Chapter 12: Moving Day!

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It's been a couple of days since Logan called Hunter and the WWE has set up a one on one therapist for him, they made sure to find someone with discretion so Logan's privacy can stay in tact, they know he's a pretty private guy, he doesn't even have Social Media.

Brooke: So, this is actually happening?

Logan got into his BMW with the girls in the back seat and Scarlett in the front passenger, their stuff is all packed up and ready to move, Logan managed to get them a nice home just outside of Orlando.

Logan: You changed your mind?

Rosie was so excited she'd pretty much jumping out the seat, if she wasn't wearing her seatbelt she might actually go flying out the sun roof, Scarlett seemed the same, just minus the over excited bouncing.

Brooke: I never said that. I'm just...

Logan looked to her over his shoulder and saw she was a little worried about all this, Logan tried to think of what Gionna would do right now, she's on tour with WWE, so he has to deal with this alone, something he's not sure he's ready for.

Brooke: ... Doesn't matter.

She sighed while sitting back in her seat, Logan knew something was bothering her but had no idea with how to handle it, so he just left it and then drove them to their new home, Logan got more then he expected from selling the home back in England so he wanted to treat them, as a sort of apology for being a jackass and blaming them for something they had no idea of what even happened.

Scarlett: Gated community?

She asked as Logan stopped the car by a gate, he didn't respond, he just turned to her with a smile before leaning out the window and scanning a card on the intercom, the gates made a sound of them slowly opening as the girls attention was drawn to the short road ahead, Logan's already seen the place and knew what to expect as the moving lorry followed them.

Scarlett: Oh my god...

Logan once again held a smile as their new house it just in front of them, it's not a gated community but he made sure this place has top security encase his father decides to try and come back into their lives...

... Ryan was a wealthy man but he never bought them anything to make their lives any better, they didn't know though that the house and all that money he had, was Logan's he technically stole it from his own son, what kind of a father does that to his own son.

Logan: Welcome home.

Logan parked his car and smiled to them, it's about a 20 minute drive from Gio's farm, where Logan's been staying for the past couple of days already, it's not so much him moving in with her, it's more her just wanting to keep an eye on him while he goes through a pretty rough stage in his life.

Scarlett: Logan, you really didn't...

She turned to him as the lorry carrying their things they brought from England, stopped just in front of the garages, so all it will need to do is reverse out making the guys lives easier then it would be if they stopped in front of the door.

Logan: No, I do need to do this. I'm sorry for not being there for all of you. I mean, I blamed you all for Ryan's selfishness and it wasn't fair. I'm going to do everything I can to make up for ignoring you, this is just the start.

The girls seemed pretty excited about that answer and they climbed out the car, running into the house, Logan and Scarlett too climbed out the car but didn't move as she was really appreciative of this, so she said something Logan didn't expect from her.

Scarlett: Your not like him, you know. Ryan would never do this for another person.

Logan looked down to his feet, this is what he needs to get better at, accepting the truth and showing his emotions, it's not wrong for him to be upset his mother's gone and his father's an asshole, it's just the way he was raised, Ryan would scold him for showing emotions and when his mother found out Ryan was cheating on her, she pretty much started to ignore Logan, leaving him all alone, just him and his thoughts, that's when Wrestling became a big part of his life.

Scarlett: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.

Logan waved it off with a chuckle after she saw he didn't take it too well, she's never saw him as a son, she's never saw him as a friend, she's not really sure how to see him other then the fact he's her daughter's older brother, that's all that matter's.

Logan: No, it's okay. I promised Gio, I'd, uh... I'd start opening up a little more. This is good, right?

Logan was honestly asking, he's never really been all that open about feelings before and the fact he hasn't walked away from this right now is a big step in the right direction, Scarlett did nod to him with a smile making Logan fell a little better, even if he hasn't opened up at all, him believing he has and can, will help him more in the future.

Scarlett: I like that girl. She cares about you. She's not like that girl you dated when you were 15.

Logan tired to remember what she was talking about as they walked into the house together, Scarlett did look around while Logan remembered who she was talking about, he's not all that proud that he dated her but it is part of his past and means it's important for his mental health.

Logan: Oh yeah, Donna. She was bat shit.

Scarlett chuckled to him as he did always have a way of picking girls that seemed to want to control his life, Logan dated Donna for a good year or so, she might have been crazy but the sex was awesome maybe that's why sex with Gionna is so good, there's no way she's completely sane, she's dating Logan so she can't be.

Logan: Go get settled. I'll give the guys a hand.

Scarlett thanked him one last time before walking into the house that he's bought, Logan was surprised of how quickly they got it done, the sellers must have wanted to really get rid of it, maybe it's haunted or something, Logan doesn't believe in that sorta thing though so he just helped the guys take the stuff into their new home, it turns out they know who he is and gave him props on the Triple Threat match at Clash at the Castle, Logan thanked them and they asked what injury he had.

Logan thought about it then remembered that for his own personal space, the WWE told the world he got injured, so him lifting all these boxers with them really wasn't a good sign, luckily though, Logan's learnt to be a good liar over the years and told them it was a pretty bad "Concussion", they seemed to buy it while Logan took Brooke's last box into her room and put it down while she sat on her bed.

Logan: Have you got everything?

Logan asked looking around and she seemed to have, she didn't answer him though, she just kinda looked around then nodded, Logan sighed quietly as he could tell something's up, he's not the type to be consoling, maybe now's a time to try and help her out.

Logan: Something on your mind?

Logan asked while siting on her bed next to her, she still didn't look away from where she was staring though, only shaking her head "No" to him, Logan would normally take that and leave, but he did promise people that he'd try and become a better man, a better boyfriend, brother and friend, why not give it a shot.

Logan: Keeping things bottled up really doesn't help. Trust me. I've been doing that for 20 years and now I'm regretting it.

Logan wasn't sure what to say to her in this scenario but that seemed like the best thing, mainly because it was similar to what she was doing right now and also because it made her turn her head to him with a smile.

Brooke: You seem to be doing pretty well from it.

Logan chuckled with her as he is, he's a multi time World Champion, the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion and has a lot of sex with beautiful women because his girlfriend is awesome and as kinky as he is, his life is pretty great right now, just minus the trust issue's he's built up.

Logan: Huh, yeah. But, you know, I'd give it all up just to talk with my mum again.

Logan's words seem to have got to her, he didn't need to keep what happened away from Brooke she already knows, sure she was a little girl when Logan left but now she's not, now she's a 14 Year old girl and has seen what an asshole her father actually is and can be.

Brooke: It's just. I had a life in London, friends, a boyfriend. Now, I have no one.

Logan remembers that feeling, he left home when he was 18 and when he came to America he also had nothing, a little money to make sure he had a bed to sleep in at night but that was it, no one to talk to, no one to confide in and no one to trust, that's what makes him the right person to talk to about this.

Logan: I get it. It's scary, I know but your not alone. You have your mother, Rose. Hell, you even have me... for what good that is.

Logan didn't think him being here meant so much to them but apparently it does as she hugged him with a pretty strong hold, Logan had never actually hugged either of his sisters before so this is a first for them, he did quite like it though so he put his left arm around her pulling her a little closure while she rested her head on his chest.

Brooke: I'm happy your back.

That then made Logan realise something, it made him realise that just because his mother and father didn't care about him doesn't mean no one does, his mother might have said she did the the journal but if she really did then she wouldn't have killed herself just to spite him, she'd still be here right now with him.

Logan: Come on, let's get you unpacked.

Brooke agreed, then together they started to unpack her boxes and bags getting her settled quicker then you would alone, that then meant they were able to help the others, Rose and Scarlett with unpacking, Logan tipped the guys for helping them with their things then the truck left, leaving the four to deal with filling their new home with their bits and pieces.

Rose: Mum? How are we going to afford this?

Rose asked as they are all in Rose's new room, it's a little bigger then Brooke's room but that's only because Rose has more stuff then Brooke does, they all stopped though when Rose asked that and Scarlett seemed to have a plan but Logan did as well.

Logan: Oh, about that. I want you three to take the money.

Logan is talking about the money his mother left him, and the money from selling the house back in England, Logan didn't need it, he still has a really high paying contract with the WWE, he didn't need the money like they do right now.

Scarlett: No, we can't. You've done enough.

The girls seemed to agree with their mother but Logan didn't and felt like he has so many years to make up to them for all those years he left them alone with his father, Logan remembers his father in a different light, he remembers his father before his mother was told she had cancer and believe it or not, he was actually a good man back then.

Logan: No, no I haven't. I've been blaming you for something you didn't and I took it out on the girls. I want to make up for that, this is also the best "I'm sorry", I'll probably be able to give.

The girls watched as Logan was really trying, they didn't know him or Gionna all that well but she really is doing a great job with him, Logan's been more open with people and a little more trusting, it's the trusting part that he needs the most work on.

Scarlett: Thank you.

Logan smiled to her as she hugged him, once again, Logan's not sure how to react and only patted her back with his left arm, he's not so great with basic human interaction, he did laugh a little though when Brooke and Rose joined the small group hug causing all smiles to go around the room...


(To Be Continued)

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