Ch.12. The Alchemists Game.

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{I don't own Nanbaka or Full Metal Alchemist}

{Up above is a picture I drew of Mayu, I can't draw hands and or arms, I kinda suck at drawing anything but Heads and hair}

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Mayu sighed as she flipped a page in her book, she was uncertain as to why today felt a bit different than others, than again the alchemist had just gotten into a fight with Upa who in turn was actually her little brother.

And than after trapping him with her alchemy she got to talk with the warden, and she wouldn't deny it that women was good looking, and very intimidating,  yet her aura was a bit calming and she had agreed to have Mayu be kept in cell 13.

To say her cell mates were happy was an understatement, for the fact they wouldn't let the girl out of their sight in case she gets whisked away to another cell, she couldn't really move at the moment because Nico was laying across her lap reading one of his Manga's , while she read one of the books she had gotten from one of the guards , one that had blue hair and seemed to whine a lot, only because they picked on the male.

Mayu had found the male a bit easy to play , he made a fun game to her, and speaking of games a certain male with blonde and pink hair in a braid wouldn't stop staring at her, she was of course ignoring him for she had a lot of practice when growing up.

The green haired female had made Ignoring people one of her skills, hey when you have to ignore Mustang and other things you kinda have to have to learn how to ignore people, but in truth she had began ignoring annoying people due to her Ex boyfriends rant about how he hates humans.

Sometimes she wondered how the hell she even dated a walking palm tree, than again she thought it would be a good idea, but than she did leave out something else in her rant, that being she wasn't exactly straight, and that she had dated more than one bad guy before.

"Mayu your shows on" Jyugo's voice brought the girl out of her thoughts as she looked at the male who was sitting in the corner as the TV in their cell was on playing a show that the green haired girl liked, and she shut her book.

"Glad I chose a spot I can watch it cause I think Nico fell asleep" Mayu stated, and it seems she was right for they all heard the laughs coming from the younger male with green hair, he was reading Manga but now he was sleeping, and sleep laughing , and since his body was across her legs she couldn't move, and she was lucky she chose a spot where she could still see the TV.

Uno sighed seeing as he had been ignored again and seeing the fact the girl now had her attention on the TV he knew he'd never get it, why did he have to fall slowly in love with a girl that wanted nothing to do with him at all, he knew her type was bad boys , but was he not bad enough was he not a bad boy or was he just not attractive to the Female population any more, he hated to admit it but he may need help from the Pretty Boys.

But he shook away that thought, he wasn't gonna stoop to that level he sure as hell wouldn't let them tease him for going to them for help with a girl, he knew that a certain purple haired male would make fun of him the most it made his blood boil.

He was brought out of his thoughts by said girl, "Okay if these people were real I'd totally go for someone like Umi bad girls with tattoos are kinda hot, I like Rose as well she's strong and that is kinda a turn on, Nina is cute as well and so is Jinx, hell if I could I'd take all four" Mayu stated, shocking the males in the cell all but Nico who was still asleep.

"I thought you liked guys" Jyugo stated confused, he wondered if she really was into guys she did mention her ex boyfriend before in a rant and how he looked like a palm tree.

"I like both genders, speaking of which I dated more than my fair share of enemies and one of them may have been a girl , and she did try to kill me a few times" Mayu told the boys before realizing something, "Damn I think I'm attracted to people that try to kill me I think I may want to date Scar now".

"Mayu how many of your exes tried to kill you?" Rock asked a bit worried about the girl and he watched her tap her chin.

"Almost every single one of them and I'm proud to say I am not dead yet, wait scratch that every single one of my exes has tried to kill me in more ways than one, and I may have had a make out session with a guy that I was fighting once for some odd reason" Mayu told them, yeah she kinda was attracted to her enemies and people that tried to kill her.

No one knew what to say as they stared at the girl who seemed to live life dangerously , and Uno had fallen even more in love with her, he was attracted to the fact she loved dangerous males, that he's never be, for he would never try and kill someone, but she probably would be could at a bunch of things.

His mind drifted away and Mayu had went back to her show that was oddly like a gender bent version of her friends , yet she just shook it off thinking nothing of it and ignored the fact Uno had a creepy look on his face.

Jyugo and Rock wished they could ignore the males look like the green haired female but they had to deal with the male that was making them very uncomfortable at the moment, and Nico's sleep laughing didn't make anything better.

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{So Um Ya'll got another week to decide who you want and it's been narrowed down to two people form the FMA universe}




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