Chapter 24

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I quietly stepped over the branches that littered the ground as i kept myself on high alert. Finally after planning we made our journey to the New Moon territory and with each mile we gained my blood lust for that son of a bitch who took my mate became stronger.

"Almost there" I heard my father say as he walked right next to me. We are all in our wolf forms right now, my pack and Sasha's family with there packs. They refused to leave us and avenge their pack and alpha. My heart swelled with pride that my Sasha had so many people willing to risk their lived for her. 

"We're here" 

Everyone stopped and began to check their surrounding and become familiar with it looking for routes to escape and get back home. 

"Alright everyone split up in your groups and watch each others backs. We are all one pack here not separate. Our mission is to find out Luna and bring down alpha Lorenzo Martini. Is that clear?" My father explained through the link.

"Yes sir!" We chorused.

"Good lets move out. Alpha Stone take the east and we will take the west."

"Got it. Bring my niece back safely" He said looking at me. 

"I promise I will try my best to bring her back safely."

"That's all I ask son" He nodded and took his men east.

"Let the plan begin" I said and began to move towards the pack house. We kept as quiet as possible. There was a sound from the right to us.

"Freeze" I hissed in the mind link as we all stopped and crouched down trying not to be seen.

I held my breathe as as more sounds came from that certain direction. The pace of the steps soon quickened in our direction.

"Be prepared" I commanded. 

Dan appeared by my side with a look of determination as we waited for the enemy. I can hear the pounding of my packs hearts and also the rapid beatings of the people heading in our direction. I concentrated on them and found there were about six heart beats some faster than others but I can only hear four feet. Suddenly figures past us in a rapid speed. 

My men and women quickly surrounded the wolves growling at them daring them to take another step. My wolf soon stopped growling as I took in the figures standing in front of us in fear. There were to women, one seemed to be in her early forties and the other around thirteen the older on carrying a small baby in her arms and right next to them was a man and a boy who looked no older than 10 and another child in the mans arms who looked around two years old.

"Please don't hurt us" The man pleaded making my men growl louder.

I studied the family in front of me. The man who looked to be in his forties had bruises and cuts all over him and his clothes seemed to be falling off in shreds. In fact the entire family had the same look and the little boy was crying.

I shifted out of my wolf form and faced the family not caring that I have no clothes on at the moment.

The mother shielded the girls eyes from my privates as the man gulped sensing my was of alpha blood.

"M-my name is Hector Delgado sir. This is my family."

"Why are you running?" My father demanded having shifter out of his wolf form as well.

"We are trying to get away from our pack. Our a-alpha is not a good man sir. He abused his power and forced my family and I to work as slaves."

"Why?" I asked.

"We are of the lower ranks sir" He said with his head down.

"How did you escape?"

"Lately the men have been distracted" He began fidgeting, "they would leave somewhere, I don't know where but they would leave everything open. We saw our chance and we quickly took it."

I looked at my father and nodded in his direction. This man means no harm but he can be useful.

"My name is Jeremiah Abrahms, Alpha of the Crystal Water Pack" My father said standing tall. "This is my son and pack and we need your help."

The man trembled as he heard my fathers name and quickly stepped in front of his family.

"We will do no harm to you or your family" I assured him, "but we need your help"

The man looked at me wearily.

"What kind of help?"

"A couple of weeks ago, alpha Martini took my mate from me and I am here to get her and take down this alpha."

"And what exactly will I be doing?" He asked.

"I need information. I need to know the exact location of Lorenzo Martini."

"Will you promise me that my family will no be harmed" the man said looking at his family while hugging the child in his arms closer reminding me of Alessandro. 

"I promise"

The man looked at me and nodded.

"Jackson, no" The woman repeated.

The man, Jackson, looked at his wife. "I have to Mary. This is the only way we can truely be freed from that monster. Please you have to trust me."

The women looked at her husband then me.

"Come back to us Jackson. I can't live without you"

I felt a my heart strain as I watched the two mates embrace each other thinking of me and Sasha with Alessandro. The children hugged their father one more time and passed the young boy he was carrying to his eldest daughter. 

"Marco! Hector! Take them to safety and watch over them." I commanded two of my pack members.

"Yes sir!" they yelled through the link and quickly led the family to safe grounds. I looked over to where Jackson was. He had a look of determination on his face making me confident that he will help us get my mate back.

"Come, we don't have much time. Since we ran away they will sense us not around and put together a tracking team" Jackson said.

As quickly and as quietly as we could, he led us to the quickest path to the pack house. The stench alone in this place unsettled my wolf. This place smelled of alcohol, cigarettes, rotten food and sex. 

Men were dragging along pulling some girls along with them. I held in a growl as I saw some of the women in chains and some no older than thirteen. 

"Lets kill these bastards" Dan growled in my head. I wanted to agree but we cannot just barge in without knowing where to go. I turned to Jackson who had a nervous look and slightly scared.

"Jackson, I need you the point in the exact direction of where Alpha Martini's room is"

Jackson looked at me and nodded his head quiet as he thought over where the office was. 

"His room is in the left wing of the house on the third floor but sometimes he would go down to the cellars where he keeps his prisoner and he will be down there for hours."

I held back a growl as I thought of Sasha down there. I looked at Jackson and bowed my head.

"Thank you Jackson, you are free to go back to you family" I said thankful that he helped. But Jackson shook his head.

"I'm not leaving alpha Abrahm, I want to kill these sons of bitches as much as everyone here."

I looked at Jackson not really shocked but quickly nodded. He needed to get his revenge. I quickly mind linked Benjamin and told him about where Sasha might be. 

"I am going to rip off their heads" Dan growled lowly as we watched carefully the men of this wretched pack. Suddenly one of the men came running straight towards us, there was no time to hide considering there are over twenty five men and women warriors with me so there was only one option.

"Now!" I yelled shifting into my wolf. The drunken men quickly leaped up as they saw us and sprung into actions coming at us head on.

I viciously grabbed one wolf by the neck and in one swift movement he no longer had his head attacked to the body. The women in this pack were crouching trying to hide themselves.

"Do not touch the women or children" I commanded my pack. 

I quickly ran to the pack house taking down everyone that tried to stop me and headed for the cellars. I ran through all the doors not caring that some were blistered in to my skin. Finally I halted at a very large metal door where I can hear screaming and crying. I changed back into my human form and opened the door to the cellars but as soon as I opened them, I wanted to shut it from the stench alone. It smelled like sewer and something rotten I can't really explain. But I pushed all that away and opened the door wider. I felt my eyes were popping out of my head as I took in all the people down here, mainly young women hanging from walls or chains on cold dark cellars.

I shivered as I thought of how Sasha lived here most of her life. I mind linked Dan, my father, Benjamon and Sasha's Unlce into the cellar. They were here in no more that thirty seconds.

"Sasha!" I yelled out hoping I would get an answer. 

"Sasha!" This time Benjamin yelled.

"Help me please" I heard pleading and looked at a girl hanging from the cellar. 

"Oh my God" Benjamin covered his mouth tears swelling his eyes. 

"Unlock any survivors" My father commanded but I was on a mission. I need to find my mate. I scanned every cage looking for a small brunette with gorgeous brown eyes which I still cannot find until I reached the very back. There was another metal door here. I touched the door and it was freezing. I tightly touched the handle and opened the door. It was dark and I can here the sound of dropping water.


I heard a groan from the back of the cellar and I quickly rushed over. Inside was a small brunette that wasn't Sasha but looked very familiar. I quickly rushed towards her and unlocked the chains on her wrist wincing when I law the marks they left. She must have been here a long time.

"Sasha" the woman mumbled making me freeze, I looked at the women.

"You know Sasha? Please, where is she?" I quickly questioned the weak little thing in my arms.

"My Sasha" she mumbled again confusing me. "My baby. He took my baby"

I gave her a confused look. Benjamin entered the cellar and rushed towards me to help only to freeze looking at the woman with wide disbelieving eyes.

"Ben" I said trying to get him to look at me but his focus was on the woman.

"Aunt Lucy" He whispered. I looked at the woman and then at Ben.

"You know her?" I asked.

Suddenly he rushed towards me taking the petite woman out of my arms and hugging her while tears fell down his eyes.

"Dad!" He yelled.

Alpha Gabriel rushed in to the room when he heard Ben and then he paused. His face was pale as he looked at the woman in Ben's and I could tell he was holding back tears.

"Lucy" He whispered. The woman looked over at my mates uncle and smiled which snapped him out of the state he was in and rushed over to her taking her from Ben and hugging her to him. 

"Oh God Lucy, thank God you're alive." He cried. 

"My baby" She whispered again.

"Where, where is she Lucy?" He asked softly.

"He took my baby" She whispered again. Then it hit me. This woman is Lucy Stone, my mates mother. I quickly rushed to her hoping to get some answers.

"Please Mrs. Stone, I have to find your daughter, she is my mate ma'am. Do you know where she is?" i practically begged her. 

"Alpha" She said before she passed out in alpha Gabriel's arms. 

My chest tightened as she said alpha. That only meant that Lorenzo took her. Suddenly I felt a burning in my chest so horrible that I gasped and fell to my knees. I can feel my wolf panicking but I had no idea why then the burning came again and again and then I realized that it was not my pain, but my mates.

"No!" I yelled and dashed for the stairs not noticing that Ben and half of the pack was following me. I remembered what Jackson said about the alphas room and made my way there, the pain still soaring through my body. 

Once I spotted the door I ran as fast as I could and rammed through the door only to stop short as I looked at the figure lying on the bed. Blood was flowing off the bed into a massive puddle and the strong scent of it made my wolf whimper. My heart was hammering in my chest as I slowly walked over to the body praying to God that it wasn't Sasha. That she is fine and managed to escape. 

Each step felt like an eternity until I finally caught her scent. The one scent that was so sweet and beautiful now stained with the scent of blood. The scent of my mate, Sasha.


I shifted back into human form and looked at the bed. A white sheet was covering her drowned in blood.

"No!" I cried as I ripped the sheets off revealing Sasha limp and covered in blood cause by stab wounds. "No, no, no, no Sasha" I cried picking up her limp body.

"Sasha baby get up, I'm here." I cried shaking her gently praying she would wake up. 

"Sasha please get up, we have to go home."

I hugged her to me as I sank to the floor rocking her back and forth as my heart was shattering into a million pieces. Sasha, my precious mate is gone. They took her from me.

"They took her from me" I whispered again. I opened my eyes and looked at her face. She was pale and so cold. I grabbed the sheets off the bed and began wrapping her in them.

"There baby, now you wont be so cold" I said and cradled her to my chest to give her more warmth rocking her back and forth. "Everything is going to be alright baby, I promise. Everything is going to be alright."

"Zeph" I heard my dad say as he walked towards me. "Son we have to go."

I began to reach over to Sasha.

"No! Don't touch her!" I yelled making him pull back. Tears continued to fall down my face. 

Time to go home baby, Alessandro has been crying for you.

"Zeph" My dad whispered again. I looked up at him feeling so broken and watching as his eyes turned sympathy and sadness I couldn't take it anymore. Everything came crashing down as everything was sinking in. Sasha is gone. My Sasha is gone. 

"We have to leave Zeph. We captured alpha Martini but we have to go now." he said gently placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head. He reached for Sasha again but I shook my head.

"Please dad, don't touch her"

He nodded his head in understanding. As gently as I could I got up from the floor and began walking out of the pack house. Pack mates were everywhere looking exhausted but had a sense of pride as they won the war. But when they caught sight of me caring my mate, their eyes showed so much sadness my eyes watered and my wolf whimpered. They sensed that they have lost their future Luna. Sad, heartbreaking howls erupted through the air as wolves from both packs who came to rescue Sasha. 

"Sasha!" I heard someone cry. The voice was femanine. "No, my baby"

I looked up and saw the woman we rescued running towards me, my mate mother. 

She reached us in no time and sank down to her knees.

"No, my baby. Not my baby" She cried. Gabriel and Ben came next to her as tears flowed down their faces. 

"Let me hold my baby" She said "one last time. Let me hold my baby"

I couldn't deny her request. so I laid Sasha in her arms. She wiped the hair out of Sasha's eyes tracing her finger around her face memorizing every detail and stroking her face. Gabriel and Ben knelt down next to her and hugged Mrs. Stone in comfort as sobs began to shake her body. She laid her head on my mate chest and closed her eyes hugging her closely. Then she froze. Her eyes snapped open as she lifted her head and looked at her daughter. She laid her head on her chest again then looked at me. 

So far I have managed to keep a straight face showing absolutely no emotion hiding behind a mask trying to be strong for my pack but the next words that came out of Mrs. Stones mouth had me breaking down.

"She's alive."

Hey everyone!

I uploaded! Yay! sorry for the delay. The Internet sucks at my house and well I was gonna upload yesterday but then I got a call that my great grandmother just passed away. 

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry to leave you hanging. lol.

Thank you for reading!



or Both! ;)

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