heard was a door slam open and it went silent.

"Shukni what's going on?! Shukni are you still here? SHUKNI!"

"Michael! Errrrrr. Old house! Errrrrr. Strapped! Errrrrr. They, Errrrrr. Kill me!" She yelled into the phone, but I lost most of the reception but, all I did know was I had to act fast! I hanged up and threw on the school clothes, that I ordinally was going to wear and started to make some phone calls.

I tried calling 911 but they put me on the waitlist for more than thirty minutes so, I hanged up. I then tried calling Mr. Burnett her father, but it went straight to voice mail. I took a deep breath and headed out the door, regretting what I'm about to do.

"Jackson, Jackson open up! I need your help. Jackson, stop playing I know your home. Come out here."

"What the hell are you doing, nerd? Don't you know its six in the morning? "Jackson answered the door while yawning. I tried to hard not to laugh at his blue's clues boxers.

"You have to help me it's an emergency. I'll tell you on the way, now come on!" I yelled at him while taking off.

"And why exactly would I go with you? You embarrassed me. I should be kicking your ass right now!" He questioned while crossing his arms.

"Yes, I may have embarrassed you. But don't think I wouldn't do it again. Unless you come with me." I threatened him.

"How exactly are you going to embarrass me again?" He said while crossing his arms and raised his eyebrow.

"Simple, like this." I told him.

I then stepped back a little and took a full-body picture of Jackson in his blue's clues boxers. I saved the photo to my camera roll, just in case Jackson try's something and then showed him the photo.

"Now you come with me or everyone will see you in your blue's clues boxers. It's your chose." I told him while waving the photo in front of his face.

"FINE! I'll be back, and I'm making a phone call." Jackson rolled his eyes and slammed the door in my face. My plan was coming together somewhat smoothly.

When Jackson slammed the door, I called Bull "Come to Jacksons house now. It's an emergence." I told him and then hanged up. I did the same exact call for Isaac, and China. All I had to do was wait, and hope we get to Shukni before Orthina and Moxie do anything bad to her.

The plan was to get as much people as I could, without freaking them out and somehow stop Orthina and Moxie from stealing Shukni soul. I called Bull because he's the muscle of the team, if we need to break or tear down something, he would do it. Isaac would keep everyone from backing out or starting fights, he's the leader. China is the camera woman; she will record everything and use it for evidence just in case my plan fails. I told Jackson to come because he's the distraction. Just in case. I am the brains of the team, I plan out everything, and make all the moves. Time to break into a cannibal's house. I'm totally not scared....


About twenty mines later, everyone arrived.

"So, what's the big deal nerd?" Jackson asked while coming out of his house and locking the door.

"Come on, I'll tell you guys on the way." I told them. All of them followed me.

About halfway, I started telling them everything.... And I mean EVERYTHING. I told them about Chico, and his kidnapping. I told them about MY kidnapping, Mixie, what happen at the park, and what happened in Shukni basement. I just get a luge weight being lifted off me abut at the same time, I felt like they didn't believe me but, at this point I honestly didn't care. All I wanted was my friend back. I already lost Chico; I don't need to lose Shukni.

"I don't believe you; this seems like a lie to me." Jackson chuckled.

"Well believe it or not, you're still coming. We made a deal." I smirked, and Jackson rolled his eyes and bite his upper lip.

"We are going to Orthina house now, she has kidnapped Shukni. I need you guys to help me get her back." I told them, and then played Shukni phone call, just in case they still didn't believe me.

"Man, is this why you been so depressed? Michael, I got your back. Let's go take down a cannibal!" Isacc smirked.

"Sounds kind of risky, they do eat children. We are only seven teen and eight teen years old. Michael I don't know about this...." China nervously said.

"Come on China, two against five and when we get Shukni sic. This is NO way she can take down ALL of us at once." I told her.

"Your right." She said.

"Great! Now who's with me?" I said, putting my hand in the middle, hoping the others will do the same.

"This is going to be so dope, taking down a cannibal." Isacc laughed while putting his hand on top of mine.

"Sure." Bull said while putting his hand on top of Isacc and mine.

"I guess this will be cool." China said and then put her hand on top of all of ours. All we needed was Jackson....

"Jackson, we had a deal. Now are you in or not?" I asked him while rolling my eyes.

"Whatever." He said then put his hand on top of all of ours.

"Go Team Cannibal!" China yelled.

"Go Team Cannibal!" We all yelled in unison. All except Jackson.

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