Chapter 7 - The Ager

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Riding away from the park, I felt as tired as a marathon runner. My heart was beating fast, the palms of my hands were sweating, and I had butterflies in my stomach. I needed to lay down. But, I was in the middle of downtown and my house is uptown. I felt like I was going to pass out!

I decided to take a shortcut through the woods, and then go down fifty-fourth street. So, I could get home and take a nap as soon as possible.

The woods looked dark and spooky, and a cold breeze hit me on the back of my neck giving me goosebumps. I entered the woods slowly, and there were sharp rocks, twigs, and logs everywhere. I slowly rode down into the woods, I heard rustling from the trees a couple of feet away from me. I jumped off my bike and walked towards the noise but then, there was a tall shadow that appeared from the same place the noise came from.

"Whose there? Why are you hiding" I yelled? But no answer.

Suddenly, I heard rustling from both sides of the woods.

Michael come here. An old woman's voice whispered from the north side of the woods.

Yes, Michael. Come play with us. A younger woman's voice whispered from the west side of the woods.

"Come out! Show yourself!" I screamed while looking north then, on the west side of the woods.

"Nice to see you again, Michael. Wanna' play?" The creepy little girl from the Agers house said as she come from behind the north side of the trees.

"Hello, Michael. Come here." The Ager whispered as she come from behind the west side of the trees.

I had so many questions going through my head all at once; What are they doing in the woods? How did they know I was going to take a shortcut? Why are they stalking me? Why do they want my soul so bad? Whatever the answers were, I was too tired to find out.

I grabbed my bike and started to peddle off. But, just my bike got stuck on a huge stick, I flew off my bike and landing a couple of feet away. I tried to get up and run. But, I was in too much pain. I hit my head on a sharp rock, and my vision was blurry, my arms and legs were aching with pain. Laying in the pile of leaves, rocks, and twigs. I thought I was never going to live another day.

But just then, it went black. Someone was coving my face!

"Tie his arms and legs, we don't want him trying to escape. We need his soul, dear." The Ager said as I felt ropes getting tied tight as they tied my hands together. I was getting kidnapped!

"What are we going to do with him until then?" The girl asked as she was tying my feet together.

"We have to bring him back to the house." The Ager said.

I head and backward silent for a couple of minutes then, I felt my body getting dragged across the ground of the woods by my feet. Was this how I was going to die? I was going to die by an old woman and her creepy daughter in an old abandon house? There has got to be a way out of this!

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