So what are these people? and there more Amazon?! interesting..

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Y/N was driving to the coffee shop as he drive he saw a person with a briefcase going after an other person I got off my bike eating a sandwich as I follow them I saw the wried man with white hair and another on with him but in front of them is a ghoul as I watch the people with brifcast kill the ghoul as there were talk the young one turn around and saw me he reach for his brifcast but the old man stop him as he ask something

Old man: what are you doing here sir there a ghoul around you could have gotten hurt..?

Y/N: well I saw you goes after a person I didn't think it was a ghoul and I was just heading to work goodbye. *Runs to his bike and drive to work as he can tell the two watching him*

Some where in the city a group of ghoul we're walking around looking for there next food when they saw a person walk into an alley as the group of ghoul start to follow him when they  get to the alley only to see the person standing in front of them smirking

???: So you are my pray sad..

Ghoul 1: Shut up your the pray! *Runs at ???*

???: *Kick ghoul 1 back to other ghouls as only 3 ghouls still standing*

Ghoul 4: what the heck is this man?!

Ghoul 5: He not a normal person.

Ghoul 2: Just stay together and we can take him down. Let's Go!

All three of them run at him as the man put on a belt as he twist the left handle as his eyes grow Dark red

???: Ama...Zon...

???2: D-D-Delta break your cage!!!!*A burst into a Dark aura as he knock the rest of the ghoul back into a wall as the aura die down the person in a amor in white , black , and yellow also his eyes are as he walk towards the group of ghoul*

Ghoul 3: *struggle to stand up as he look at the person as he was scared* Y-Your like that thing I saw last week!

Delta: oh so there are other Amazons here interesting...*walk to the group as he twist the left handle again* now die...

???: Violet punishment!!!

Detla runs at the group as his grubs glow dark black as he rip them apart leaving nothing but a bloody mess as he unform and walk out of the alley as someone was watching him

???: Hmmm more prays for the Sea..

Begin to walk away as the time skip to the coffee shop

Y/N was cleaning up as he hear screaming and see kaneki looking scared as he was about to say something the owner came in and tell me to take this coffee to a guest up stairs as he talk with kaneki when he reached the door and knock as he hear a child voice

???: K-kaneki?

Y/N: *open the door see a little girl with a plate in front of her as he place the coffee on the table* no I'm Y/N nice to meet you and sorry if you wanted to talk with kaneki the owner

???: He thinks I'm a monster now...

Y/N: *place his hand on her head as he comfort her* Hey he doesn't think that.

As Y/N Smiled at her she smiled back and begin to talk

???: Uh Y/N can I call you big brother?

Y/N was shock when he hear this but smile

Y/N: sure little sis.

She smiled when she hear this as the little girl hug him and y/n just pat her head and after an hour she let him go and Y/N begin to walk out of the coffee shop and begin to walk home but something grab him and hold night by the neck to a wall as the creater look like a lizard but blue

???:'s play..

Y/N kick this thing back as he put on his belt and twist the as I goes for a punch knocking him back more

Y/N: Amazon!

???: W-W-Wild!!!!

Y/N start throwing punches to the blue rider only to be block and punch back as the riders kick Y/N to the ground he was about to end Y/N only to be hit with something as Y/N took the chance to run and unform than get on his bike and ride home

???3: So we we're right following the kid right sir?.

???2: yes and it leads us to a new ghoul and it's amor looks very strong our weapon didn't even make a scratch

???3: your right sir let's end it..

The rider just laughs as he kick the ???3 to a wall knocking him out as he punch ???2 to back as he jumps to the sky and disappearing as the two man get up and goes back to where they work

Y/N got home almost fall down a few times as he look in the mirror his face have some blood on it and his half of his clothes look rip and a black eye as he fall back on his bed breathing heavily he look at his clock and began to think

Y/N mind: who was that guy and where did he get that belt and why does he looks like a different color me *sigh softly as he start to get mad* well next time he will get what coming to him man what next another rider......I just hope I didn't jink myself..

Time skip as the sunshine bright night is walking around town the reason he in walking because something was call him towards but as he walk to a park there was a hole but it was huge as he look at it a person grab his shoulder and pull him back as night look at the man but it was a teen almost older than him as the teen walk on front of night and hold his hand to him as he take it than help Y/N stand up

Y/N: thanks

???: No problem what's your name dude?

Y/N: I'm Y/N what's your name?

???: The name is Suoga. Why where you looking at the hole?

Y/N: well I was curious?

Suoga: *whisper* if you want a Amazon ripping your head off than look.

Y/N was more confused as he look at Suoga but before he could say something he heard a female voice running towards them

???: Suoga!!!! *Jumps on Suoga and hug him from behind*

Suoga smiled as he look at the female and hug her back and he put her down and begin to talk

Suoga: Moko-Chan what are you doing?

Moko-Chan: *smiling* I wanted to see you and to thank you for giving me food yesterday. *Kiss Suoga on the cheek*

Suoga: *smiled and pat her head* it was no problem I just had a lot of food so why not share

As the two continue to talk Y/N wave to them bye as he walk away than Moko-Chan begin to talk serious

Moko-Chan: so he the Amazon your tracking with the other one?.

Suoga: yup and I think they met and go at it by the look on him he got his behind handed to him.

Moko-Chan just laugh as she and Suoga goes to the hole and went inside and head to there apartment Suoga than start to think out loud

Suoga: if the other Amazon took night down than fighting him with be fun

Music begin to play as the Four Amazon begin to think how will this town stand knowing creatures that are more dangerous than ghoul live in it

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