Ch.9. The Alchemists Game.

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{I Don't own Nanbaka or Full-metal Alchemist}

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Mayu wondered if this was a good idea, she looked over to the male she walked beside, earlier when Hajime had woken up they had to do work than after that Rock had told her she should show the picture of her younger self to Upa, for the fact the younger boy may have a clue to the six years she had missing.

Mayu had decided to go along with his idea, but now she was a bit worried, yet she didn't show it as she walked next to Rock , while Yamato and a male she had met earlier named Tskumo walked ahead of them, normally she wouldn't be worried about this, she would see it as a game to play, a game called life.

The green haired female knew she couldn't back out now, for the fact they already made it to building 5, and they saw the others already training they had stopped upon seeing them and came up to greet them.

"Hey Upa, Mayu wanted to show you something" Rock said and pushed the girl forward and she turned her head to glare at the purple and red haired male, Rock took a step back for her glare was a bit intense , he knew she would try and back out and now she really was not able to.

"What is it you wish to show me?" Upa asked the older female, his dream a couple nights ago still had him a bit confused, he knew something was going on, he knew the girl with the blurred face, and he knew all this time he was lied to, he had yet to have his family contacted about this, he hadn't even told anyone yet, for he tried to piece together why the blurred face female, his older sister, had brought him to thoughts of the green haired female that stood in-front of him right now.

The shorter male watched as the taller female reached her hand into her shirt and a light pink dusted his cheeks, soon she had pulled out a old photograph , the girl let out a sigh and held it out for him, he had taken it and upon looking at it he had froze, he felt nothing staring at this picture, the girl looked very similar to how he looked now, her hair the same style as his just a bit more green than a teal color like his, she had on slightly similar clothing, and stood with three other children.

"I think I broke him" Mayu said , looking at the boy she was worried as she watched the male named Qi begin to poke the shorter male who said nothing as he just stared at the photo, Qi soon looked over the shorter boy's shoulder to look at the picture along with Liang and Samon who was worried about his inmates mental state, but now upon seeing the picture he had stared at it with a shocked expression, "Rock this was a bad idea I broke them".

"Their not broken I think" Rock stated as he rubbed the back of his head, he wondered why they were just focused on the picture, and he wondered if the green haired female did break them, or maybe just made them start questioning things.

The first one to seem to come back to reality was Samon, than Liang, than Qi and finally Upa who looked away from the picture to look at the older girl, he was confused and decided to ask her, "Who are you?" that was not what the green haired girl had suspected the male to say, he seemed slightly angry as he gripped the photograph in his small hands, his black eyes met her similar black eyes, the ones just like his just not as broken, he glared at her he was angry and didn't know what else to say.

"I'm Mayu Granite, adopted older sister of Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric, A Girl who remembers nothing past the age of Six, A girl that did some stupid a** shit , a girl that tried to bring someone back from the dead using the ultimate taboo in alchemy, a Girl that payed that price, a girl with a gambling and drinking problem, a girl that had a forbidden love life, a girl who is a dog of the military, a girl who is a state alchemist, a girl from  the other side of the gate" Mayu said , that had them all blink as she smirked, she just got straight to the point of who she was , she was kinda tired and just gave the kid what he wanted, hey she didn't want to die, "Believe me if you want, I kinda know you don't you probably think I'm insane".

Samon looked at the inmate, he would of thought she was spouting nonsense but he believed her, he knew this inmate was telling the truth, he knew she wasn't lying, "Number 17 you should of told us sooner" the male said as he tail moved to the  side, he lifted a hand and placed it on the girls head, it was kinda hard for she was a bit taller than him, "I don't know if what your saying is the hole truth or not, but I'll believe you no matter what".

Mayu didn't think anyone would believe her, she had just rambled about her life and a guard was willing to believe her, no one ever tended to so it shocked her, the female felt the tears coming and tried to hold them back but they had fell and the men froze.

"Oi idiot you don't need to cry" Upa told the older girl as he floated up to sit on her shoulders, he was still a bit angry but seeing the fact she had memory gaps as well, maybe just maybe she was the blurred faced girl, maybe just maybe Mayu was his older sister, the one he had forgotten, for her younger self was so similar to the way his family looked.

"I have dust in my eyes I wasn't crying" Mayu denied as she wiped her eyes and looked away , Samon and Liang kinda found it cute , but they blanched at Upa's glare for the boy had began to glare at them, it would seem he had began to accepted the fact that maybe this girl was his older sister.

And if she really was he'd protect her, and that meant keeping boy's away from her and picking her the perfect husband, he wouldn't let just anyone date her, no they had to prove they were strong enough to protect her, and so far what he could see no one was worthy to date Mayu, hearing his own thoughts he figured out he was a bit over protective of a girl he barely knew that was probably his long lost forgotten sister, but he didn't care no matter how out of character he acted he wouldn't let anyone harm her again.

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