Chapter 1: Livin' Love!

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Tonight is Smackdown and everyone is ready to go, Logan Kenway is sitting in the men's locker room getting prepared for his promo today, he's not having a match so he's just going to wear the outfit he's already wearing...

... Logan's one of the biggest names in the WWE right now holding the IC title for the past 506 days making him the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time only over taking Honky Tonk Man who held it from June 2 1987 to August 29 1988, Logan didn't expect to break the record when he first joined WWE, now h'e here and making history.

Drew: You ready for tonight?

Drew McIntyre is one of Logan's best friends, has been for years, he Stephan and Drew, yes you have Colby, Rebecca, Alexis and Ryan but their on Raw and one of them isn't even a WWE Superstar so Logan doesn't see them much, so he, Drew and Stephan were the trio here on the Blue brand.

Logan: As always, I got this.

Logan is a little cocky and arrogant but when you've done this as long as he has then you can build a small ego, Logan has been a Champion in this company since he first joined, 1x NXT Champion, 2x WWE Champion, 3x US Champion and this is his first run as Intercontinental Champion.

Logan's never won the Tag Titles considering his character doesn't allow him to, Logan's "The Alpha Wolf" and stabs everyone in the back, it's just the way the cookie crumbles for him.

Drew: Good luck.

Logan and Drew shared a fist bump before Logan grabbed his title and walked out the locker room, Logan was greeted by hugs and high fives from most the talent and why won't he be, it's Logan, everyone loves Logan...

... Logan came out the curtain to a wave of cheers all loving the Alpha of WWE, Logan lifted his title on the stage causing them to cheer, Logan is living his best life the only thing he hasn't got is that significant other that stays with you through the tuff times.

Logan climbed into the ring as the show is being aired in the women's locker room where Gionna, Natalya, Daria, Aliyah and Ronda are relaxing after their side of the show is either done or coming up.

Gionna: Logan's Kinda cute, you know?

Logan stood in the middle of the ring with IC title over his left shoulder and mic in his right hand, the girls agreed with her but probably no where near as much as she did.

Natalya: Go easy Gio. You're gonna set off the smoke detectors.

They all shared a chuckle then went back to watching Logan on the Tv as Gionna got a sneaky idea and took her title out the locker room.

Ronda: What's she gonna do?

No one could answer that as Gionna is a little bit of a loose cannon, it's part of her charm though which everyone loves about her.

Logan: So, I've held this title for a long time now and no one is yet to even come close to taking it from me. If Sheamus or Gunther think they can in Cardiff Wales then they and their lap dogs are way off! A couple of muts can't beat a Wolf.

Logan stated to the crowed here in Pennsylvania, Logan is looking forward to Clash at the Castle, being born in the UK and all it's something he never got to experience as a kid, the last PPV in the UK was the same year he was born so he doesn't really remember it.

Logan: ... But that's next Saturday and I haven't got a match for tonight or next week...

Logan pointed out making the crowed boo while only booing for the fact he hasn't got a match, Logan has been on every episode of Smackdown since he was Drafted here, Logan's one of the hardest workers in the WWE today, purely because of the added energy from the ADHD.

Logan: ... So, tonight I'm putting out an open Challenge!

The crowed loved to hear that and was looking forward to whoever would answer his call and with all the returns on Monday Night's recently, they could only guess who's coming out here, Logan doesn't even Logan was just told to say this and wait.

Logan: ... If you're brave enough to step into the ring with me! Then it's time to hunt!

Logan tossed the mic aside dropping his title for a second taking his jacket off and throwing it to the outside of the ring, Logan picked up the title again pacing back and forward waiting and waiting till music hit he didn't think would...

... Logan watched as the crowed cheered for her also confused to what she's doing out here, Logan held the IC title over his right shoulder as he watched her dance her way to the ring...

... Gionna smiled to him with a small wave and a wink before going over to the rope and doing her pose...

... Logan kept his character in tact though as she glanced to him over her shoulder, Logan shrugged his Intercontinental title on his shoulder not knowing what's going on but if anyone can play along it's him.

Gionna walked over to the mic he tossed to the side and squatted as low as she could go picking it up, Logan looked away so he doesn't get sued for sexual harassment, little did he know that she wanted him to look.

Liv: I know you didn't expect to see me out here wolfy...

Gionna smirked to him as Logan did his best not to smile, he's keeping his character in tact while she's trying to break him from it, something no one has yet to do, even on Live show's Logan's a professional.

Liv: ... But I haven't got anything tonight either. Maybe we can team up together...

Logan looked around the crowed as the cheered and started the "Yes" chant, clearly this is something they want to happen, Gionna got a sneaky idea and stepped closure to Logan making her eye level to his chest and look up to him as he looked down to her.

Liv: ... Oh come on...

She said with a pout spinning her body slightly looking into his blue eyes that she realises is actually really dreamy up this close.

Liv: ... You don't want me to play by myself now. Do you?

Logan nearly broke character to her looking up to him like a little girl would her father begging for a pony for Christmas, Logan sighed rubbing his jaw looking around to the crowed, this is clearly some love story he doesn't know about and got an idea making this story better then not.

Logan gently took her hand holding the mic and lifted it to his mouth she still held the microphone as his hand easily covered hers, his hand was nice and warm while her hand was soft and slightly cold, Gionna enjoyed the moment as both Smackdown Champions were taking full advantage of the new Tv-14 rating.

Logan: No.

Logan said letting go of her hand and walking around her leaving the ring with title over his shoulder, the crowed boo'd him like he's never been boo'd before making him grin, it's easier making them hate him the like him, Logan turned to Gionna walking backwards with his smirk, Gionna looked over the top rope to him sitting on the middle with her legs hanging over the side...

... Logan wondered why he's never noticed how cute she is before but something about her now has really caught his attention, Logan didn't wait though and continued to walk back before turning back around fully and walking through the curtain just to see Hunter waiting for him.

Hunter: Great job kid.

Logan was glad to here that but he still has no idea what's going on and really wanted to find out.

Logan: Cool, but what's going on?

Logan shrugged dropping the title into his right hand holding it by his side, Logan then turned to thank a crew member who just gave him his jacket back from him leaving it ringside.

Hunter: Well, you see...

Hunter was about to explain as they started to walk and talk but once again the over excited Gionna came back through hopping around excited about something, Logan can now smile to her behaviour and joined her in jumping up and down, why? Why not?

Gionna: Can I tell him? Please!?

Hunter looked to them both jumping up and down sighing and chuckling to the grown adults acting like a couple of kids.

Hunter: ... You know what. Sure. I've got work to do anyway. Great work you too.

Hunter left the two alone as they smiled to each other, they've been friends for years now so a personal story won't do anything to them, right.

Gionna: So, after Clash at the Castle, their bringing back the MMC, only this time with titles and I thought we could enter it together.

Logan liked the idea, as he's never won a tag title before so why not try and win one with Gionna, she's cute, a fan favorite and one of the most fun Women's Champions in a while, all the previous ones have been moody characters, Alexa Bliss' Goddess character, Charlotte Flair, Ronda Rousey and even Becky Lynch, yes she was a fan favorite as well but she was technically a heel, they all were when they won a Women's title where as Gionna isn't.

Logan: Okay, I'm in...

Gionna grinned as she continued to walk but Logan stopped, Logan gently took her upper right arm in his left hand and tugged her towards him making her spin into him, Logan moved his left hand to her lower back keeping her against him.

Logan: ... But who's idea was the flirting? Theirs, or your's?

It was Logan's turn to tease her but it didn't work as Gionna was more then happy to hear the teasing and wrapped her arms around his neck and jumping wrapping her legs around his waist.

Gionna: Does it matter?

Logan held her with his left hand still on her lower back while he still has his IC title in his right hand, most people wouldn't complain about this and Logan isn't going to start,.

Logan: Anywhere you'd like to go miss?

Gionna giggled to him taking her title and holding it in her left hand while hugging into him resting her head on his neck.

Gionna: To the Women's locker room driver!

Gionna shouted over excited pointing down the hall, Logan laughed a little and walked towards the locker room, everyone watched them laugh and talk along the trip, it was clear they shared a connection but the real problem is that no one really knows much about Logan past him joining NXT nearly 10 years ago.

Logan: Listen Gio...

Logan let her hop down just after they made it to the Women's locker room, Logan hasn't dated in a while so why not give it a go.

Logan: ... Do you wanna go out sometime?

Turns out Logan's not as smooth talking to girls as he thought, Gionna giggled to him though thinking he was cute and adorable so it was an easy choice for her to make.

Gionna: Of course! Let me get changed.

Logan didn't mean tonight but what the hell, Gionna went into the Women's locker room to get changed while Logan made his way back to the Men's locker room, Logan made small talk getting his stuff together and putting the IC title in his beg.

Logan zipped up his bag and walked out the locker room saying his bye's walking to the parking lot, Logan got there and was surprised to see that Gionna was already there waiting to go...

... It's amazing how you're feelings towards someone can change after a little flirting, even though you were friends for years before that.

Logan: Ready to go?

Gionna looked to him and nodded with a smile, Logan held his left hand out to her which she gladly accepted taking it into her right hand both carrying their bags in their free hands, Logan showed her his rental car and they both put their bags in the boot before hoping into the front ready to leave the Arena for tonight...


(To Be Continued)

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