CHAPTER 10 - Sometimes I like it slow and sometimes I like it fast

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Songs for the chapter

Talk to me - Cavetown
• Listen to me - Wes Mack
• I'm Sorry - Brenda Lee

It has been two hours since I came to my room. It was 11:30 and I was trying to complete my Chemistry homework but it was getting very hard for me to concentrate on my work as Austin's words were coming into my mind and making me more guilty to judge him like that and then I called someone.

"Brown. Dylan Brown?", I spoke on the phone.

"Yeah, Miller Hayden Miller. What made you call me at this hour of the night?", Dylan chuckled on the phone.

"Sorry to call you but I need your help", I said.

"It's fine and what help?", he asked concerned.

"Um. Can me..uh...Austin's phone number.", I stuttered.

"You want to talk to Austin at 11:32 pm because you need him. That is interesting!", he said sheepishly.

"No shut up! I need to talk to him because it's urgent. Please can you give me his number?", I said.

"I would have loved to but there is a problem ", he said.

"What problem?"

"He doesn't share his number with anyone.", he said.

"What? Is he a girl or what?", I said surprised?

Again, I'm being judgy. I am such a bad person.

"No, he is just. He doesn't. That's it.", he said.

"Okay, it's fine. I'll talk to him tomorrow then. Thanks bye.", I said and felt sad.

"Wait, there's one way.", he said suddenly.

"What?", I exclaimed.

"You can call him on his landline.", he said.

"Awesome. Text me his landline number.", I said.

"But there's a problem again", he said.

"What again?", I sighed.

"The landline number is kind of official for his dad. So you need to talk like you have some business to deal with or something like that.", he told.

"But how am I gonna do that?", I asked puzzled.

"Unfortunately, I don't know. And I am sending you the number on Snap", he said and disconnected.

As he sent me the number, I called and I was thinking what to say as someone picked up the call.

"Flynn's residence. How can I help you?", a female said
"You can help me by..uh..", I was struggling to find words.

" By what?", she asked.

"Yeah, I am from the Wall Street Journal and I was writing an article about Mr. Flynn", I lied.

I was afraid if she finds out that I am a high school junior not a writer at the Wall Street Journal. I thought maybe Austin's father was actually related to politics as his name suggests and thank God I knew his last name otherwise I would have screwed up.

"That's good. So what help do you need", the lady on the phone said.

"So, I wanted his son to guide me a little for this article. Can I talk to him?", I asked nervous.

"Sir, someone from Wall Street Journal wants you to assist them as they are writing an article on your father.", the lady on the call said to someone which I assumed is Austin.

"Someone wants my help. That's funny", Austin laughed from the back which made me happy as I finally heard him.

"Tell them I am not available for anything related to Mr. Robert Flynn", Austin said in a cold tone which was quite harsh.

Is he not on good terms with his father?

"Sorry, ma'am. He is busy. I'll let you know when he will be available. Can you tell me your contact number?", I heard her say as I disconnected the call.

Why can't he just keep his ego aside and talk to someone nicely? Now I have to wait for the whole 9 hours to apologize to him!

Jesus Christ help me!


I don't know when I fell asleep but I wake up at the sound of the alarm clock at 6 am.

The sun poured through my window. As I went to the window, the just risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity.
It was a beautiful view.

I rushed towards the bathroom and freshen up and took bath. I wore a turtleneck and ripped denim shorts and as soon as I was done being ready it was 7:30 already.
Just for your information, I am a very lazy person. I can do a five-minute work in 1 hour. So, all morning activities take a lot of my energy to do things.

I went downstairs and found G mother reading the Wall Street Journal which made me cough as I remember the lie I said yesterday because of Austin de Peyster Flynn.

"Are you alright, Hayden?", GM asked.

"Yeah. Totally. It's just the morning breeze", I giggled.

"Yes. Your breakfast I on the kitchen countertop.", she said and I rushed towards the kitchen and gulped down all the food which was kept for me which was Lucky Charms and some Cheerios.

"I am going GM", I announced picking up my backpack.

"Take care and study well and try to make it up with that friend of yours", she said.

"Course'. Adios", I said remembering how Austin taught me that which brought a smile on my face.

"Spanish huh?", GM smiled.

"Learning", I said and wore my helmet and left for Brookville High.

As I reached school, I saw my fellow mates wandering and chattering and smoking here and there. The environment of Brookville High is a little offsetting for many people here but also a little toxic as some kids here are just a cause of destruction and the teacher here hardly pays attention as the kids smoke pot and liquor up and do other things outside the 'school campus' which does not matter to them, unlike my previous school.

I saw Shelley standing near the locker as I hug her from the back.

"Hey, trashcan", I said.

"Hey, pig poop", she said.

"I am sorry about yesterday. About what happened at Dylan's house.", I said.

"It is alright. We just overreacted but guess what's the good news.", she said.

"Don't tell me you are pregnant because teenage pregnancy is just a very hard thing for a teenager to go through. You will be facing a big burden. It looks good in the movies and novels but Shell it is very difficult in real life. I know you would be happy to raise a child but you are still a child and next time please take care of a little, no huge protection. Okay, this is converting into a gross convo so I think I am ending it here but who's the father?", I said in one breath.

"Are you done?", Shelley said flatly taking out things from her locker.

"I guess so. Yes", I said.

"Okay, so over-thinker I am not pregnant. Not right now. And I am a pure Virgin Shelley of the great land of Virginia where people don't care about virginities and use their vagin-",

"Okay stop. What's the good news then?", I asked cutting her off.

"Now see, who got irritated. Well, the good news is that Ryan and I said sorry to each other and he asked me to watch another Twilight movie with him", she squealed there earning a few glances from other people around us.

"Jeez, that's great", I said.

"I know right", she said and I saw a tinge of red on her cheeks.

"Oh. My. Gosh! You are crushing over Ryan. Aren't you?", I asked and she quickly started hiding her face looking at anything but me.

"No, I crush over all three of 'em. Dylan, Austin, and Ryan", and she blushed on his name again.

"C'mon you can't lie to your best friend.", I said poking her.

"Okay fine. I may be liking him a little more than other guys", she said and her blush.

Christ! She looked cute.

"I am so happy for you.", I smiled genuinely.

"Aw, I love you.", she said.

"I love you too.", I smiled. "And I need to go right now and talk to Austin", I said as I saw Austin reaching towards his locker and rushed towards him.

He was taking out some things from the locker. His locker was plain and simple, unlike others. There was not even a single sticker on his locker. He was wearing a rouge pink sweatshirt and black jeans and a new kind of galaxy shoes. And he looked amazing from the back.
This outfit looks great on him.

As I realized I was staring at him like a creep for the past half minute I patted him on the shoulder.


"Yes", he said turning around and shook-sighed after seeing me.

"I need to talk to you", I said.

"I don't have time.", he said in a very cold tone looking the other side.

"But it's urgent", I said.

"I said I don't have time", he said slamming his locker door clamorously which earned us a few glances and left.

He was furious! I know I did wrong but he can at least listen to me, right?

"Oh, God! What's wrong with the two of you Hayd?", Shelley said concerned.

"It's nothing Shell", I said.

"Oh, so you saying something to him. His slamming the locker door in that smooth way is a normal daily routine thing?", she said sarcastically.

"It's nothing to worry about", I said.

And I saw that Linda Beech Fecker saying something to Austin and pulling him inside the supply room which made me flinched.

He doesn't have time to talk to me but he can go inside that supply room with her. Not like, I actually care about what he does or whom he does with but he didn't listen to me.

"Such a bitch she is", Shelley said referring to Linda.

"Yes, she is", I said.

"Oh my God, you are crushing over Austin aren't you?", she mocked me.

"What? Are you stupid? That's not even one percent true. ", I gasped at her and got offended and surprised.

Why will I crush over him? He is just a friend who helps me with Spanish and currently, he is angry with me and he is also a little cute and hot and sexy but I don't like him like that.

"You swear Linda with me and you are continuously eyeing them as they were walking away. Which you most probably never do.", she said.

"Firstly, I didn't swear. I just agreed with you because she has been a bitch to me and I wasn't eyeing them. I was just looking at that direction", I said to her.

"Mm-hmm.", she mumbled as the bell rung and we left for our classes.

My first class was Trig. and I somehow tried to stay focused on what the teacher was saying. As soon as it got over I took out my Of mice and men book from the locker and went to the class as soon as I can.

I was sitting beside Shelley and she was talking about how her Algebra class went with that Linda. I was listening to her until saw Austin entering the class. I tried to make ane contact with him but he just looked at me for a second and sat at the first seat.

"Want him to sit near you?", Shelley said smirking.

"Shut up!", I rolled my eyes.

"He is worth hitting for till he talks to you like he dodoes, Shelley said.

"What does that mean?", I frowned.

"I meant he, very rarely, talks to a girl like he talked to you.", Shelley said which just made me more confused.

"Sis, I saw him talking to Linda Beech Fecker this morning with YOU. So don't act like he is some rom-com who doesn't talk to any girl then suddenly he starts talking to some girl and fall in love with her because he is totally opposite of it",  I rambled.

"You think he loves you?", she raised an eyebrow.

"No stupid. Get some supply of brain cell for your ugly little brain.", I said.

"I have enough. You are the one in need of some brain cells", she said.

"Jesus Christ! You said he doesn't talk to girls. He is gay", I gasped at the realization.

"Don't break my heart like that. It already broke
when I come to know about Dylan", she made a fake sad face.

"I don't know but maybe", I  said.

And then the teacher entered the class. As he was teaching, the thoughts of Austin being gay hit me. It doesn't matter but nonetheless.... Shelley passed me a note.

He is wearing pink.

I wrote back,

So? Colour doesn't count plus he looks good in it.

She wrote back,

Of course, he looks good (with a wink face)

And I saw Austin writing something on his notebook continuously. Doodling maybe. And when the class got over he left the class very fast.

We had lunch next.

"English literature is sometimes more boring than World History", Shelley said yawning.

"I like it anyways", I  said.

"Okay, meet me at the cafeteria. I am starving", Shelley said and left.

I went to the locker then left for the cafeteria. GM gave me food so I don't have to stand in a queue and buy it. I had a plain sandwich and an apple and of course a bottle of water.

I saw Shelley sitting with Ryan and smiling actually blushing.

"Hey guys.", I  said to them.

"Hey Hayd", Ryan said and I smiled back.

"Where are Dylan and Christi?", I  asked.

"They had something planned for today.", Ryan said.

"It's called a date, dumbass", Shelley mocked him.

"I know", Ryan rolled his eyes at her.

They both looked cute together.

"But they had school right!", I  said.

"It doesn't matter", Ryan shrugged.

Just Brookville High things.

"How is that dickhead helping you with Spanish going on?", Ryan asked.

"Hot", Shelley said.

"Huh?", I  asked.

"This food is quite hot", Shelley said sheepishly

"He is good at Spanish which is helpful. That's it.", I  said to Ryan.

"Thank God, he is not being a dick", Ryan said.

"He isn't a dick. He is a human",  Shelley said and they both started arguing when I saw Austin passing through the cafeteria.

"Hey guys, I am full. I am going to the library. You both eat don't fight. Bye.", I  said.

"I wasn't fighting. She was", Ryan said and the argument continued again and I rushed towards Austin.

"Austin. Austin wait.", I said following him. And he stopped and turn towards me.

"Oh no!", he mumbled but I heard.

"Please listen to me. For once. Just for once", I  asserted.

"I don't have time, Hayden.", he sounded frustrated.

"But Austin, please-"

"I said I don't have time. I need to smoke pot with some junkies as I am a bad boy", he said in this cold tone which he is using since yesterday and he left like that.

If he's not going to listen to me then how will I apologize to him?

"What were you asking him for, nerd?", Linda came from nowhere.

"Mind your own business, Linda", I  said.

"Austin is my business and FYI he is not available so don't ask him to spend a night with you. That's harsh!", she said in her fake sweet voice and people around us started booing.

"Just go away, Linda. At least I am not the bitch being fake here.", I  said coldly.

"What did you just say?", she said and I walked away.

"You can't just go ignoring me like this. Wait you bitch", she yelled from the back and I ignored.

What's the matter with her anyway
With a sad and angry mood, I went to the library. This was the first time of me going to Brookville High's library. It was huge with thousands of shelves on a two-floor room. There were spaces behind the shelves to sit in and in the middle of the library too. I saw a collection of the poetry book and started reading it.

There were many beautiful poems. But one with these lines caught my eyes.

"If I asked her to stay,
She would undoubtedly leave.
But I need to reform
What I realized was wrong
Thou I shalt hold her hand
And cry my soul out
She listens to me
And stays forever thee."

Oh, Jesus Christ! Thanks a lot! This is what I needed.

I know what I have to do now. Now Austin will definitely listen to me. He has to.

It was Spanish, which was the last class. Austin didn't show up. I looked at the window seat which was empty as Austin wasn't here and I went and sat there.
I was waiting for Austin to come but he didn't. Ryan did and he smiled at me.

"Where is dickhead?", he asked.

"Austin?", I  asked back.

"Who else is a dickhead?", he scoffed.

"This boy is", I  said as that Turner guy entered the class.

"Totally", Ryan said looking at Turner.

Turner saw me and smirked which I didn't like.

"Good afternoon, students", Ms. Sinclair said.

And Austin still didn't come.

"Where is Mr. Austin today?", Ms. Sinclair voiced my thoughts.

"Must be sucking someone's tongue", Turner said from the back which made me flinch.

"Language.", Ms. Sinclair said.

"Oh so now you are his stalker Turner?", Ryan mocked at him.

"What else can he be doing?", Turner chuckled.

"At least he has got something to do. He is not wandering around stalking someone like you.", Ryan said.

"Look boys, now he has bouncers to defend him but didn't you both had a breakup baby dolls?", Turner smirked again.

I didn't want to swear but he is such an asshole!

"Watch it motherfucker!", Ryan gave him a very irritated glare.

"Enough you both! I am teaching something. Pay attention or meet me in detention", Ms. Sinclair said.

"Nice one ma'am", Ryan said.

"Thanks",Ms. Sinclair replied and started teaching again.

As the class ended I immediately got out of my seat but my things fell and I was picking up my things when I heard Turner's voice from the back.

"Thicc girl".

"What?", I  said standing straight. I looked to see Ryan but he was already gone and I saw a note on my table.

Shelley called. Emergency

"Nothing. Well, would you like to meet me in the locker room for some time, he smirked at me.

He looked good but he was nothing in comparison to Austin plus he was a total jerk.

"Just leave me alone. I need to go.", I said and started walking away when he grabbed my hand.

"What's the hurry, girl?", he said.

"I said let me go or I have got that shoe in my bag", I  said.

"Okay fine. Go", he said and I rushed outside expecting to find Austin. Thankfully I did. He was standing near a super hot motorbike holding a helmet.

I rushed towards him the third time in 8 hours.

"Austin", I shouted when I was at 7 feet distance from him.

"Austin, wait", I  shouted again as he started to insert the keys in his bike.

"Listen", I said as I reached to him.

"Go home. Don't waste your time here", he said flatly and started his engine and I went in front of his motorbike and stood there making a stop sign with my hands.

"What are you doing? Move aside!", he said frustrated.

"No, this is the only way you will listen to me Austin. I don't care if you forgive me or not but I would love to if you will but just listen to my apology for once. Please Austin. Please Austin de Peyster Flynn", I  pleaded and I felt tears riling up in my eyes.

"Shh! You are not supposed to call me that in a public place or anywhere. And fine I'll listen to you. Come sit at the back", he said while wearing his helmet.

"Why?", I  frowned.

"Because people around are staring at us which is not a good sign in Brookville High so I will take you somewhere", he said which was not in a cold or flat tone.

"I have my bike. I can follow you", I said.

"I don't like people following me while I ride and it's a crime. And I will take care of your bike.", he said.


"Do you want me to listen to you or not?", he raised an eyebrow.

"Okay fine.", I  said and sat at the back which gave me a shiver. I was sitting on a super hot sport motorbike with a hot boy.

Screw my thoughts! They are not real.

"You drive like this", I said breaking our awkward silence.

"Like what?", he asked.

"Slow", I said.

"Oh sorry, I forgot that bad boy aren't supposed to drive slow. I will improve", he said being sarcastic.

"C'mon Austin. I am sorry", I  said and he didn't reply
As he stopped, I looked across to see that he brought me to the CC. As I step off his bike, I said.

"So you brought us to CC.", I looked at him.

"As far as I can see the surroundings, I brought US to CC", he said rolling his eye and I sighed.

"Go inside. I'll come after parking", he said.

I went inside and sat on my regular corner seat. I texted GM that I'll be late today as I have to make up with my 'friend' and she was cool with it.

"What do you want to eat?", Austin's voice came from behind.

"Nothing. Just sit here and listen to me", I said.

"Okay. I am coming", he said and went towards the counter.


"Now speak.", Austin said as he settled himself on the chair.

"Yeah, so I am so sorry for how I misjudged you yesterday. I was very quick and I was being such a stupid person. And I know you were right yesterday but I don't know what happened to me and I judged you like that. You are not the hypocrite Austin. I am. You are kind and helpful and a good person. I am so sorry Austin.", I said.

"Damn! You don't have to be sorry. It's my fault. I am the one acting like a cocky, arrogant bastard sometimes which makes me the bad guy. And yes you kind of misjudged me and I totally forgive you, it was just because of my behavior and I am so sorry for acting like an asshole today.", he said very calmly.

"It's fine. I deserved that.", I said.

"You did not and finally you think I am a good and kind and helpful person", he said.

"That doesn't change the fact that you are a stupid, idiotic, dumb, and brainless boy", I smiled.

"I know Heidi", he winked.

Oh, so Heidi thing is back. I don't like it but I do right now.

Austin went to take his order and I opened Snapchat.


How's your date going on Christi?


Perfect till now.


Good luck then.


I am on a date, not on the SAT or something. But still thank ya.

"Here", Austin said as he passed a veg burger to me.

"I told you I didn't want to eat", I said but I was hungry.

"I disobeyed what you said. Now eat or the trashcan is there", he said.

"Fine I will eat.", I said and started eating. Today he ordered a bagel toast for himself.

"So ready for today's question?", he said.

"Right now?", I frowned.

"Yes.", he smirked.

So the smirks are back too!

"Do you have any regrets?", he asked.

"Depends. Sometimes I do something and I realize it later and then I try hard to fix it up. I fear regrets and guilt. Like how I regretted talking with you yesterday and  I was so hyped up that I needed redemption somehow. I am so pathetic.", I said.

"No, you are not. And I am so sorry for being such a jerk. I shouldn't have avoided you as I did. I am such an ass sometimes. Okay your turn", he said.

I had many questions going on in my mind since yesterday like,

Why doesn't he shares his phone number? Why he went with Linda to that supply room? Why didn't he show up for Spanish class today? Was he gay? What did he mean by saying 'fuck the part about making out'? But instead, all of it I asked.

"Why do you drive that racing bike like it's a bicycle?", I asked.

"You mean slow?", he asked.

"Yeah", I said.

"Sometimes I like it fast and sometimes slow. Mostly I drive slow because it's safe and I drive fast when I am super angry.", he said.

"Great", was the only thing that came out of my mouth as that bike he had deserved to be driven fast.

"Seriously? This question?", he narrowed his eyes in slits.

"I had many and I was confused so I preferred this", I said.

"Okay, today you can ask me other questions too but you have 5 minutes. And then we are going back home and then we are going to meet at 5 pm today. Cool?"



"Don't get mad at me. First one, why don't you share your phone number? Second, Are you gay?, Third, what did you mean by 'fuck the part about making out'?", I asked.

"Oh my God", he laughed.

"What? Answer", I frowned.

"I'll answer but not right now. Let's go", he said.

"You are cheating. You said to ask as many questions and you-"

"I didn't say I'll answer them", he smirked.


"Okay I am going.", he said.

"Wait", I followed him and I saw my bike parked in the area.

"How did my bike come here?", I said surprised.

"Don't you know that I know magic?", he said pouting.

"You know magic?", I gasped.

"See your face, Heidi", he laughed. His laugh was so striking. It gave me really good vibes. He looked adorable.

"I asked a guy to drop it here", he said.

"I knew you fool", I rolled my eyes as I lied because, for a minute, I actually thought he was a magician.

"Okay. So I am leaving", he said.

"Okay", I replied and started walking away.

"Heidi?", he called me from the back.

"Yes?", I turned around.

"Thanks for understanding me", he said and I nodded.

As he started walking away, I called him.

"Austin Flynn"

"Shh! No full name and yes", he said keeping his finger on his lips gesturing me to be quiet.

"Thanks for listening to me", I said and this time he nodded back and I smiled.

And then again he called from the back,

"One more thing Heidi!"

"Don't call me Heidi and yes?", I said.

"Meet you at 5?", he said pouting.

"Meet you at 5.", I said, and then finally left for home.


Do y'all like this chapter?
What do you feel about regrets?
Did you like Hayden's apology?
And thanks for giving love to my book. I've been writing this chapter since yesterday and it is the longest till now which is around 4600 words. Hope you didn't get bored.

Hello dear people, whoever is reading this. Thank you so much for reading it till here. I hope you liked this chapter. Please let me know if you did. And if you find any mistake, feel free to point out. At last, don't forget to vote and comment.

PS: Austin in the pink sweatshirt at the side. Do you like it?

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