Chapter 22

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"Zephania wake up!" 

I was startled awake at the sound of my fathers voice. There was a weight on my chest and I saw that I still had Alessandro sleeping. I gently got up and placed him in his crib making sure the baby monitor was on and followed my father out of the room and to his office. 

Something must have happened because my dad was in his Alpha mode right now so I didn't ask questions on why he woke me up and is marching to his office, I have to wait.

My theory was correct as we walked into the office and found Shasha's Uncle and cousin and a few other people I didn't know standing around a table with a couple of maps laid out in front of them .

"What's going on?" I asked looking at each men wearily. 

Everyone looked up from what they were doing to my direction making me feel a bit uneasy but I didn't show it.

"I think we have a lead" Sasha's Uncle said in his alpha mode as well. But those six words he said made my heart leap.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"Son we have a lead and you are not going to like it. Please have a seat so we can discuss how we are going to get your mate and my future daughter in law back"

"And my niece"

"and my cousin"

"and our true alpha"

That last statement made my head snap in the direction of a group of men standing near the edge of my fathers desk.

"Your alpha?"

The one standing in front nodded. He had long dark brown hair and brown eyes with a powerful build. He stepped forward and bowed his head a little in respect.

"My name is Christian Castros. Right now I am serving as alpha of the Yosemite pack but I know that is not my position. My father is Alejandro Castros and he was the beta before we were attacked that night ten years ago. My parents and I managed to escape the attack after Alpha Randolf was killed. We all felt that our alpha was gone so most of us tried to make a run for it. Only a few made it."

After his brief intro I felt my chin literally drop to the floor.

"Sasha. My mate is the daughter of Alpha Randolf Stone?" I just couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Christian nodded his head.

"Yes and she is our rightful alpha. We also know the exact pack that attacked us that night. It was the New Moon pack. Those bastards were are allies and they stabbed us in the back because Alpha Lorenzo Martini wanted our land." He snarled.

I felt anger building up in my chest as I listened to Christian.

"I'm gonna kill him" I growled out clenching my fist tightly. My father came over and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Calm down son. We sent our spies over there already. They will give us all the information we need."

I too deep breaths closing my eyes imagining my Sasha smiling at me. When I felt better I opened my eyes and looked at Benjamin.

"You were there that night as well right?"

He nodded his head.

"When we arrived back at my uncles territory there was no one left, we though everyone was slaughtered and for days we tried to track down an survivors especially my aunt and cousin." I shook his head and and let out a sarcastic laugh. "And to think we asked for the New Moon's help in tracking them down when all along they were the traitor. They were the ones who took my family from me"

I nodded my head as Ben's father tried to calm his son.

"It looks like we know where to go now" I said looking at my father. He nodded his head and pulled out a large map.

"This the the New Moon territory revised after they claimed the Yosemite lands." I looked at the map and gasped. This place what huge, how the hell am I suppose to find my mate in this gigantic piece of land.

"There are two possibilities of where Martini could be located. Either in his own pack house in his original territory or in the Yosemite pack house. My guess is that he is in his own home. He would not risked gloating and being accused of the one attacking the Yosemite pack."

Everyone nodded in agreement. For the next three hours we all planned hour attack on the New Moon pack.

"We leave in tomorrow morning at six. Tonight spend time with your families and mates."

We all shook hands and left the office except my father and I.

"How you holding up?" He asked softly once he knew everyone was out.

"You want the truth or an alpha response" I said, my voice void of any emotions.

"I want to hear from my son" He said in the same tone.

There was a small silence. I looked up at him through blurry eyes trying to hold in my sobs. Once he saw my face he quickly came over and crushed me to him as I lost myself in tears. 

"Shh" he tried soothing rubbing my hair as I continued to cry on his shoulder. "Let it all out son. Just let it out"

Oh did I let it out. All I have been feeling is now surfacing. After a few minutes I finally calmed down and pulled away sniffing here and there.

"I'm scared dad" I confessed. "I'm scared that I will be too late"

He looked at me with apologetic eyes.

"Son, I can't promise that when we find Sasha she will be the same" he admitted enphasizing the when. "But I promise you that we will find her. And when we do, you will be the one to help her and fix her. You love her and she loves you. No one can take that away."

He is right. No matter what I will always love Sasha. I was so stupid to reject her at first, then I would have missed out on such a wonderful woman and her son who I already consider mine.

I gave my dad one more hug.

"Thanks dad"

He nodded he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"No problem son. Now go get cleaned up and spend some time with your mother and I and bring our grandson as well"

I nodded and exited his office heading towards Sasha's room where I placed Alessandro. I slowly opened the door and found my mother playing with Alessandro. Smiling I quickly left to my room and took a quick shower feeling a little bit better. My heart still hurts but I know it will be filled agains. Just a matter of time before my beautiful Sasha is back in my arms and when that happenes I will never let her or Alessandro go again. They are mine and no one will take them away from me.


Hey guys!

Another update! I really hope you like this one.


Thank You!!!!!!!!


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