Chapter 21: A 14 Year Old Secret!

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*Another Vote at the end as well as a pretty big plot twist! Enjoy!*


It's defiantly been a tough couple of days for everyone, Alexis isn't sure what to do, her husband's walked out on her because she's having another man's baby, then she sent that man away, she honestly didn't think of how this would affect Logan giving everything's he's worked on over these couple of weeks but he's actually doing well, mainly because Gionna's playing shoulder for both her friend and boyfriend.

Gionna: ... Ryan will either come back or Alexis will need you.

Logan nodded with a small shrug to her while he's in the little gym they have, it's in the basement right now but Gionna wanted to convert one of the small barns on her farmland into it's own gym, something Logan liked the idea of and is trying to help but he's not getting payed while being suspended so it needs to wait.

Logan: I know, I just wish I could have done more.

Gionna is sitting on the steps going down into the basement while Logan's doing his old workouts again, he's working to get back into that shape he was in when he left the ring, Gionna was impressed, that's he's gone back to it so easily, sure he kept his workouts up while away but he's normally routine is a little much for even some in their occupation.

Gionna: There wasn't much you could do. You can't fix everything.

Logan chuckled a little while he looked over to her, Gionna gave him a little smile while doing something on her phone, he wasn't sure what it was but let it go, then kept on with his workout, he remembered saying that to Alexis back in Cardiff, although he was a little more harsh about it.

Logan: Oh, I spoke to Stephan, he wants us to do a workout video with him for that "Celtic Workout's" thing he's got going on.

Logan was all for it as was Gionna, she loves working out, it's a lot of fun as long as you don't push your limit's, Logan finds fun in that though so he tends to do it most the time, what Logan didn't know though is that she's already did one.

Gionna: I already have. It was the other week when we were in Seattle.

Logan is now done with his set so he wiped his face clean then looked to her confused then remembered when she was in Portland a couple days back, Logan went to sit next to her as she got the video up, all she did was brag about her butt and say how fun "Butt stuff is".

Logan: Now I know why my social media's been going of.

Logan chuckled as he watched the Celtic Warrior do a workout to perk up your butt, Logan has done the workout himself but no disrespect to the girl beside him, it wasn't enough and he nodded to do a little of his to make the workout worth it.

Logan: At least the internet now knows how you got that cute little biscuit butt.

Logan smirked leaning back on his elbows on the steps, Gionna however took her phone off him, moved to sit on his lap, then pulled his hands towards her forcing him to sit up, he didn't really know what she was going to do but wasn't going to argue when she placed his hands on her ass.

Gionna: They also know that it's all your's ~

Logan smiled up to her while her smile continued all the way till their lips connected, Logan lifted her up, keeping her held up, her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist, he took them up the stairs then towards the couch, laying her down on her back, before thing could get to fun, Logan's phone started to ring making him break the kiss but keep their foreheads together.

Logan: Don't move a muscles.

Gionna did though as she moved to her elbows watching him walk over to the kitchen island where his phone is, Logan still has no idea what the gender is for the baby, he was told to leave before he was actually able to find out for himself.

Logan: Oh, crap...

Logan sighed while looking to who it was calling him, he wasn't disappointed to hear from them but he was disappointed with the timing because he can't put it on hold while he fucked his girlfriend on the couch, that just wouldn't be right, although the old him would have and has happily done that before.

Scarlett: Logan, I need you're help. It's Brooke, she went out with this guy last night and she hasn't come back. Can you find her...

Logan was a little worried now, his sister is out there with some jackass and she's not answering her phone or any messages, also this isn't like Brooke, she's usually a well taught girl, she does her homework early and is asleep by 10, people made jokes and what not but she didn't care because she'll be the one with the top CEO job while their sweeping up the floors.

Logan: Alright, calm down. What's this guy's name?

She told him the name and it was something like Jackson Gomes, Logan wasn't sure why but he is actually quite good at finding people, so once Scarlett thanked him for the 8th time, he hung up the phone and turned to Gionna, who's now sitting up her right leg on the floor and left leg stretched across the couch.

Logan: Brooke's gone AWOL, she wanted me to find her...

Gionna didn't mind that he's going to find her before doing the deed on the couch, so she tossed his shirt over to him while Logan got to work trying to find Jackson Gomes in Orlando, he's pretty sure it's not a common name so finding that he's a college student at Southern Technical College here in Orlando, so he's an asshole going after an underage girl.

Logan: ... While, I go get her. Can you go make sure Lex is alright?

Gionna smirked to him while loving how soft he's gotten since going to therapy, open as well, he tells her most of his worries now, like going back, apparently they want him to change his character and by they, they mean Vince wants him to change his character but Logan's not sure how too, he's been The Alpha for years, changing character after that long isn't such an easy thing to do.

Gionna: I'll go see her. You go get Brooke back.

Logan smiled to her giving her a quick kiss before going to where Jackson should be, if she's not there with him then he'll know where she is, Gionna however got dressed then took the short drive to where Alexis is, she's been pretty bummed out since last week when Ryan left and she pretty much throw Logan out, no one can blame her but she can't do this on her own.

Gionna: Lex! You here...?

Gionna asked pocking her head through the door, it was unlocked so Alexis is in but where she is she can't be sure, Gionna entered the house, shutting the door behind her, she was a little curious to why the dogs haven't charged at her yet but that actually made her realise where she is.

Gionna: Lexi~ You okay?

Gionna sung her name while peaking into the master bedroom, there Alexis is, sitting in bed while watching the Tv, ll her doggies sitting beside her giving the soon to be mommy some friendly company.

Alexis: Hey, Gio. I'm okay.

Gionna could clearly see otherwise so she walked over to the bed, sitting in the empty spot beside her, Gionna picked up Teddy and placed the small dog on her lap, petting the dog back into it's nap while looking to see Alexis watching something on her phone.

Gionna: What's that?

Alexis sat closure to Gionna then handed her the phone, it was a baby cam they bought for the baby but set it up in here to make sure it worked, on the screen was Logan trying to talk Ryan out of leaving.

Logan: "Look mate, I know it sucks but it is how it is. I'm not the best person for that kid to grow up looking up to, they'll need someone better. Besides, together, you, me Alexis and Gio. This kid will be blessed..."

You couldn't actually see Ryan from the angle the camera is but you could see Logan and he was really trying to do the right thing, then in return for something he tried everything to do to stop, Alexis pushed him away, stopping him from finding out their going to be having a baby boy, Alexis didn't think to check this footage till a couple days back and since then, she hasn't stopped watching it.

Alexis: What am I going to do?

She asked laying her head on Gionna's shoulder, all while Gionna admired Logan more and more for what he's doing, she knows he wants everything to do with this baby now, so him telling Ryan what he's telling him, just to keep him around for Alexis' sake, but Alexis can't blame anyone for what happened, Ryan for not wanting to raise another man's kid, Logan for doing his best and even herself for acting the way she did, Alexis can't be blamed for assuming Logan's the bad guy in that, he kind of worked hard to get that reputation.

Gionna: You're going to have the little guy and be the best mother ever. Logan and I will still help. I love babies.

Alexis chuckled to her friend while looking up to her, they both started to giggle for what's happened, everyone thinks that once the WWE stars get home they just have a normal, relaxed lifestyle, this is everything but relaxed.

Gionna: Logan's not mad at you, he just wants what's best for you and the baby. He just can't see that he is best for both.

Gionna looked to Alexis as she shot back upright, looking a little flustered, sure she liked the new Logan more then the old one and she loved that one, so who knows what she feels for this one, Gionna seems to as she handed her back her phone.

Gionna: I'm not saying you have to but if you want him, you can. My mom raised me to share.

Gionna gave her a small smile, she's already proven that she's happy to share Logan, Aliyah was first but she wasn't cut out for that life, Alexis however might be because she generally does love Logan, not that Aliyah doesn't care about him but no like these two do.

Alexis: Isn't that looked down on?

That already gave Gionna her answer, if Alexis didn't want to she would have either said "Ew, no way" or "I'm good thanks, he's all your's" with a little chuckle at the end but instead she wanted to make sure it wasn't bad or anything, maybe it's just the hormones or something but Gionna didn't mind, this way she'll see the baby around the clock.

Gionna: Who care's, it's 2022. People can identify as a dolphin if they wanted to, why should we have to hide who we love.

Alexis chuckled to her friend then gently broke into a small laugh about the whole dolphin thing, Gionna wasn't wrong though, why should she and Alexis be ashamed because they both like the same guy, if he treats them better then anyone else and cares for them both the same, then why is it wrong, it'll be wrong if he was abusive but that is aloud in modern society, two people dating the same person who treats them like King's or Queen's however isn't, that to them is more wrong.

Meanwhile on the other side of the Gionna farm, Logan has found his sister and took her back home, as soon as they pulled into the driveway, Brooke climbed out his car and stormed towards the front door where Scarlett was waiting for her, hoping for a hug or at least an explanation, instead she just gave a small comment.

Brooke: Logan's an ass.

Brooke stormed past her then ran into the house and up the stairs, Logan didn't seem to take her insult seriously while he walked towards the house himself, with a small shrug he told Scarlett what happened.

Logan: I found her tongue tied with some college jerkoff. I pulled them apart and told him to get lost.

Along the way back she gave him the whole teenage stuff about being embarrassed and her life being ruined now and what not but Logan didn't take her too seriously, she's a good kid and just going through a faze where she misses home, she'll be back to normal once she gets more friends and used to the new life.

Logan: Okay, gotta get going...

Logan was about to walk away and get back into the car but before he could, Scarlett called him back, stopping him from walking away and turned back to her, that's when he saw her looking a little nervous about something, maybe worried.

Scarlett: Can we talk for a second?

Logan wasn't sure what she could possibly want to talk about but nodded anyway, he wants to help her in every way that he can since he's the reason their here now, he walked into the house, then followed her to the living room where she sat down and he saw opposite her in the couch across from her.

Scarlett: Don't talk, just listen...

Logan once again nodded after he was about to ask what was up, that's when she took a really deep breath, actually worrying Logan now, all different scenario's are running through his mind of what it could be but nothing seemed to actually make perfect sense.

Scarlett: ... It's about Rosie...

Logan was now a whole new set of worried, what happened to Rosie, is she hurt, is she angry at him, has he done something wrong, or is it worse then all that, no matter what Logan thought, nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to hear.

Scarlett: ... She's not you're sister. She's you're daughter...


*So the gender of Logan and Alexis' baby is a boy, let me know what you think the name should be! Take Care!*

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