Chapter 19: Growing Emotions!

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Logan and the girls had a great time in New York for the UFC, Logan was a little distracted by what happened with Alexis, of course he was, Gionna wasn't sure what was going on but she can piece it all together, Logan and Alexis went for the scan, then he came back and has never been more excited about the child then now, also Logan told her everything that happened that night, he promised to never keep secrets anymore and that was one of them, he only waited till they got to the hotel room and told her.

Now, Logan's back in Orlando, Gionna's traveling with WWE again, Logan was going to go with her but apparently, Hunter needed to talk to him about his return soon, the Rumble is only 8 weeks away and Martin thinks that Logan can return soundly, only if he continues the sessions after his return.

Matthew: Logan, bloody, Kenway.

Logan walked through the doors in the PC to already see a few from NXT as well as the odd from the Main Roster all using the local facilities, only one walked over to him, Logan has no idea who he is and honestly, he doesn't really care.

Logan: Alright?

Logan didn't really ask but more so responded while walking past Matthew Farrell and towards where he assumes Hunter is waiting for him, Shawn and Road Dogg helping a few guys out before the guy returned jogging beside Logan, clearly looking for a conversation.

Matthew: I know all about you, this whole concussion thing. I'm not buying it. Word around is you went mad, what's the matter, the bright lights finally getting to you?

Logan stopped walking and sighed, rolling his eyes as this guy really didn't want to leave him alone, Logan put his hands in his jacket pocket while this Aussie asshole wiped his face clear from the sweat, the cocky smirk on his face just pissing him off even more.

Logan: I don't know what your talking about.

Logan went to walk past him again, this time actually doing it, a few guys and girls around them watching more so because of the rumours surrounding Logan, not only his little breakdown back in Cardiff but a few other things floating around, none of them are stupid enough to call Logan out on it, Matthew however didn't feel the same.

Matthew: What about you Miss Bliss' baby? Apparently her husband isn't the father...

Logan stopped walking towards the office as that caused more people to look over to them, including Shawn and Road Dogg, they weren't sure what's going on exactly but the attention moved over to the duo caught theirs.

Matthew: ... Is that your bastard kid, Kenway?

Logan turned on his heels and walked right up to Matthew, not any space between them, a few around watched just in case a fight brakes out, what most of them didn't know was Hunter watching from the viewing platform.

Logan: You seem to know a few things about me but I don't know who you are...

Logan didn't hit him, he actually tried really, really hard to not punch him in the face right now, he actually hasn't tried this hard not to hurt someone so much before in his life, he however knew what will happen if he does so he's trying really really hard.

Logan: ... I didn't ask. I don't care, in fact. No one here cares who the hell you are...

Matthew was about to tell Logan his name but Logan really didn't actually care, all he knows is this guy is talking trash about Alexis and his unborn child, both of which is a no go for him anymore, Shawn and Road Dogg saw Hunter watching so they had a feeling he was up to something.

Logan: ... Now I have changed over these past few weeks, a month ago I would have already shoved your face into that wall over there...

Logan indicated to the brick wall nearby though as Matthew looked then continued to smile as Logan hated his shit eating grin, Hunter was assuming that Logan would snap but Logan didn't, wouldn't, he really needs to get back into the ring, even if he doesn't ever win another title, he just needs to get back to work.

Logan: ... So listen here you little shit. Talk about me all you want. Say something like that again and I will make sure you aren't able to walk again.

Logan lightly patted his cheek a few times before turning around looking towards the stairs, only seeing a smiling Hunter at the top, Logan wasn't sure what he was smiling about but he's sure that he'll find out after he reached the top and stood in front of his boss.

Hunter: Welcome back, kid.

Logan smiled as they shook hands then walked into his office to talk about his return, the plan is for him and Gunter to start off, a rematch of sorts from Cardiff, the last time that Logan was seen on WWE Tv, Hunter even asked Logan about the offer he made him the other day.

Logan: I'm on board. When do we start? 

Hunter cheered a little as they both looked forward to this news 12 Rounds wasn't the most popular out of the WWE aspired movie's their all hoping that Logan will push it into the same conversation as The Marine is, business then started with them continuing talking about Logan's plans when he gets back, which Logan was more then alright with what they suggested till it came down to the more personal side of why he's here.

Hunter: Now. I've heard some things going around and I have to ask. What's with this story about you being the kids father?

Logan sighed while sitting back in the seat, it's only them in the room so he could be honest with Hunter but he's still not sure it's actually his place to tell people, it's Alexis' life on the line as well as her marriage, so he didn't really answer him.

Logan: It's uh... It's not really my place to say.

Hunter looked to Logan hoping that he would have at least get an answer, which in fairness, did actually answer it, if Logan isn't the father then he would have just said, "No", instead of beating around the bush, Hunter didn't mind that, he's been on the road before and these sort of things can happen, he just also knows that sometimes things like this don't work out well.

Hunter: I'm not going to punish, you, Lex or even Gio but I need to know if this is going to cause trouble?

The world now knows about Logan and Gionna so that of course means that the WWE know about them, then again, they knew about them way before the public did but Logan was quick to wave off the worries, there's no way that Gionna will be mad at this, she might be a bit annoyed she didn't get to join in but that's probably how far that went.

Hunter: Great. Then we're done here. See you in San Antonio.

Logan stood up as they shared a quick hug, Hunter was actually pleased, as well as a little proud of Logan for getting the help he needs, Hunter's known Logan since he was a 18 year old just trying out at the PC, Hunter took a shot, now Logan's on the fast track to a Hall of Fame spot, they both walked out the room but stopped when they saw Matthew standing there waiting for them.

Matthew: Look, mate. I didn't mean all that down there. The boss just wanted to see if your better...

Logan looked from Matthew to Hunter as The Game gave a small smile with a shrug, sometimes the best way to see if he's truly better is to push him to his limits, so that's what Hunter had done, he found the one guy who would have actually said those things to a man who put his own father into hospital, that was Matthew.

Matthew: ... We good?

Logan looked back to the Aussie as he looked nervous now, Logan did think it was pretty funny to see people still worried around him, he's not what he used to be back in those days, only one thing did need to be done, so he walked over to Matthew then hit him in his crown jewels with the back of his hand.

Logan: Now we're good.

Logan walked past them then down the stairs as Matthew held where Logan hit, after doing a workout already, then being hit in the groan really isn't all that fun, Hunter watched as Logan said his bye's to his friends before leaving the building.

Hunter: I told you not to mention the kid.

Matthew looked at him with a "really?" look while Logan walked out the PC and into the car park where he found his car, he has a few messages, a couple from Gionna and one from Alexis, Logan actually felt a little guilty for what they did the other day, he's never felt like that before, almost like it meant more to him then it ever has, he's never had that kind of thing happen before, other then Gionna of course but 3 times with Alexis since she got married, all with Gionna's knowledge, well, she was there for 2 of them, but this third time was something different, something special.

Lexi K ~ Can you come to mine quick. We should talk.

There was no emoji's or anything which is how he knew it was serious, he knew they needed to talk about it but he didn't think he'd actually want to, this whole therapy thing has completely changed him, it's still up for debate if it's for the best or not, he couldn't help but chuckle as she also asked him to pick up a few things, she has those cravings you get when you have a kid, she's lucky as it's not so weird, just ice cream with cookie's.

Logan got her the stuff she wanted then made his way to her place, sitting in the car looking over to it while parked on the side walk, he wasn't really looking forward to this part, so he decided to just get it over with, picking up her stuff then getting out the car, she was expecting him but he wasn't expecting her to open the door before he even got to it.

Logan: I got you the stuff you wanted.

She thanked him while also pulling the bag out his hand, walking into the house letting him follow her, Logan spoke to Gionna about this and she seems happy with sharing him, Gionna has already invited Aliyah to join them but she changed her mind, Alexis wouldn't go for it though, she has Ryan now, why would she want Logan again.

Alexis: Uh... So... I don't really know what to say.

Logan sat on the couch beside her while she toyed with her hands, he wasn't really sure what to say either, the other night was more then just fun for them, it was like when they first met all those years ago, Alexis can't help but feel something for this new version of Logan, something that Ryan can't quite satisfy anymore.

Alexis: The other night was great. Better then great, it was amazing...

Alexis looked to Logan while correcting herself as Logan chuckled, it was pretty great, she and Gionna like different things though, he was amazed he remembered the difference between them, although Logan expected her to say what they both were thinking.

Alexis: ... But we can't do it again. It's not fair to Ryan or Gio. We'll, Gio probably gave you the idea.

Alexis just tried to lighten the mood as they both knew it needed to stop but didn't want it to, Logan felt that he needed to give Gionna his full attention, even if Gionna is alright with them having a little fun with others, after everything she's done for him, it just feels a little wrong now.

Logan: Yeah. Yeah, I know.

Alexis smiled sadly to him while reaching over to his hands, Logan is sitting forward with his elbows on his knees, hands clasped in front of him but they broke apart when he felt her hand on his, Logan turned to her a little though while he couldn't help but wonder one simple thing.

Logan: Do you ever wish I asked you to marry me?

Alexis wasn't sure what to say, she defiantly didn't expect him to ask her that, he didn't see the harm in it, if they can't continue the way their going then why can't he just ask this one very simple question, even one that made her stutter and stammer till she looked into his eyes again.

Alexis: Of course. Breaking up with you was one of the hardest things I've ever done.

Logan adjusted himself to sit more closure to her, his body turned to hers while his right hand still held her left as his left hand gently went over to her baby bump, only a couple months grown but there's still someone there, Alexis smiled down to them both as her right hand gently moved over his left, it was a nice moment till Alexis let out an uncomfortable whine causing Logan to worry slightly.

Logan: Shit, sorry. Did I hurt you?

Logan wasn't sure what happened but Alexis just smiled to his concern, her left hand letting go of his right before touching his face, he didn't have the slight stubble when they were together but it's something she defiantly thought looked good on him.

Alexis: No, just my back's aching.

Logan then knew what was happening, Alexis isn't exactly a big women, she's 5 foot so even the smallest of baby bumps would cause her back to ache a little, it's not a lot, just enough to make things uncomfortable.

Logan: Here, turn around.

Alexis wasn't sure what he said till she watched him stand up and take his jacket off, leaving him in a tank top she wished he wasn't wearing, Logan indicated for her to turn while he sat with his legs either side of her, his right leg stretching across the couch while his left stayed on the floor, Alexis turned her back to him as she felt him tug her shirt up a little.

Logan: No, bra?

Alexis has found them quite uncomfortable lately, also her's don't seem to fit all too well anymore, she knew it was going to happen eventually but she thought 12 weeks was a little too soon, she could feel him smiling behind her though while glancing over her shoulder.

Alexis: They were uncomfortable. Don't get any ideas.

Logan chuckled again while he started to gently rub on her lower back, Alexis certainly didn't expect Logan to be able to do this sort of thing, especially not as well as he is, it might be the best massage she's ever hand, of course she knew he was good with his hands but not this talented, she couldn't help but let out tiny little moans and groans from the sensation, not caring about the fact she felt Logan scoot closure to her.

Logan: Ryan make you feel this good?

Alexis felt his words whisper into her ear while his hands still gently rubbed her back, making her feel amazing, Alexis wasn't even really sure what she was doing all she did know is she answered him honestly, shaking her head no to him, Alexis tilted her head to the right when she felt him leaving little kisses on her left shoulder making his way slowly towards her neck.

Logan: Tell me to stop and I will.

Alexis opened her eyes and turned to him, his hands moving from her back and to her hips, Alexis knew she should tell him to stop but she couldn't, the feeling he's made her feel right now, plus Ryan never seems to be home anymore, especially not since she found out she was pregnant and it wasn't his.

Alexis: No, stay.

Alexis right hand reached around to the back of his neck once again pulling him into a passionate kiss, Logan didn't pull away only moving his hands from her waist and to her growing bump then u to her slightly sore chest, only when he touched her, it didn't hurt or feel uncomfortable, it actually felt pretty good, which is why her left hand reached back to his groan rubbing where she wants him to rub, all while their lips remained intact, neither wanting to be the first to break the moment that keeps seeming to be there between them...


(To Be Continued)

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