Chapter 27: A New Home!

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2023 is going to be a wild year for Logan, Gionna and Alexis, in a few months the baby will be here, Logan will have finished filming "12 Rounds", Gionna's aiming for an Autumn wedding and not to mention, Logan's return to the WWE with a huge story lined up for him once he does make that much anticipated comeback, most of the fans were a little unsure about him returning since he was cast as Cody in the new "12 Rounds" film, Logan put their worries to rest though with a simple Instagram post.

"A Wolf always returns to it's Den 🐺🌕!"

With a WWE Logo behind it, once the post was made he got a lot of support to get back, none of them obviously know what he went through to get here but Logan didn't need them to know, or want them, the excuse for his absence is he got a concussion back in Cardiff, he'll be back in Texas at the Royal Rumble, that depends on what his medical says right now.

Doctor: How you feeling?

Logan's with the doctor now with Gionna, Alexis didn't feel like coming out today, she's in that weird stage of the pregnancy where she doesn't really want to do anything other then watch Tv and eat ice cream, apparently the faze won't last long but that's what their all dealing with right now.

Logan: Pretty good. Better then I ever have.

Gionna smiled over to him as he's sat on the bed with the Doctor in front of him, shinning a light in his eye, Logan can't see past the older man in front of him to see Gionna smiling a little but she's generally proud of how much he's changed over the months, it took a lot for him to go through what he did and come out the other side better, cutting ties with his father, bringing his step mom and two sisters over to America for a better life, then finding out that one of them isn't actually his sister and really his daughter, it's been a wild ride for them all.

Doctor: Alright, let's take a look at your psychical health.

He moved out the way of Logan as Logan blinked a few times trying to get the light out his eyes, he hates doing that sort of thing and the whole needles, Logan absolutely hates needles he tries his best to avoid them but today isn't one of them, today he needs to give blood to check if he has any drugs in his system, that's why Gionna's here.

Gionna: Ooo ~ I've been looking forward to this bit.

Logan chuckled as he was wearing a white polo top, he unbuttoned the top two buttons and pulled the shirt off over his head, Gionna loved Logan's body, she's not shallow but his body is much better now then when they first got together.

Logan: Cool down.

Logan leant down and gave her a kiss as she took the shirt from him, he didn't need her to take it but she wanted to hold it, Gionna has been so happy since they started dating, even with Alexis now in the fold, sure they were all worried that someone would feel neglected, left out or even the third wheel but it's worked out perfectly, all they really needed was for Alexis and Gionna to trust the other not to take up all Logan's time.

Doctor: It's completely fine, young love is something you should keep a hold of.

Logan and Gionna smiled to the doctor as he got the Heart monitor ready, apparently he's seen a lot in his years of being a doctor, this isn't Logan's usual doctor because Hunter wants to make sure they have a clear assessment, a personal doctor could be argued that he was being biased or something.

Logan: I couldn't agree more.

Logan took Gionna's left hand in his and kissed the new engagement ring on her finger, they are both so excited about getting married, it's a long time dream of Gionna's and Logan just wants to make her happy, that's his main goals now, keep his loved one's happy and create a legacy no one will forget.

Logan then stood up straight and pulled Gionna to her feet, the doctor chuckled as Gionna let out a small unexpected scream, she quickly went to a chuckle though when Logan tipped her down, pressing their lips together, Gionna wrapped her arms around his neck as they shared the moment till the doctor cleared his throat making them break the kiss.

Logan: Oh, uh. Sorry.

The Doctor again waved it off making them a little releaved, Logan never used to be nervous about public affection and he still isn't, kisses in public and hand holding is all great but intimate stuff like that, just seems to hit different now, it's a good thing, it means Logan's starting to respect others and himself more and more as the day roll past.

Doctor: If you could start running, I'll monitor your heart and pulse rate.

Logan stood on the treadmill as the doctor pressed the button till Logan was in a comfortable jog, Gionna was impressed that he ran for a good 10 minutes and still didn't even seem to break a sweat, she knew he had good stamina but she's never really seen him put it to the test, she did however think that Alexis should see this so she recorded a short video of the shirtless Logan jogging then sent it to Alexis, who's actually going through a bit of a horny faze as well, let's just say that the video didn't help.

Doctor: Okay, you seem to be in perfect shape. Better then before according to these numbers.

Logan got off the machine and dried himself down with a towel a nurse supplied for them earlier, Gionna went to hand him back his t-shirt but stopped and pulled it away from him, Logan leant to grab it but she used him leaning towards her to tip toe and push their lips together, the doctor looked to them and shook his head while glancing at the clipboard in his hands.

Doctor: You kids these days.

Logan and Gionna chuckled to the older man in the room after Logan had managed to get his shirt back from the former Smackdown Women's Champion, Gionna then grabbed her bites and bobs while Logan put his shirt on, the doctor wrote something down then handed it up to Logan with a smile on his face.

Doctor: I'm going to give you the clear to return. Your good to go.

Logan let out a little cheer as Gionna did cheer for him, months he's been away from the ring, months of hard work, emotions and turmoil all coming to this moment that meant so much to them both, Alexis will be over the moon as well, though maybe not physically, she can barely climb onto a stool right now much less jump over the moon.

Logan: Thanks a lot, doc. Really appreciate, it.

The Doctor stood and shook Logan's hand before doing the same respectfully gesture to Gionna, they both then left the doctor's office with a different skip in their steps Logan will be back on Tour with Gionna, maybe even Alexis could come with them, neither want to leave her alone that's for certain, especially since Logan's been home with her most the time since she started staying with them, which is why Logan has put wheels in motion to make that all better for them in the near future, he's kept it a secret till now though because he didn't want to spoil the surprise, it hasn't got long now till it's ready anyway, which is just another reason for why he rushed home to tell Alexis the good news about him now making his comeback at the Royal Rumble...


... Today's the day, Logan's been working on this for a few weeks now, it was more recently that he found what he wanted but thanks to a little help, Logan was able to put the wheels in motion a lot faster then anyone would have expected, Logan's clearly excited, the girls know he's planned something by the ways he's acting, yes he can keep a secret but he can't keep it hidden that he has one.

Logan: You two ready!?

Logan has been ready for a while now, as it turns out, guys get ready quicker then girls do, Logan tries to tell them that they don't need to waist time with make-up and what not but they don't listen to him, they just say it's something about confidence, Gionna and Alexis are the last two in the world Logan thought would need confidence but here they are.

Alexis: Do you have any idea how long it takes to get dressed with a baby growing in you?

Logan was making sure the large number of dogs they now have are set for a couple of hours but looked to the stairs when he heard Alexis and saw them both walking down to him, they of course looked great, although Logan's not sure why Alexis has sunglasses on her head...

... Logan's learnt though not to question pregnancy fashion, it's sort of the same with overweight people, they don't really care about style just as long as it fits them, Alexis has the same mind set but even still, she looks like she just jumped out of a computer generator of someone creating the perfect women.

Logan: Beautiful. Let's go.

Logan, Gionna and Alexis went out to the car, Gionna climbed into the back while Logan helped Alexis into the passenger seat, and by help, he held her hand so she has somewhere to apply pressure when she climbs up, Logan didn't mind, it's his fault this happened after all, well, sort of, it was Gionna's idea but neither he nor Alexis said no.

Gionna: Where are you taking us?

Logan looked back as Gionna leant forward on both the front seats, Logan just smiled a little with a simple shrug, it's a place that will make them all happy, he's certain their going to love it and it's only a short distance away, it's actually closure to both Alexis' parents and Logan's families homes so that's a plus and Logan's still open to moving Gio's family down here but their being a little more stubborn about it then Bob and Angela were.

Logan: Both of you, put these on.

Alexis and Gionna stooped their small talk, mainly about names for the baby boy about to join then in a few months time, and watched as Logan reached over to the glove box and pulled something out, dropping on in Alexis lap then another tossed behind him to Gionna they both looked them over before realising what they were.

Alexis: Blindfolds? You want us to put these on?

Logan nodded while glancing between the open road and her, Alexis was clearly puzzled by this, he's not really the blindfold kind of guy so she brushed that idea away but that made her more curious to what's going on, Gionna however was a little to quick to be okay with this.

Gionna: Oh, yes! My safe phrase is "No daddy, don't put it there."

Logan and Alexis laughed as Gionna worked on tying the blindfold on, Alexis though tried but she was laughing too much so she had to wait till she clamed down, Logan though took a mental note of how pleased she was to have been giving a blindfold, they didn't own them before, Logan bought them special for this moment and it was fast approaching as he pulled into a driveway and looked to the new house...

*Ignore the Porsche!*

... Logan parked his BMW M5 and got out, he helped Gionna out first and put her in position so when she took off the blindfold she look up to the house, it's a perfect day today as well, since the sun is shining and the sky is completely blue, Logan couldn't have wished for a better day to have done this.

Logan: Okay, you ready?

Logan asked them both when he helped Alexis out and made her stand next to the taller blond, it was easy to forget that Alexis was shorter then Gionna but seeing them side by side, it was pretty easy to spot, once they both nodded, Logan stood on the front porch with a pretty big smile on his face.

Logan: Take'em off!

Logan called to them and the both took the blindfolds off at once, seeing Logan standing there with his goofy smile and the brand new building behind them, they both had the same sort of reaction, "Oh my gods" and "Is this ours?", now they've never actually talked about it but for months Logan's been living with Gionna and Alexis has recently joined them, with the baby and this new Polygamy relationship, Gionna's place was getting a little cramped.

Logan: Slow down. I had some money left over from selling the house back in England. I was going to buy a new car but figured I should put the people I care about first.

Gionna and Alexis both hugged him and they went into the house looking around, Gionna even asked about the animals, Logan pointed out the back which made her sceptical, but once she opened the patio doors she saw a large plot of land, a chicken coop, a barn for her cows and a little pig pen for Piggles to run around in when she's not roaming the halls of the house.

Gionna: You're the best.

Logan smiled as she hugged him, her arms wrapped around him, Logan put his left arm around her keeping her close then doing the same when Alexis joined them, she hasn't seen upstairs yet but Logan has even got one of the bedrooms ready for when the baby gets here, she'll love that.

Logan: Well, I still got a car. Just a different one. Go have a look.

Alexis and Gionna went to the garage, following Logan as he had already moved it here, he wanted it to be a surprise, so with his BMW M5, Alexis' BMW X6, Logan thought that another car might not be too much to ask for, especially now that there's three of them and soon to be four, Logan figured it was a smart choice...

... He also loves the car, it's nothing crazy sporty like he wanted but the small amount of money he kept a little selfishly for himself, he ended up spending it on Gionna, Alexis and his soon to be son, Logan hasn't done many things like this in his life but he's never been this kind of happy before, he's made peace with his family, his troubled past behind him and now he has the future to look forward to, and it's name is Alexis, Gionna, their son, his family and the WWE, it's going to be fun going back on the road...


(Take Care!)

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