CHAPTER 13 - Clinton, Canton, Chuggingtlon? What is it?

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It was Friday and I was walking towards my locker while my eyes were wandering around to find my best friends but I can't find anyone in the herd of students standing in the hallway. As I opened my locker, I found an old photo of me, Shelley, and Noah lying there which was from 5th grade in our previous school. Shelley was in the middle with her middle teeth broken with a crinkled nose because Noah and I were pulling her braids from the side and giggling.

This photo was clicked by my Dad when he took us to a little picnic. As the memories flashed in, I felt tears building in my eyes and-

"Hey", I heard Noah's voice as I wiped the tiny drop of liquid dripping out of my eyes.

"Hi, where were you?", I said.

"Where did you find this photograph?", he said taking it from my hand.

"I found it in my locker this morning and by seeing the little glitter sprinkled at some places, I guess Shell put it here and she knows my code.", I said.

"Oh", he sighed.

"Where is she?", I asked.

"She had some work to do for the arrangement of the dance.", he said.

"Dance class at this hour?", I frowned.

"No asshat! The high school dance party after two weeks.", he said.

"We are having the DANCE after a week.", I exclaimed.
" I am so excited but it's October, right? Dances are most probably done at the end of-", I was cut off by Noah.

"I know. I know. But, in Brookville High, the dance party is celebrated on the 3rd Saturday of October and the prom at the end of the year.", Noah explained.

"Gotcha", I exclaimed.

I loved to dance and I have always loved dances in the movies and books for sure. I never went to a high school dance before. Not even in my freshman and sophomore year because we didn't have one in our previous school. And hypothetically, if we had it, then I can't think of a single person to go with because I was a loner. I had friends but they were just for the namesake. So I spend time alone most of the time. But joining Brookville High in midterm had some perks. And I am so excited about it.

"Let's go to our classes", Noah said and I noticed a little dismay in his behavior.

"Your fight is still going on, isn't it?", I asked raising an eyebrow.

"What fight?", he said grimacing.

"For real?", I scoffed.

"Okay. Yes. We're still not okay. He's upset because of me", he sighed.

"Why? What's the main issue?", I asked as we walked in the hallway.

"It's nothing. Just a stupid thing which Dyl can't understand.", he said.

"Are you going to tell me or not?", I stopped and asked him folding both my arms.

"Okay, fine. There's this guy Clinton, whom Dyl hates. It's mutual actually. But the soccer team needs him for the game next month but Dyl is not gonna join the team and the coach made me join it. And Clinton makes me wait and forces me to ask Dyl to join the team. And I can't tell this to Dyl because I told him that Clinton is my friend.", he said with guilt in his eyes.

"Why did you lie to him and how dare that Canton torture you? Didn't you do something?", I asked.

"His name is Clinton and I can't do anything because...because if I'll fight back then he's gonna mess with Dyl and if he messes with him, Dyl is gonna lose his calm and he'll fight which can lead him to the suspension which won't be good for him for now. That's the same reason I lied to him.", he said.

"Jesus Christ! Why can't that stupid Clarington ask Dylan on his own? Why will they fight?", I asked as curiosity was dripping from my veins.

" During the freshman year, when Dyl, Austin, and Ryan used to be on the soccer team. Our team was the best and Dylan was the team captain. He was the best of us all and Clinton was envious of Dyl and he wanted to be the team captain. He picked a very dirty fight with RAD guys. He brought 'juice' from somewhere and put it in their lockers on the day of a match and during the checking time, they all get caught as they had illegal drugs in their lockers and they got suspended for the term. When they came back, they had a nasty brawl and a nasty fight which gave fire to their burning fuel or say hatred.", he explained.

Why is Brookville high full of jerks?

"That's so cruel and wicked.", I exclaimed.

"Thanks for telling me. I didn't know", he rolled his eyes.

"I want to talk to that Chuggington. How can I?", I asked as anger was conceiving my mood.

"Are you crazy? I know you are but I am not letting you talk to Clinton, Hayd. He is a bastard.", he said concerned.

"Christi, please. Just once. I need to talk to him. I am your best friend. Understand, please.", I pleaded.

"Okay fine. Text me in your free period.", he said.

"Yes. Come on. Now smile.", I grinned but he didn't smile.

"Smile, NOAH CHRISTIAN", I teased him and he didn't smile.

I started tickling him and he finally smiled.


It was an English class, and Shelley was still busy with the Dance thing which left me alone in the class with Austin Flynn. But he wasn't present in the class when the class started. I haven't seen him today. I don't know why he is not attending the class.

"May I come in Madam?", I heard Austin raspy voice which was very very hot. He was standing at the doorway of the class.

"Would you care to explain the reason behind your late arrival in class for 15 minutes?", Ms. Malgort asked.

"No, I don't care.", he said in a cold tone.

What's wrong with him? Is he stupid? Yes, he is. But still, is he insane?

"Go and take a seat", Ms. Malgort said and rolled her eyes.

He walked in, smirked at me, and sat on the empty seat behind me.

"Heidi!", he whispered from the back.

"What?", I whispered back.

"Hii", he whispered.

"Hey, and why are you late?", I whispered.

"Nice, rubber band.", he whispered.

"What?", I frowned as I felt my hair loose from the down.

"What the h-", I said a little louder as I realized that Austin Flynn pulled out my rubber band but I was cut off by Ms. Malgort's glare and I heard Austin chuckling from the back.

"Are you in your senses?", I whispered loudly earning few glances from the people sitting near me.

"Yes, I am in all my senses. Even in the sixth sense", he whispered.

"For real?", I said and I felt him playing with my hair.

"Your hairs are a little rough but nice to touch. Strange.", he mumbled.

"What? Stop touching my hair", I whispered angrily.

My hairs were not good. They were rough and I hate anyone touching them because I had hair fall issues.
But the-most-annoying-stupid-weird-guy, Austin didn't stop playing with it.

"I said stop.", I said louder than expected.

"Any serious issue which you both want to share with the class, Mr. Austin and Ms. Hayden?", Ms. Malgort said in a harsh tone.


"Yes, ma'am. We were talking about how our school has some very superfluously vexatious teachers. Weren't we? Should I proceed with the issue?", Austin said in a serious tone making Ms. Malgort furious.

I didn't know what those two words meant exactly but I can tell they weren't something pleasing after seeing Ms. Malgort's expression.

"Detention for you both. Today", she said writing a slip.

Oh no! I've never ever been subjected to detention.

"But ma'am, why me?", I asked.

"Just be quiet.", she yelled at the class and I heard Austin's chuckle which made me want to punch him.

I am going to this guy behind me!

For the rest of the class, I didn't say a word but Austin-the-annoying-stupid-speaking-complicated-words, guy kept irritating me, making me angrier.

As soon as the bell rang, Ms. Malgort asked me to stay in the class.

"I know you are new here and this was your first time interrupting my class and I hope that this was the last time too. So, just try to be quiet the next time. And try to stay away from Austin. He must be very good at studies but when it comes to manners, he's just bad at it.", she said very rudely and I flinched.

I don't think Austin is bad at manners as far as I have seen him. Sometimes he messes with the teachers but that can't justify his overall manners. Right?

"So, I am not going to have the detention?", I asked with hope.

"No, you are going to have the detention.", she smiled like an evil.

For real?

"Boom!", Austin came from nowhere scaring me.

"Jeez! Don't do that again or I'll kill you.", I said coldly walking towards the locker

"Kill me with kindness, Heidi", he said following me and I ignored him trying to walk faster so that he leaves but he didn't fail to catch up.

As I reached my locker, I kept the book in it and took out my Chemistry textbook.

"Why are you so furious, Heidi?", he asked leaning on the locker beside mine and I started walking towards my other class and ignored him.

"C'mon tell me. Oooo, I got it. You are angry because I called your hair 'a little rough', right? Don't worry, I love playing with them.", he said while following me again.

"No, I am angry because I am gonna end up in detention for the first time in my life because of you, AUSTIN FLYNN", I said facing him.

"Whaaaat?", he started laughing and I glared at him.

"Sorry, have never got a detention?", he asked controlling his laugh.

"Yes", I sighed, "and stop laughing".

"If you don't want to be in detention, I can help you.", he smirked.

"No, it's fine. I don't want to disobey the punishment.", I said.

"No, you will not. She's not a teacher, she's a witch.", he said.

"Why do you despise her?", I asked out of curiosity.

"Don't we all despise our teachers a little? I wasn't in a good mood earlier and she was quite vexatious", he said.

"What does that word mean?", I asked.

"What word?", he frowned.

" Vexaces", I asked.

"Oh Vexatious means annoying", he chuckled.

"Nerd", I rolled my eyes at him.

"Call me what you want, Heidi", he smirked.

"What happened to you earlier?", I asked remembering his bad mood.

"Nothing. We have Chemistry right?", he asked.

"What?", I narrowed my eyes at him.

"We have Chemistry.", he smirked and I gave him a glare.

"I am talking about Chemistry class, Glary", he smirked again.

"Yes we have Chemistry", I replied rolling my eyes.

"I know", he winked at me and walked into the class.

"What does glary mean?", I said as he sat beside me.

"Nothing. I just made that word for you", he smirked.

"Why are you so stupid Austin Flynn? I think God forgot to give you a brain in place of that excessive good looks .", I sighed.

"Did you just called me extra good looking, Heidi?", he smirked.

"No.", I lied realizing it and hiding my blush.

What the heck? Why am I blushing? He didn't call me, I called him good-looking. I am so stupid.

"Yes, you did.", he chuckled lightly and started fiddling with the test tube kept in front.

His cuteness!

After the class got over, I rushed towards the gym class as Noah messaged me to meet him there.

"Hayd!", I heard Noah's voice as I reached there.

"Yes, where's that Cunnington?", I asked.

"Jeez, it's Clinton. And he must be coming as we have the gym class next and Dylan isn't here by the grace of our Holy Christ.", he exclaimed.

"Okay.", I said.

"Here, he is.", he said gesturing his face towards a hot guy coming from the front.

"He's hot.", I said.

"I know but not more than Dylan", he scoffed.

"Awwie, not more than Austin eith-...Austin and Ryan either and Dylan too, haha", I said smiling awkwardly and he just laughed.

"Austin huh?", he poked me with his elbow playfully.

"Let's go and tackle this Clintin", I said and started walking like I was going into war and the opponent team was standing in front of me with their weapons and regiment which was of 4 more boys.

"Control, Hayd. We are not going for a war", he said.

" I know", I replied.

"Hey, Clinson. I need to talk to you. Can you come aside", I said nicely to him.

"Clinton", Noah whispered clenching his teeth from the back.

"Who are you and what are you doing---ohh! I didn't know Noah Christian had a girlfriend to defend him", he said and the four boys behind me ooed.

"She's not my girlfriend, Clinton.", Noah said.

"Whatever. What's your problem with my best friend huh? Why can't you go and talk to Dylan yourself huh?", I said furiously.

"Fuck off, bitch", he said.

"Why? Don't you have the answer?", I asked.

"Boys, leave", he said and the four security guards left.

"Listen, you big tits, I don't like faggots like him.", he said pulling my hands.

"Be in limits, Clinton. Don't you dare touch my best friend.", Noah said pulling Clinton away from me.

" I am so surprised to see your power, faggy.", he laughed at Noah.

"What's up, brother?", A recognizable sound entered my ears.

Oh no!!!

"Nothing bro, just as usual. Girls trying to impress me", Cruelton said. And then the boy who came from behind came towards Cowton and high fived.

"Oh, it's you.", Turner said smirking at me.

"You know her, bro. How was she? Worth it or just loose?", Clayton said scanning me.

"Excuse me? You both are just jerks. And how dare you say such a thing about me.", I said holding Noah's hands tightly or otherwise he would have punched them right there.

"This is what you got, ugly nerd?", Calton stepping closer towards me.

"Let's go somewhere else", Turner said to Crowton.

"Why? It's cool", Carton said.

"Please, bro", Turner said looking towards me.

"Okay let's go.", Canton said.

"No wait, listen you homophobic sinister. Stop acting like you are the best here because you are not. And you are scared that if you go and ask Dylan, then he'll refuse you which will hit your ugly little ego. And yes, if Noah isn't saying you anything back, that's because he cares for his boyfriend. Alright! If you want to show your manliness, then just go and ask Dylan yourself and stop torturing Noah because that just shows, how much of a coward you are.", I said monotonously.

"Are we done now?", Chuggington laughed and Turner pulled him to leave.

Then they both left. Turner turned towards me and gave me a zoned-out look and disappeared into the crowd of students.

That was easy!!

"I'm so proud of you Hayd and I am so sorry you have to hear that but why didn't you let me punch these assholes?.", Noah exclaimed.

"I know I am the best and I can handle jerks like them", I fake patted my back.

"What are you doing here?", A raspy voice entered my ear canal.


Did y'all like the chapter?

What do you think about Chuggington? Sorry, Clinton lmao.

What do you think about Noah's and Dylan's fight?

I am so sorry lovely readers, I haven't been uploading lately. I had school assignments and my exams are going ln. I am so sorry. And this was a rough chapter. I'll post the other part of this chapter soon
And yes, this chapter was especially for my bestie Darknightfall456. She motivates me a lot. Thanks, Kri.

And people, whoever is reading this. Thank you so much for reading it till here. I hope you liked this chapter. Please let me know if you did. And if you find any mistake, feel free to point out. At last, don't forget to vote and comment.

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